Avan Brocktull

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Avan Brocktull
Image of Avan Brocktull
Role Stable-master
Gender Man
Race Hobbit
Region Enedwaith
Settlement Maur Tulhau
Map Ref [62.9S, 23.2W]


Avan Brocktull is the Stable-master of Maur Tulhau in Enedwaith.


He sells horse or pony rides to the following stables:

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Adv.)
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Lintrev (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. Level: None
Lintrev Swanfleet 1 Silver  Min. Level: None