Glass-blowers' Camp

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Glass-blowers' Camp
Region: Evendim
Area: Bullroarer's Sward
Location: [21.2S, 64.4W]

Glass-blowers' Camp is a settlement located within the area of Bullroarer's Sward, in Evendim. [21.2S, 64.4W]

Hobbit glass-blowers from the nearby Dwaling used to go down to the shores of Brandywine River to collect sand for their craft. But recently "the Chief"'s men overrun Dwaling and many of the residents are now taking refuge at Hob Hillbrow's house at the Glass-blowers' Camp. And if this was not enough, a group of hobgoblins have set up camp south-east of the glass-blowers.

Glass-blowers' Camp hosts a healer, a provisioner, and also a stable-master who is found at the big conjunction just north-west of the camp. The hobbit refugees are more than happy to put travellers to task at quelling the threats they are facing.


The Camp's Stable-master
The midnight sky over the camp


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
High King's Crossing Evendim 15 Silver 
High King's Crossing (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Oatbarton Evendim 15 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Ost Forod Evendim 15 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 





NPC Function Coords
Supplies & Services
Grimric Brockhouse Stable-master [20.8S, 64.7W]
Donna Brandybuck Healer [21.2S, 64.4W]
Percy Newbanks Provisioner [21.1S, 64.4W]
Bob Greeneaves Quest [21.2S, 64.5W]
Hob Hillbrow Quest [21.2S, 64.5W]
Mundaric Sandheaver Quest [21.2S, 64.4W]
Pearl Goodbody Quest [21.2S, 64.4W]
Ronald Dwale Quest [21.2S, 64.5W]
Wald Hillburrow Quest [21.2S, 64.4W]


Glass-blowing is not explicitly mentioned in Tolkiens work but hobbit holes have windows and glass is commonly used by all races. Neither does anything connect Dwaling with glass-blowing but in Lotro this camp makes a nice setting for brigands having overrun the peaceful village next to the camp.
