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Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Damage/Tank
Available to races: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit, Stout-axe
Gameplay: Wardens are mobile melee combatants who use Javelins for initiating combat and against ranged foes. Their unique Warden Shield and a variety of defensive skills allow them to stay in the fight longer than most. Basic Warden skills build up their Gambit chain, which can be spent to unleash special Gambit skills. In Fellowships, a Warden forces enemies to attack themself, so their more fragile allies will not be harmed by the foes.
Lore: The Warden patrols the borders of civilized lands, preventing the encroachment of fell creatures from the Wild. They limit themselves to medium armour, so they can travel swiftly and silently to defend those they protect from threats. Wardens all have some military training, and have mastered a style of combat that uses combinations of basic attacks to create masterful Gambits.
The class was inspired by the marchwarden of Lothlórien, Haldir, and his brothers Rúmil and Orophin.

A female Hobbit Warden



The Warden patrols the borders of civilized lands, preventing the encroachment of fell creatures from the Wild. They limit themselves to medium armour so that they can travel swiftly and silently to defend those they protect from threats. Wardens all have some military training and have mastered a style of combat that uses combinations of basic attacks to create masterful Gambits. The class was inspired by the marchwarden of Lothlórien, Haldir, and his brothers Rúmil and Orophin.

Development Background

Turbine has explained that "the Warden's gameplay mechanics owe a debt to Tekken as much as to any Elf-lord." LotRO Executive director Jeffrey Steefel described the Warden as a character "for players [that] want to anticipate what they'll need 10 seconds from now as opposed to right this second."[1] Creative Director Cardell Kerr describes the Warden as "the local beat cop of Middle earth ... he has this kind of utility about him."[2]

Warden's Role in Groups

A Warden's role depends on the specialization chosen. Wardens can assume one of the following three roles:

  • Tank: When a Warden specializes in the blue Determination line, they assume the role of a tank. In this role you want to draw the attention of enemies to yourself by gaining threat or aggro, to prevent harm to your allies. You are also responsible for placement of your enemies within the environment, to optimize the outgoing damage of your allies and to prevent them from standing in harmful puddles. Wardens use only medium armour, and this plays an essential part in the tanking role and the related trait tree. What the wardens lack in armour is compensated with various buffs obtained from their skills. These range from self-heals, increased avoidances and improved mitigations. Threat or aggro is primarily gained from Light-type attacks and heals. Forced taunts are only very sparsely available in the warden class. In the blue line, your threat generation from damage follows a ratio of 3:1, so you can keep up with the threat generated by DPS classes. Tanking is the warden's primary role they originally were designed for, and since their release with the Mines of Moria expansion they have always been promoted as a tank. However, due to scaling issues and lack of threat copy skills, Heavy Armour classes such as the Guardian, Captain or Beorning are currently better tanks at endgame.
  • DPS (Damage Dealer): When a Warden specializes in the red Recklessness line, they focus on dealing stronger damage. When in this role, a Warden's main strength are damage over time effects or DoTs: single target bleeds and Light-type DoTs, which can be both single target and AoE. The many AoE's are a blessing, but also a curse for many challenges that often require adds not to be killed. This is especially the case in the original content of the game: Shadows of Angmar. The sustained damage of the warden is considered strong, but the burst damage of other DPS classes is higher.
  • Ranged Damage and Debuffing: While no longer available as a main specialization, the yellow Assailment line, focuses on moderate damage from distance and weakening or debuffing enemies, through the use of javelins. Although it is possible to play this role, you will be seriously outclassed by nukers or other debuffing classes such as Burglars and Lore-masters. However, a hybrid yellow/red build, in which the offensive capabilities of the red line and debuffs of the yellow line are combined, can be viable.


Gambit panel with no Gambit Icons.
Gambit panel with the Power Attack Gambit.

A Warden's most powerful abilities are achieved through the use of Gambits -- advanced skills built from special sequences of basic attacks or Gambit Builders. These builders add a Fist, Shield, Spear or Javelin icon at the end of the sequence in the Gambit Panel on the player's screen. At level 1, these sequences are limited to two icons, but sequences of up to five icons are learnt as the Warden levels up.

As they level up, Wardens obtain skills which interact with gambits. From level 24, Battle Preparation allows a Gambit to be pre-built before combat, enabling the Warden to execute a complete gambit immediately upon entering combat. The gambit can be built using either the standard builders or mastery skills.

