Anórien (After Battle)

Anórien (After Battle) is a region in Gondor.
This region overlaps Minas Tirith and the Pelennor in Old Anórien and Osgiliath in Eastern Gondor, but is separated from them in time, occurring after the Battle of Pelennor Fields. The post-battle versions of each area are thus Minas Tirith (After-battle), The Pelennor Fields (After-battle), and Osgiliath (After Battle).
- Level: 105
- Factions: Host of the West
- Introduced: Update 19: March of the King - October 18, 2016
- Crafting: Anórien (T10)
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
March of the King
Anórien (After Battle) Locations
Locations found within the region of Anórien (After Battle) are listed below.
For more detail, see Anórien (After Battle) Deeds |
For more detail, see Anórien (After Battle) Titles
Anórien (After Battle) Reputation
Aragorn's Pavilion - Main base of the Host of the West
Connected Locations

Crafting Tier(s):
- Anórien (T10): Anórien Skarn Deposit, Poplar Branches, Anórien Hide, Lavish Chest
- Primarily: Inside the settlement of Minas Tirith: The House of Craft
March north! Escort Aragorn and the Host of the West into North Ithilien beneath the ever-watchful Eye of Sauron. Seek out the hidden Ranger encampment of Henneth Annûn as you and your allies prepare for the coming battle. Experience exciting adventures in dangerous new locations as you march toward the Black Land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.
The March of the King - after the battle of Pelennor Fields
Minas Tirith after the battle of Pelennor Fields
Pelennor after the battle of Pelennor Fields
Osgiliath after the battle of Pelennor Fields
Regions within the Land of Gondor
| ||
Before Battle: Central Gondor • Eastern Gondor • Far Anórien • Old Anórien • Western Gondor After Battle: Anfalas • Anórien • North Ithilien • King's Gondor • Pinnath Gelin • The Wastes |
Category Overview
List of everything in region: