Foxden Road

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Foxden Road
Type: Crossroads
Region: The Shire
Area: The Yondershire
Location: [29.4S, 79.2W]

Foxden Road is a crossroads within the Yondershire, in the Shire. [29.4S, 79.2W]

At a crossroads in the south of Yondershire is a stable-master and a camp site fire servicing the weary traveller. One could say this is located in the middle of nowhere but southwest of the stable the beautiful Foxden Heath invites for peaceful perambulations.


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Oatbarton Evendim 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20