From level 30, Wardens build Advanced Technique by completing gambits. A chain of four gambits will contribute one count of Advanced Technique up to a maximum of three. Advanced Technique enhances several of the Warden's skills such as The Way of the Spear, Desperate Combat and For the Free Peoples. Executing a skill that uses Advanced Technique will consume all counts. Advanced Technique expires out of combat. Potency skills (Defensive Strike, Deft Strike, Goad, and Ranged Deft Strike) do not contribute to gambit chains.

From level 38, the four dual-icon gambits grant the Potency effect, which stores the next gambit executed into Battle Memory. The Warden can then execute the stored gambit without having to rebuild it. Battle Memory expires out of combat.

From level 39, the Warden can make use of mastery skills to build gambit sequences faster. These are special skills that immediately grant two gambit icons without using the basic builder attacks.


Agility is the most important attribute for a Warden. It affects Physical Mastery, parry and evade ratings and Critical Rating slightly.

Agility used to give Tactical Mastery as well (which increased your Outgoing Healing), but this was removed. Vitality is also important for its Morale benefit. Prior to Update 10, a Warden's most important attribute was Might. After the change, players were given a grace period where Might and Agility would grant the same class benefits in order to update their equipment. Currently, Might gives less Physical Mastery than Agility, but it converts to the same amount of parry rating and also gives Block rating.


Wardens are able to wear Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields and Warden's Shields (but not Heavy Shields). Wardens get bonuses for using clubs, swords, spears, and javelins, but are also able to use daggers, one-handed axes, one-handed hammers and one-handed maces.

From level 20 onwards, they are able to use Shield-spikes and Oils, to change the Damage type of some of their skills. They can then also equip a carving in their Class Slot, which lowers the Power cost of certain gambit skills and offers stat buffs.


Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source Gambit Icons Added
 Gambit Default Melee 1s 30m Level 1
 Quick Thrust Melee 1s 5.2m Level 1
 Shield-bash Melee 1s 5.2m Level 1
 Warden's Taunt Melee 1s 10m Level 1
 Hampering Javelin Ranged + Debuff 20s 30m Level 2
 Ambush Ranged + Knockout + Buff 30s 30m Level 5
 Assailment - Stance Ranged Stance 4s self Level 10
 Behind the Shield Ranged 1s 30m Level 10
 In the Fray - Stance Melee Stance 4.2s self Level 10
 Quick Toss Ranged 1s 30m Level 10
 Recovery 2s self Level 10
 Warden's Aim Ranged 1s 30m Level 10
 Careful Step Stealth 3m self Level 14
 Forced March Run Speed 1.5s self Level 14
 First Aid Cure 5s self Level 16
 Shield-slam Melee + Interrupt 20s 5.2m Level 20
 Steadfast Cure 1m self Level 20
 Battle Preparation 15s self Level 24
 Prepare Fist Builder self Level 24
 Prepare Javelin Builder self Level 24
 Prepare Shield Builder self Level 24
 Prepare Spear Builder self Level 24
 Quick Recovery 0.1s self Level 25
 The Way of the Fist Buff 10s self Level 30
 The Way of the Shield Buff 10s self Level 30
 The Way of the Spear Buff 10s self Level 30
 Battle Memory Melee 1s 5.2m Level 38
 Never Surrender Heal 5m self Level 38
 Fist and Fist Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Fist and Javelin Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Fist and Shield Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Fist and Spear Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Javelin and Fist Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Javelin and Javelin Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Javelin and Shield Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Shield and Fist Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Shield and Javelin Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Shield and Shield Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Shield and Spear Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Spear and Fist Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Spear and Shield Mastery 15s self Level 39
 Spear and Spear Mastery 15s self Level 39

