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Throughout Middle-earth there are various factions, who may reward you if you gain sufficient standing (reputation) in their eyes.

Reputation may be gained by completing quests, defeating specific mobs, turning in specific mob-drop items, crafting items, and completing deeds. Handing in of Reputation Items was previously achieved through quests or a vendor interface with a reputation NPC, but the vast majority of reputation items can now be double-clicked and redeemed directly out of inventory.

For lists of all related subjects see: Category:Reputations

Benefits of Reputation

There are two primary benefits gained by earning reputation -
  1. Reduced Travel and/or Repair costs
  2. Access to certain "restricted access" items - especially true with Crafting Guild reputation

Reputation Levels

  • Benefits listed in this table may vary by faction. In particular, Travel and Repair benefits often occur at different levels. See Vendor and Travel Discounts for details.
  • While reputation vendors are unlocked at Acquaintance, some of the items they sell can only be used with higher levels of reputation.
Faction Level Guild Level Hobnanigans Level Points Per Level Total Points * Notes & Rewards
Enemy 10,000   -20,000   Only reachable in the Ale Association, the Inn League, Fushaum Bal North, Fushaum Bal South
Outsider 10,000   -10,000   Starting level for Lossoth of Forochel, Fushaum Bal North, Fushaum Bal South, the League of the Axe, Red Sky Clan, Kharum-ubnâr, Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl, The Ikorbâni, The Adúrhid
Neutral Guild Initiate Rookie^ 0   0   Starting level for most factions
Maximum level for Fushaum Bal North, Fushaum Bal South
Acquaintance Apprentice of the Guild Minor Leaguer^ 10,000   10,000   Starting level for The Grey Company
Access to reputation areas & their vendors
Access to Guild Expert Recipes (T3)
Friend Journeyman of the Guild Major Leaguer^ 20,000   30,000   Maximum level for Red Sky Clan
10-25% Travel discount from faction stables
Access to Guild Artisan Recipes (T4)
Ally Expert of the Guild All-star^ 25,000   55,000   Maximum level for Kharum-ubnâr, The League of the Axe
Discounted Repair costs (approx 20-25%) and discount (5%) from faction vendors
Access to Guild Master Recipes (T5)
Kindred Artisan of the Guild Hall of Famer^ 30,000   85,000   Maximum level for most factions
Reputation mounts; Repair discount
Access to Guild Supreme Recipes (T6)
Respected Master of the Guild 45,000   130,000   Maximum level for Dwarves of Erebor, The Gabil'akkâ, The Renewal of Gondor, Phetekâri of Umbar
Access to Guild Westfold Recipes (T7)
Esteemed / Honoured Eastemnet Master of the Guild 60,000   190,000   Access to Guild Eastemnet Recipes (T8)
Celebrated Westemnet Master of the Guild 90,000   280,000   Maximum level for Defenders of Minas Tirith, Host of the West, Conquest of Gorgoroth, The Great Alliance, The White Company, Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold
Access to Guild Westemnet Recipes (T9)
Honoured Master of the Guild 200,000   480,000   Access to Guild Minas Ithil Recipes (T13) and Guild Gundabad Recipes (T14)
^ Only available with the Hobnanigans reputation faction, the Chicken Chasing League of Eriador.
* Dol Amroth and Host of the West have additional subfactions. Those in Dol Amroth have only one level, Acquaintance. Allegiances use a different level/points structure.
* Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl requires more points per level than the other factions. 15,000 are needed to reach Neutral, 20,000 to reach Acquaintance, 25,000 to reach Friend, 30,000 to reach Ally and 35,000 to reach Kindred.


Table of Reputation Factions:

