Pip Wortley

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Pip Wortley
Image of Pip Wortley
Role Stable-master
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Lone-lands
Area Annunlos
Settlement The Forsaken Inn
Map Ref [34.4S, 40.6W]

Pip Wortley is the Stable-master for the Forsaken Inn, in the Lone-lands.


Pip sells horse and pony rides to the following stables:

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Bree-land Homesteads (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver 
Bree-land Homesteads Bree-land 1 Silver 
South Bree Bree-land 5 Silver 
Caranost (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Caranost Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Scurloc Farm (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Scurloc Farm Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
The Lone-lands
Ost Guruth Lone-lands 15 Silver