Default Gambits

Stance Gambits Category Range Source Gambit Icon Cost
 Deft Strike Melee + Potency 5.2m Level 1
 Defensive Strike Melee + Potency 5.2m Level 1
 Goad AoE + Melee + Potency 6.2m Level 1
 Offensive Strike AoE + Melee 6.2m Level 2
 The Boot Melee + Interrupt 5.2m Level 3
 Persevere Melee + Heal + HoT + Buff 5.2m Level 5
 Impressive Flourish Melee + Buff 5.2m Level 5
 Precise Blow Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 7
 War-cry AoE + Melee + DoT 10.2m Level 7
 Ranged Deft Strike Ranged + Potency 30m Level 10
 Ranged Boot Ranged + Interrupt 30m Level 10
 Ranged Offensive Strike AoE + Ranged 30m Level 10
 Ranged Persevere Ranged + Heal + HoT + Buff 30m Level 10
 Precise Throw Ranged + DoT 30m Level 10
 Power Attack Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 12
 Ranged Power Attack Ranged + DoT 30m Level 12
 Combination Strike AoE + Melee 6.2m Level 12
 Ranged Combination Strike AoE + Ranged 30m Level 12
 Safeguard Melee + Heal + HoT 5.2m Level 14
 Ranged Safeguard Ranged + Heal + HoT 30m Level 14
 Maddening Strike Melee + Buff 5.2m Level 14
 Piercing Strike Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 16
 Piercing Toss Ranged + DoT 30m Level 16
 Brink of Victory AoE + Melee + DoT 6.2m Level 16
 Shield Up Buff self Level 18
 Readied Blade Buff self Level 18
 Reversal Melee + Corruption 5.2m Level 20
 Ranged Reversal Ranged + Corruption 30m Level 20
 Fierce Resolve AoE + Melee + Morale-tap 6.2m Level 20
 Ranged Fierce Resolve AoE + Ranged + Morale-tap 30m Level 20
 Onslaught Melee 5.2m Level 22
 Ranged Onslaught Ranged 30m Level 22
 Deflection AoE + Ranged + Debuff 30m Level 22
 Mighty Blow Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 25
 Ranged Mighty Blow Ranged + DoT 30m Level 25
 Boar's Rush AoE + Melee 5.2m Level 25
 Ranged Boar's Rush AoE + Ranged 30m Level 25
 Spear of Virtue Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 27
 Javelin of Virtue Ranged + DoT 30m Level 27
 Resounding Challenge AoE + Melee + DoT 20.2m Level 27
 Ranged Resounding Challenge AoE + Ranged + DoT 30m Level 27
 Shield Mastery Buff self Level 30
 Shield Tactics Buff + Stun Immunity self Level 30
 Wall of Steel Melee 5.2m Level 32
 Ranged Wall of Steel Ranged 30m Level 32
 Adroit Manoeuvre Melee + Buff 5.2m Level 32
 Ranged Adroit Manoeuvre Ranged + Buff 30m Level 32
 Resolution AoE + Morale-tap 6.2m Level 34
 Ranged Resolution AoE + Morale-tap 30m Level 34
 Surety of Death AoE + Melee + DoT 6.2m Level 34
 Celebration of Skill Melee + Heal 5.2m Level 36
 Ranged Celebration of Skill Ranged + Heal 30m Level 36
 Dance of War Buff self Level 36
 Unerring Strike Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 40
 Ranged Unerring Strike Ranged + DoT 30m Level 40
 Warden's Triumph Melee + Buff 5.2m Level 42
 Ranged Warden's Triumph Ranged + Buff 30m Level 42
 Conviction AoE + Heal+ HoT + Buff 30.2m Level 43
 The Dark Before Dawn Melee + Power 5.2m Level 44
 Ranged The Dark Before Dawn Ranged + Power 30m Level 44
 Restoration Melee + Heal + HoT 5.2m Level 45
 Ranged Restoration Ranged + Heal + HoT 30m Level 45
 Desolation AoE + Melee + DoT 6.2m Level 46
 Cauterizing Steel Melee 5.2m Level 47
 Ranged Cauterizing Steel Ranged 30m Level 47
 Spear of Fate Melee + DoT 5.2m Level 48
 Javelin of Fate Ranged + DoT 30m Level 48
 Unseen Strikes AoE + Melee 5.2m Level 49
 Ranged Unseen Strikes AoE + Ranged 30m Level 49
 Exultation of Battle AoE + Morale-tap 6.2m Level 50
 Ranged Exultation of Battle AoE + Morale-tap 30m Level 50

Travel Skills

Wardens have the ability to travel quickly to many locations. Unlike Hunters, Wardens can only transport themselves and cannot take others with them. Skills with a required level in parentheses can be purchased with Mithril Coins and learned at that level.

