Stable-master (Zidir-nesad, the Steepset)

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Stable-master (Zidir-nesad, the Steepset)
Image of Stable-master (Zidir-nesad, the Steepset)
Title Far-ranging Stables
Role Stable-master
Race Dwarf
Region Gundabad
Area Máttugard
Settlement Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
Map Ref [45.6S, 114.6W]


The Stable-master of Zidir-nesad, the Steepset. [45.6S, 114.6W]


Sells travelling to the following destinations:

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
  Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Minas Tirith (After-battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
South Bree (Swift) Bree 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  Rohan - Westemnet
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  Strongholds of the North
Erebor (Swift) The Dale-lands 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Felegoth (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Rivendell (Swift) Rivendell 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130