Lhan Garan

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Lhan Garan
Region: Swanfleet
Area: Wadewater
Location: [54.6S, 27.0W]
Lhan Garan
Lhan Garan

Lhan Garan is a Dunlending settlement on the eastern shore of the river delta of Wadewater in Swanfleet. [54.6S, 27.0W]

This town was recently established by Dunlendings fleeing from the turmoil brewing in Brundir, more commonly known as Dunland, to the south. They have lived harmoniously with the men in Mossward as well as the Stoor-hobbits in the vales to the south. Despite being a relatively new settlement to the region, Lhan Garan offers a greater selection of services than any other settlement in Swanfleet.

Nevertheless, the townsfolk have their hands full further establishing their roots in the land and are gracious for any aid that their neighbors can provide them.


Lhan Garan Stables


Near the docks:
Oven, Study, Workbench [54.9S, 27.3W]
By the tower near the fields:
Farmland, Forge, Workbench [54.5S, 27.4W]
At the top of the hill:
Workbench [54.8S, 26.9W]



These deeds can be advanced by visiting this location:


Lhan Garan Crafting Hut


[5] Introduction to Crafting
[10] Learning to Fish in Lhan Garan
[10] The Scout-trainees of Lhan Garan
[10] Do Avanc Taste Good?
[10] A Humble Roast
[10] What Avanc Eat
[10] The Fishermen Again
[10] A Quick Check
[10] Instance: A Reunion Bittersweet




"Lhan Garan is a settlement of fairly recent construction, established on the edge of the marshes of the Wadewater by Dunlendings who have come north in search of a better life than the one they feared awaited them in Enedwaith and Dunland. They seek peaceful coexistence with the folk of Mossward on the other side of the Old South Road, and so far the two peoples have managed to get along without serious incident. The one exception: children of Mossward are particularly interested in the dangers that lurk just beneath the surface of the marshes, and scouts of Lhan Garan have had to rescue wayward children and send them back home. The Dunlendings have found this a more entertaining occurrence than have the people of Mossward." — Deed