Ability Lvl Requirement Port Location
 Muster at Andrath 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [37.6S, 49.8W]
 Muster in Annâk-khurfu 20 [32.8N, 60.9W]
 Muster at the Bloody Eagle Tavern 20 [19.7S, 97.6W]
Muster to Bej Mâghda 20 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [19.9S, 105.7W]
 Muster at Cardolan 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [50.1S, 44.7W]
 Muster at Clegur 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [64.9S, 29.3W]
 Muster at Swanfleet 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [55.2S, 27.1W]
 Muster at Nobottle 20 Acquaintance standing with the Yonder-watch [27.0S, 78.9W]
 Muster in Ost Guruth 26 [31.7S, 29.5W]
 Muster in Esteldín 32 [9.6S, 42.2W]
 Muster in Evendim 38 [12.5S, 67.3W]
 Muster at Tornhad 38 Acquaintance standing with Defenders of the Angle [42.4S, 23.2W]
 Muster in the Misty Mountains 40 Acquaintance Standing with Elves of Rivendell [24.4S, 6.9E]
 Muster in Trader's Wharf 40 Neutral standing with the League of the Axe [21.3S, 61.4W]
 Muster in Trestlebridge 40 Acquaintance standing with the Woodcutter's Brotherhood [17.7S, 54.5W]
 Muster in Rivendell 44 [30.5S, 4.6W]
 Muster to Carn Dûm 45 Neutral standing with Stewards of the Iron-home [70.3N, 28.1W].
 Muster in Sûri-kylä 48 Acquaintance Standing with the Lossoth of Forochel [19.1N, 70.3W]
 Muster in the Twenty-first Hall 56 (51) Acquaintance Standing with the Iron Garrison Miners [5.8S, 105.4W]
 Muster in Caras Galadhon 60 Acquaintance Standing with the Galadhrim [16.1S, 67.1W]
 Muster in Mirk-eaves 62 (51) Acquaintance Standing with the Malledhrim [15.3S, 61.2W]
 Muster in Harndirion 62 Friend Standing with The Grey Company [69.6S, 13.7W]
 Muster in Galtrev 70 Acquaintance Standing with the Men of Dunland [80.1S, 16.6W]
 Muster in Stangard 70 Acquaintance Standing with the Riders of Stangard [26.4S, 63.1W]
 Muster in Snowbourn 80 Acquaintance Standing with the Men of the Sutcrofts [60.5S, 61.3W]
 Muster in Aldburg 85 Friend Standing with The Eorlingas [68.5S, 64.0W]
 Muster in Forlaw 85 Acquaintance Standing with the People of Wildermore [39.4S, 60.9W]
 Muster in Helm's Deep 90 Friend Standing with The Helmingas [63.8S, 89.4W]
 Muster in Dol Amroth 95 Friend Standing with Dol Amroth [74.7S, 71.3W]
 Muster in Arnach 100 Friend Standing with Rangers of Ithilien [76.8S, 24.6W]
 Muster in Minas Tirith 100 Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [65.5S, 16.7W]
 Muster in the War-stead 100 Friend Standing with Riders of Rohan [45.4S, 26.0W]
 Muster in after-battle Minas Tirith 100 Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [ 65.5S, 16.7W]
 Muster in after-battle Osgiliath 100 Friend Standing with Host of the West [63.0S, 6.5W]
 Muster in Henneth Annûn 100 Friend Standing with Host of the West [48.1S, 8.1W]
 Muster in the Camp of the Host 100 Kindred Standing with Host of the West [40.8S, 10.3W]
 Muster in Haerondir 100 Respected Standing with Host of the West [36.6S, 9.2W]
 Muster in the Udûn Foothold 105 Friend Standing with Conquest of Gorgoroth [41.2S, 0.6W]
 Muster in Dale 115 Acquaintance Standing with Men of Dale [23.8N, 26.3W]
 Muster in Járnfast 116 Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [28.3N, 3.9W]
 Muster in Skarháld 116 Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [36.4N, 45.3W]
 Muster in Hultvís 116 Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [5.0N, 55.1W]
 Muster in Beorninghús 116 Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [14.1N, 53.3W]
 Muster in Estolad Lân 121 Acquaintance Standing with the White Company [64.5S, 2.2W]
 Muster in Limlók 130 Acquaintance Standing with Protectors of Wilderland [20.7N, 55.9W]
 Muster in Akrâz-zahar 130 Neutral standing with Kharum-ubnâr [14.6N, 136.1W]
 Muster in Azanulbizar 130 Dumul (Acquaintance) standing with the Haban'akkâ of Thráin [62.6N, 135.2W]
 Muster at the Noble Gate 131 Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [49.5S, 111.2W]
 Muster at Leitstáth 135 Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [47.0N, 64.9W]
 Muster at Dol Amroth 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [75.5S, 72.4W]
 Muster at Lond Cirion 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [69.0S, 88.8W]
 Muster at Pelargir 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [83.0S, 34.8W]
 Muster at Halrax 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [9.7S, 126.8W]
 Muster at Jax Phanâl 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [14.4S, 114.7W]
 Muster at Umbar 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [18.5S, 100.7W]


