Hunter Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Skill Category Focus CD Source
 Quick Shot Damage +1 - Level: 1
 Penetrating Shot Damage + Debuff -3 3s Level: 1
 Barbed Arrow Damage + DoT +1 1.5s Level: 1
 Blindside Damage + Interrupt +3 18s Level: 1
 Set Trap Trap +3 45s Level: 3
 Stance: Strength Stance 5s Level: 4
 Focus Buff +9* 2s Level: 8
 Swift Bow Damage +2 10s Level: 10
 Passage of Nature Track 30s Level: 10
 Find the Path Buff 10s Level: 12
 Purge Poison Cure 5s Level: 14
 Stance: Precision Stance 5s Level: 16
 Low Cut Melee Damage + Debuff +3 10s Level: 18
 Blood Arrow Damage + Heal + Corruption -3 20s Level: 20
 Cry of the Hunter Buff + Daze 1m Level: 20
 Desperate Flight Travel 30m Level: 20
 Bard's Arrow Damage + Fear +1 30s Level: 22
 Bright Camp-fire Buff 3m Level: 22
 Passage of Foes Track 30s Level: 22
 Return to Camp Travel - Level: 26
 Stance: Endurance Stance 5s Level: 28
 Intent Concentration Buff +9 3m Level: 28
 Merciful Shot Damage -6 30s Level: 30
 Passage of Shadow Track 30s Level: 32
 Beneath Notice Threat 5m Level: 38
 Camouflage Stealth 10s Level: 40
 Dazing Blow Melee Damage + Daze +3 20s Level: 48
 Improved Merciful Shot Damage -6 30s Level: 52
 Improved Dazing Blow Melee Damage + Daze + Corruption +3 20s Level: 52
 Improved Swift Bow Damage +2 10s Level: 54
 Distracting Shot Daze +3 3m Level: 58
 Improved Beneath Notice Threat + Power 5m Level: 64
 Improved Focus Buff +9* 2s Level: 66
 Improved Penetrating Shot Damage + Debuff -3 10s Level: 68
 Improved Quick Shot Damage +1 - Level: 74


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Huntsman (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Skill Category Focus CD Source
 Scourging Blow Melee Damage +2 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Barrage Damage -3 2s Set: Initial Skill
 Press Onward Heal 1m 30s Trait:  Press Onward
 Split Shot AoE Damage -2 10s Trait:  Split Shot
 Exsanguinate Damage + DoT 20s Trait:  Exsanguinate
 Strength of the Earth Power + Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Strength of Earth
 Rapid Fire Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Rapid Fire


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Bowmaster (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Skill Category Focus CD Source
 Pinning Shot Damage + Root -3 8s Set: Initial Skill
 Heart Seeker Damage + DoT 50s Trait:  Heart Seeker
 Rain of Arrows AoE Damage -5 12s Trait:  Rain of Arrows
 Burn Hot Buff 2m Trait:  Burn Hot
 Bow of the Righteous Power 1m 30s Trait:  Bow of the Righteous
 Upshot Damage -All 15s Trait:  Upshot

Trapper of Foes

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Trapper Of Foes (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Skill Category Focus CD Source
 Lingering Wound Damage + DoT -2 3s Set: Initial Skill
 Decoy Threat 30s Set: Initial Skill
 Tripwire Trap + Knockdown 30s Trait:  Tripwire
 Deadly Decoy Threat + Damage 30s Set:  Deadly Decoy
 Explosive Arrow Damage + Debuff -3 10s Trait:  Explosive Arrow
 Triple Trap Trap + Root -1 45s Set:  Triple Trap
 Rain of Thorns AoE Root -6 1m Trait:  Rain of Thorns
 Piercing Trap Trap + Debuff + DoT -1 45s Trait:  Piercing Trap
 The One Trap Trap + Debuff + DoT -3 45s Trait:  The One Trap

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in regions level 75 and up that allow Horse mounts. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in other regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.
The three different stances (Riddermark, Rohirrim and Red Dawn) influence the effects and damage of the different skills, but all skills are available in each stance.

Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Discipline: Red Dawn Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Discipline: Riddermark Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Discipline: Rohirrim Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Establishing Shot Ranged + Buff 3s 55m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Kill Shot Ranged 24s 55m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Seeking Arrow Ranged + DoT/Heal/Dismount 4s 55m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Noble Arrow Ranged + DoT/Heal/Debuff 8s 55m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Spread of Arrows Ranged + DoT + Debuff 14s 55m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Flay Open Melee + DoT/Heal/Debuff 6s 4.2m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Lay Trap Trap with DoT/Fear/Debuff 24s Trap Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1


Hunters have the ability to travel quickly to many locations while taking their entire fellowship with them. Skills with a required level in parentheses can be purchased with Mithril Coins and learned at that level.