[hide][hide]Level Faction Name Area Region World
to the Elves
1 Thorin's Hall Thorin's Hall Ered Luin X
1 The Mathom Society Michel Delving The Shire X
1 Men of Bree Bree Bree-land X
1 Dúnedain of Cardolan Sírlond Cardolan
1 The Inn League Michel Delving: The Bird and Baby Inn The Shire
1 The Ale Association Thorin's Hall: Thorin's Hall Inn Ered Luin
1 The Path of Valour in all Starter Regions in all Starter Regions
1 Chicken Chasing League of Eriador Bree-land Bree-land
20-23 The Yonder-watch Nobottle Yondershire
22-35 The Eglain Ost Guruth Lone-lands X
24-32 Rangers of Esteldín Esteldín North Downs X
30-40 The Wardens of Annúminas Tinnudir Evendim X
35-40 Elves of Rivendell Rivendell Trollshaws X X
40-45 Defenders of the Angle The Angle of Mitheithel Trollshaws
40-50 Council of the North Gath Forthnír Angmar X
44-50 Lossoth of Forochel Sûri-kylä Forochel X
45 The League of the Axe Trader's Wharf The Wildwood
45 Woodcutter's Brotherhood Trestlebridge Gate (West) The Wildwood
50 The Eldgang The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu Angmar
50-60 Iron Garrison Guards
Iron Garrison Miners
The Twenty-first Hall Moria
56-60 Galadhrim Lothlórien Lothlórien X
60-65 Algraig, Men of Enedwaith Lhanuch Enedwaith X
60-65 The Grey Company Nan Laeglin Enedwaith X
60-65 Malledhrim Mirkwood Mirkwood X
65-75 Men of Dunland Galtrev Dunland
70-75 The Riders of Stangard Stangard The Great River
70-75 Théodred's Riders Isendale Gap of Rohan
70-75 Heroes of Limlight Gorge Limlight Gorge The Great River
75-85 Men of the Wold The Wold East Rohan
75-85 Men of the Norcrofts Norcrofts East Rohan
75-85 Men of the Sutcrofts Sutcrofts East Rohan
75-85 Men of the Entwash Vale Entwash Vale East Rohan
80 Townsfolk of the Eastfold Eastfold Hills Homesteads West Rohan
80 Townsfolk of the Kingstead Kingstead Meadows Homesteads West Rohan
85 People of Wildermore
Survivors of Wildermore
Forlaw Wildermore
85-95 The Ents of Fangorn Forest Entwood West Rohan
85-95 The Eorlingas West Rohan West Rohan
85-95 The Helmingas West Rohan West Rohan
95-100 Dol Amroth
Dol Amroth City Watch
-- Library District
-- Armoury District
-- Bank District
-- Docks District
-- Great Hall District
-- Mason District
-- Swan-knights District
-- Warehouse District
Dol Amroth Western Gondor
100 Men of Ringló Vale Ringló Vale Central Gondor
100 Men of Dor-en-Ernil Dor-en-Ernil Central Gondor
100 Men of Lebennin Lower Lebennin Central Gondor
100 Pelargir Pelargir Central Gondor
100 Rangers of Ithilien South Ithilien Eastern Gondor
100 Defenders of Minas Tirith Minas Tirith Minas Tirith
100-105 Host of the West
-- Weapons
-- Armour
-- Provisions
Ithilien North Ithilien
100-105 Riders of Rohan Taur Drúadan Far Anórien
110-115 Conquest of Gorgoroth Udûn
Dor Amarth
Talath Úrui
The Plateau of Gorgoroth
112-115 Enmity of Fushaum Bal north
Enmity of Fushaum Bal south
Talath Úrui The Plateau of Gorgoroth
114-115 Red Sky Clan Agarnaith The Plateau of Gorgoroth
115 Kharum-ubnâr Erebor Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
115-120 Dwarves of Erebor
Elves of Felegoth
Men of Dale
Eryn Lasgalen
The Dale-lands
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
115-120 Grey Mountains Expedition Járnfast Iron Hills
120 Wilderfolk Beorninghús Vales of Anduin
130 The Great Alliance Adambel Mordor Besieged
130 The White Company Echad Uial The Morgul Vale
130 Reclamation of Minas Ithil Echad Uial The Morgul Vale
130 Protectors of Wilderland Limlók Wells of Langflood
130 The Gabil'akkâ Annâk-khurfu War Room Elderslade
130 March on Gundabad Annâk-khurfu War Room Elderslade
130 The Haban'akkâ of Thráin Amdân, the Threshold Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
130-140 Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold Zidir-nesad, the Steepset Gundabad
140 Stewards of the Iron-home Bail Avarc Ephel Angren
140-150 The Renewal of Gondor Pelargir King's Gondor
145-150 Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl Umbar Baharbêl Cape of Umbar
150 Phetekâri of Umbar or Tale-wardens Ambarûl,Imhûlar, Khûd Zagin, and Urash Dâr Valley of Ikorbân
150 The Adúrhid or Kintai Imhûlar, Khûd Zagin, and Urash Dâr Valley of Ikorbân
150 The Ikorbâni Ambarûl Valley of Ikorbân
  • Level pertains to the region levels in which each faction presides. Some factions (such as those with Missions) can give reputation at lower player levels.
  • World Renowned is a meta-deed which requires Kindred standing with the factions marked with an X in the World Renown column.
  • Ambassador to the Elves is a meta-deed which requires Kindred standing with the three Elvish factions marked with an X in the Ambassador column.

Factions by Region


Completing a reputation deed can provide titles, travel discounts, bonuses and will allow the purchase of special reputation items and horses.


Most reputation titles are awarded on completion of a deed.

Reputation Items

Some items are dropped by creatures that provide reputation when right-clicked. Some items can only be purchased after you have sufficient reputation, most notably horses.


Some quests reward reputation upon completion. There are a number of crafting quests that require the creation of items that reward reputation and once the quest is complete it also rewards reputation.


Crafting Guilds

See Crafting Guild for further details.
Guild Name Location Region
Cook's Guild Michel Delving's Craft-fair The Shire
Weaponsmith's Guild Thorin's Hall - The Forging Hall Ered Luin
Metalsmith's Guild Thorin's Hall - The Forging Hall Ered Luin
Scholar's Guild The Last Homely House in Rivendell Trollshaws
Tailor's Guild Craft-hall of Esteldín North Downs
Jeweller's Guild Craft-hall of Esteldín North Downs
Woodworker's Guild Craft-hall of Esteldín North Downs
All crafting guilds Galtrev Dunland
All crafting guilds Snowbourn Sutcrofts
All crafting guilds Aldburg West Rohan
All crafting guilds Dol Amroth Western Gondor
All crafting guilds Minas Tirith Old Anórien
All crafting guilds Minas Tirith (After-battle) Anórien (After Battle)
All crafting guilds Minas Tirith (Midsummer) Anórien (After Battle)
All crafting guilds Dale Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
All crafting guilds Estolad Lân Morgul Vale
All crafting guilds Dol Amroth King's Gondor
All crafting guilds Umbar Baharbêl Cape of Umbar