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Determination (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Restorative Shield-work Buff 1m 30s Self Set: Initial Skill
 Warning Shot Ranged + Force Attack 10s 30m Set: Initial Skill
 Desperate Combat Buff 1m 30s Self Set:  Desperate Combat
 Desperate Spear Melee + Debuff 2s 6.2m Set:  Desperate Combat
 Defiant Challenge AoE + Force Attack + Reflect 30s 10.2m Trait:  Warden's Challenge
 For the Free Peoples Fellowship Buff 1m 30s 40m Trait:  For the Free Peoples


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Recklessness (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Recklessness Buff 1m 30s Self Trait:  Recklessness


These skills are acquired by spending points in the Warden Assailment (Yellow) trait tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Javelin of Deadly Force Ranged + Buff 1m 30.2m Trait:  Javelin of Deadly Force
 Fire at Will Fellowship Buff 1m 40m Trait:  Fire at Will
 Rapid Techniques Buff 1m 30s Self Trait:  Rapid Technique

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in East Rohan or later regions. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in earlier regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.

Skills Unaffected by Stance/Discipline

Skill Category Attunes Range Cooldown Source
 Sacrifice Buff Quest: Devastation in the North
 A Warden's Resolve Buff Quest: Devastation in the North
 Shield the Flank Buff Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Halt the Charge DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Lancer's Charge DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1

Red Dawn

Skill Category Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Red Dawn Stance Quest: Devastation in the North
 Defence of the Eorlingas Buff Trait: Devastation in the North
 Clash of Steel and Will DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Call of the Cavalry DoT + Debuff Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Strike with Power DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Assault of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Roar of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Skill of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1


Skill Category Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Riddermark Stance Quest: Devastation in the North
 Defence of the Eorlingas Buff Trait: Devastation in the North
 Clash of Steel and Will DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Call of the Cavalry DoT + Debuff Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Strike with Power DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Assault of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Roar of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Skill of the Eorlingas DoT Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1


Skill Category Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Rohirrim Stance Quest: Devastation in the North
 Defence of the Eorlingas Buff Trait: Devastation in the North
 Clash of Steel and Will DoT + Heal Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Call of the Cavalry DoT + Debuff Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Strike with Power DoT+ Heal Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Assault of the Eorlingas DoT+ Heal Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Roar of the Eorlingas DoT+ Heal Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Skill of the Eorlingas DoT + Heal Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, or Man

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1
 Shields 1
 Warden's Shields 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Club Training 1
 Daggers 1
 Javelins 1
 One-handed Axes 1
 One-handed Hammers 1
 One-handed Maces 1
 Spear Training 1
 Sword Training 1
 Expert Club Training 15
 Expert Spear Training 15
 Expert Sword Training 15
 Master Club Training 30
 Master Spear Training 30
 Master Sword Training 30

Combat Characteristics

Proficiency Level
 2 Icon Gambits 1
 3 Icon Gambits 12
 4 Icon Gambits 25
 5 Icon Gambits 40
 Critical Defence 20
 Improved Defensive Strike 38
 Improved Deft Strike 38
 Improved Goad Strike 38

Misc. Passive Skills

Proficiency Level
 Carving Use 20
 Shield Spike Use 20
 Use of Fire 20
 Use of Light 30

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5
 Bassoon Use 5

Specialization Sets & Traits


Wields Shield and Fist to protect allies from harm.
A tanking build which boosts defences while healing, able to survive attacks from many foes at once.
Skills Earned:
 Restorative Shield-work
 Warning Shot

+25% Shield Gambit Healing Potency
+7% Physical Mitigation
+7% Tactical Mitigation

+20% Morale
-10% Power Cost

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Determination (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Restorative Shield-work Buff 1m 30s Self Set: Initial Skill
 Warning Shot Ranged + Force Attack 10s 30m Set: Initial Skill
 Desperate Combat Buff 1m 30s Self Set:  Desperate Combat
 Desperate Spear Melee + Debuff 2s 6.2m Set:  Desperate Combat
 Defiant Challenge AoE + Force Attack + Reflect 30s 10.2m Trait:  Warden's Challenge
 For the Free Peoples Fellowship Buff 1m 30s 40m Trait:  For the Free Peoples

