Stable-master (Barad Elenath)

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Minas Morgul Guide
Image of Minas Morgul Guide
Role Stable-master
Race Man
Region Morgul Vale
Area Minas Morgul
Map Ref [66.7S, 0.6E]


The Stable-master for Barad Elenath in in the Morgul Vale. [66.7S, 0.6E]


He sells horse and pony rides to the following stables within Minas Morgul:

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barad Angarth, the Gate-wardens' Keep (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Wrath
Barad Arthir, the Lofty Watch-fort (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Despair
Barad Orhant, the Tower of the Treegarth (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Sorrow