Men of the Norcrofts

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The Men of the Norcrofts is a reputation faction with the Rohirrim of the Norcrofts in East Rohan.

Location and Dramatis personæ

Harwick Quartermaster Shop

East Rohan Barterers can be found:

  • There are no Entwash Vale specific barterers, just the general East Rohan barterers

Gaining Reputation


Most quests in all areas of the Norcrofts grant faction reputation including Hytbold Quests:
(Click arrow to expand the list)

Repeatable Quests

"Daily" quests and Warbands in Norcrofts continue to grant faction reputation
Quests in Springview Estate:

Quests in Trader's Outpost:


Quest from Gladsnel, Aldbéort, and Hwitnyd in Cliving:

Gain reputation thru Rinwald in Hytbold, he will exchange 5 Tokens of Hytbold for 1200 reputation points

Creatures and Mobs

No mob kills grant reputation with this faction.


Task Qty Level Faction Points SXP IXP
Men of the Norcroft Task: Contorted Ears 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes
Men of the Norcroft Task: Silky Fur 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes
Men of the Norcroft Task: Speckled Ears 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes
Men of the Norcroft Task: Stained Skins 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes
Men of the Norcroft Task: Stubby Beaks 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes
Men of the Norcroft Task: Tarnished Sword Sheaths 10 80 Men of the Norcrofts: 300 Yes Yes

Reputation Items

Item  How to obtain  Use
 Silver Token of the Riddermark Most quest in the area reward barter for East Rohan loot
 Golden Token of the Riddermark a few Deeds in the area reward barter for East Rohan loot
 Token of Hytbold some quests in the area reward collect 5 to gain 1200 rep or use to restore Hytbold
Standing Increase: 1,200 Increased Standing (1200) Rinwald in Hytbold will exchange 5 Tokens of Hytbold


No deeds grant reputation with this faction.


Barterer Eastemnet Armour Quartermaster in Harwick Quartermaster Shop [39.2S, 52.4W], in Snowbourn outside the Mead Hall [60.4S, 62.2W], in the north portion of Eaworth [47.2S, 63.8W]

Barterer Eastemnet Shields, Weapons, Jewellery Quartermaster in Harwick Quartermaster Shop [39.2S, 52.4W], in Snowbourn outside the Mead Hall [60.4S, 62.2W], in the north portion of Eaworth [47.2S, 63.8W]

Barterer Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in Harwick Quartermaster Shop [39.2S, 52.4W], in Snowbourn outside the Mead Hall [60.4S, 62.2W], in the north portion of Eaworth [47.2S, 63.8W]