Set Traits Description Source
 Thrill of Battle Increased Morale-tap Damage and Healing. Set: 5+ total ranks
 Shield Mastery Grants Mitigation bonuses to Shield Mastery and Shield Tactics. Set: 10+ total ranks
 Close Call Evading restores a small amount of Morale. Set: 15+ total ranks
 Shield Tactics Greatly improves the buffs from Shield Gambits. Set: 20+ total ranks
 Proactive Defence Improved defence when consuming Advanced Technique or completing gambit chains. Set: 25+ total ranks
 Exultation of Battle Increases Morale-tap duration. Set: 30+ total ranks
 Desperate Combat Grants the skills Desperate Combat and Desperate Spear. Set: 35+ total ranks

Obtained by spending Trait Points in the Warden Determination Trait Tree.

Trait Description Source
 War-cry Increases the damage of Fist Gambits. Trait: 0+ ranks
 Persevere Increases Persevere Gambit Line Healing. Trait: 0+ ranks
 Warden's Challenge Grants skill Defiant Challenge. Trait: 5+ ranks
 Careful Shield-work Improves skill Shield Up. Trait: 5+ ranks
 Redirect Ire Buff to threat generation, from Deflection and other skills. Trait: 10+ ranks
 Critical Protection Critical Defence Buff. Trait: 10+ ranks
 Careful Blade-work Improves skill Readied Blade (Skill). Trait: 10+ ranks
 Unassailable Increases the duration of Shield Gambit buffs. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Undeniable Challenge Improves skill Resounding Challenge. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Stand Your Ground Avoidance Buff. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Practiced Fundamentals Improves your Gambit Chain openers. Trait: 20+ ranks
 Indefatigable Increases Shield Gambit Line Healing. Trait: 20+ ranks
 Lasting Hope Increases the duration of your HoTs. Trait: 20+ ranks
 Never Surrender Decreases the cooldown of Never Surrender. Trait: 25+ ranks
 Fear No Darkness Increases your Morale-tap Damage and Healing. Trait: 25+ ranks
 For the Free Peoples Grants skill For the Free Peoples. Trait: 30+ ranks
 Fellowship Protector Fellowship Buff when consuming max Advanced Technique. Trait: 30+ ranks


Wields deadly, war-like techniques to defeat foes.
A powerful damaging build that stacks single-target bleeds with the potential for sweeping AoE blows.
+5% Warden DoT Damage
-10% Attack Duration
-40% Persevere Gambit Line Healing

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Recklessness (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Recklessness Buff 1m 30s Self Trait:  Recklessness

Set Traits Description Source
 Sharpened Spears Increases Spear Gambit Initial Damage. Set: 5+ total ranks
 Unconventional Strikes Increases Initial Damage for Gambits in a Chain. Set: 10+ total ranks
 Precision Training Increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage. Set: 15+ total ranks
 Taking Advantage Inflicts Damage when an Enemy avoids an attack. Set: 20+ total ranks
 One After Another Same as Sharpened Spears + Heal on Enemy defeat. Set: 25+ total ranks
 Grand Master Weapons Training Buff to Melee Damage, bleed damage from Spears, Club attack speed debuff, and Sword Parry chance. Set: 30+ total ranks
 Martial Fury Improves Initial and DoT damage, and increases DoT duration. Set: 35+ total ranks

Obtained by spending Trait Points in the Warden Recklessness Trait Tree.

Trait Description Source
 Close Quarters Combatant Increases Melee Damage. Trait: 0+ ranks
 Vital Points Increases Bleed Damage. Trait: 0+ ranks
 Tempered Spear Tips Increases Bleed Damage for Mighty Blow, Power Attack and Unerring Strike. Trait: 5+ ranks
 Physical Mastery Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Way of the Spear Increases Spear Gambit Initial Damage. Trait: 10+ ranks
 Foe of the Darkness Increases Light-type Damage. Trait: 10+ ranks
 On the Offence Increases Morale-tap Damage and Healing. Trait: 10+ ranks
 No Respite for the Wicked Adds a debuff to Gambits in the Boot to Cauterizing Steel Gambit line. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Aggravating Wounds Increases the Critical Chance of Damage-over-Time effects. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Deep Wounds Increases the Critical Damage of Damage-over-Time effects. Trait: 20+ ranks
 Warden's Triumph Improves the buffs given by the Gambits Adroit Manoeuvre and Warden's Triumph. Trait: 25+ ranks
 Lasting Impression Increases duration of Damage-over-Time effects, and adds expiration damage for Spear Gambit Bleeds. Trait: 25+ ranks
 Recklessness Grants skill Recklessness. Trait: 30+ ranks
 Muscle Memory Adds a Power restore to Gambits used from Battle Memory. Trait: 30+ ranks


Wields Javelin and clever tactics to harm and hinder foes.
Though the Warden can not specialize in Assailment, the ability to harry enemies when needed can be invaluable. Assailment techniques are focused on increasing javelin damage, debuffing enemies, and augmenting your core gambits, useful when fighting either alone or in a fellowship.

These skills are acquired by spending points in the Warden Assailment (Yellow) trait tree.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Javelin of Deadly Force Ranged + Buff 1m 30.2m Trait:  Javelin of Deadly Force
 Fire at Will Fellowship Buff 1m 40m Trait:  Fire at Will
 Rapid Techniques Buff 1m 30s Self Trait:  Rapid Technique

Obtained by spending Trait Points in the Warden Assailment Trait Tree.

Note: Some traits in this tree have an increased cost in Trait Points in order to acquire and/or rank up, regardless of specialisation.

Trait Description Source Cost per Rank
 Ranged Damage Increases Ranged Damage. Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Bane of Shadow Increases Light-type Damage. Trait: 0+ ranks 1 point
 Movement Training Improves Ratings Buffs from Shield Gambits. Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Marked Targets Gambits in the Boot - Cauterizing Steel sequence will apply a Physical Mitigation debuff to targets hit. Trait: 0+ ranks 2 Points
 Endurance Training Reduces Attack Duration in Assailment. Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Bulls-eye Increases Critical Chance and Ranged Critical Damage. Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Finesse Buff Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Diminished Targets Gambits in the Precise Blow - Spear of Fate sequence will apply a Tactical Mitigation debuff debuff to targets hit. Trait: 5+ ranks 2 Points
 Throwing Arm Increases Javelin Skills Max Range. Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Battering Strikes Adds a Critical Defence debuff to Gambits in the Offensive Strike - Unseen Strikes sequence. Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points
 Strong Foundations Gambit Builders will reduce the active cooldown of Mastery skills. Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points
 Enduring Assailment Increases duration of Suppression, Battering Strikes, and No Respite debuffs. Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Piercing Javelins Improves Resistance Penetration of Javelin Skills and Gambits. Trait: 15+ ranks 1 Point
 Suppression Adds a Damage debuff to Gambits in the War Cry - Desolation sequence. Trait: 15+ ranks 2 Points
 Javelin of Deadly Force Grants the skill Javelin of Deadly Force. Trait: 20+ ranks 3 Points
 Adroit Ambush Adroit Manoeuvre and Ranged Adroit Manoeuvre will remove the induction of the next Ambush. Trait: 20+ ranks 2 Points
 Snap Shot Gambit Builders have a chance to reset Javelin skill cooldowns. Trait: 25+ ranks, Javelin of Deadly Force (1) 2 Points
 Fire at Will Grants the skill Fire at Will. Trait: 25+ ranks 2 Points
 Rapid Technique Grants the skill Rapid Techniques. Trait: 30+ ranks 3 Points

Trait Tree

Wields Shield and Fist to protect allies from harm.
A tanking build which boosts defences while healing, able to survive attacks from many foes at once.
Skills Earned:
 Restorative Shield-work
 Warning Shot

+25% Shield Gambit Healing Potency
+7% Physical Mitigation
+7% Tactical Mitigation

+20% Morale
-10% Power Cost
Wields deadly, war-like techniques to defeat foes.
A powerful damaging build that stacks single-target bleeds with the potential for sweeping AoE blows.
+5% Warden DoT Damage
-10% Attack Duration
-40% Persevere Gambit Line Healing
Wields Javelin and clever tactics to harm and hinder foes.
Though the Warden can not specialize in Assailment, the ability to harry enemies when needed can be invaluable. Assailment techniques are focused on increasing javelin damage, debuffing enemies, and augmenting your core gambits, useful when fighting either alone or in a fellowship.















































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Class Quests

See Also