Ability Category Lvl Description Requirement Port Location Region
 Desperate Flight Travel 20 Recalls the hunter alone to nearby rally point Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 20. Nearest Rally Point n/a
 Guide to Andrath Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Gerwyn's Convoy in Cardolan Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [37.6S, 49.8W] Eriador
 Guide to Annâk-khurfu Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Annâk-khurfu in Elderslade Acquaintance standing with March on Gundabad [32.8N, 60.9W] Eriador
 Guide to the Bloody Eagle Tavern Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to the Bloody Eagle Tavern in Umbar Baharbêl [19.7S, 97.6W] Harad
 Guide to Cardolan Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Herne in Cardolan Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [50.1S, 44.7W] Eriador
 Guide to Clegur Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Clegur in Swanfleet Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [64.9S, 29.3W] Eriador
 Guide to Swanfleet Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Lhan Garan in Swanfleet Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [55.2S, 27.1W] Eriador
 Guide to Nobottle Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Nobottle in the Yondershire Acquaintance standing with the Yonder-watch [27.0S, 78.9W] Eriador
 Guide to Bej Mâghda Travel 20 Recalls fellowship to Bej Mâgha in the Cape of Umbar Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [19.9S, 105.7W] Harad
 Guide to Michel Delving Travel 22 Recalls fellowship to Michel Delving in the Shire Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 22. [34.0S, 75.0W] Eriador
 Guide to Thorin's Hall Travel 24 Recalls fellowship to Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 24. [13.8S, 103.2W] Eriador
 Return to Camp Travel 26 Recalls fellowship to a camp site fire Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 26. Bound Camp Site Fire n/a
 Guide to Ost Guruth Travel 26 (20) Recalls fellowship to Ost Guruth in the Lone-lands Hunter: Wilderness by Ost Guruth [31.7S, 29.5W] Eriador
 Guide to Bree Travel 32 Recalls fellowship to Bree, in Bree-land Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 32. [29.6S, 53.0W] Eriador
 Guide to Esteldín Travel 34 Recalls fellowship to Esteldín, in the North Downs Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 34. [9.6S, 42.2W] Eriador
 Guide to Evendim Travel 36 (30) Recalls fellowship to Tinnudir in Evendim Tracks Through Evendim [12.5S, 67.3W] Eriador
 Guide to Tornhad Travel 38 Recalls fellowship to Tornhad in the Angle of Mitheithel Acquaintance standing with Defenders of the Angle [42.4S, 23.2W] Eriador
 Guide to the Misty Mountains Travel 40 Recalls fellowship to Hrimbarg in the Misty Mountains Acquaintance Standing with Elves of Rivendell [24.4S, 6.9E] Eriador
 Guide to Trader's Wharf Travel 40 Recalls fellowship to Trader's Wharf in the Wildwood Neutral standing with the League of the Axe [21.3S, 61.4W] Eriador
 Guide to Trestlebridge Travel 40 Recalls fellowship to Trestlebridge Gate in the Wildwood Acquaintance standing with the Woodcutter's Brotherhood [17.7S, 54.5W] Eriador
 Guide to West Angmar Travel 44 (40) Recalls fellowship to Aughaire in Angmar Hunter: Desolation by Aughaire [0.4N, 39.9W] Eriador
 Guide to Carn Dûm Travel 45 Recalls fellowship to Bail Avarc in Carn Dûm [Angmar Reborn] Neutral standing with Stewards of the Iron-home [70.3N, 28.1W] Eriador
 Guide to Rivendell Travel 46 Recalls fellowship to Rivendell in Trollshaws Auto-bestowed to Hunters who have reached level 46. [30.5S, 4.6W] Eriador
 Guide to Sûri-kylä Travel 48 (40) Recalls fellowship to Sûri-kylä in Forochel Acquaintance Standing with Lossoth of Forochel [19.1N, 70.3W] Eriador
 Guide to East Angmar Travel 48 (40) Recalls fellowship to Gath Forthnír in Angmar Hunter: Waste Near Gath Forthnír [10.4N, 24.1W] Eriador
 Guide to Echad Dúnann Travel 50 (45) Recalls fellowship to Echad Dúnann in Eregion Hunter: Lay of the Land [50.5S, 7.8W] Eriador
 Guide to the Twenty-first Hall Travel 56 (51) Recalls fellowship to the Twenty-first Hall in Moria Acquaintance Standing with Iron Garrison Miners [5.8S, 105.4W] Moria
 Guide to Caras Galadhon Travel 60 Recalls fellowship to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien Acquaintance Standing with Galadhrim & ability to enter Caras Galadhon (Friend Standing with Galadhrim or some Epic and Bingo Boffin quests) [16.1S, 67.1W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Mirk-eaves Travel 62 (51) Recalls fellowship to Mirk-eaves in Mirkwood Acquaintance Standing with Malledhrim [15.3S, 61.2W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Harndirion Travel 62 Recalls fellowship to Harndirion in Enedwaith Friend Standing with The Grey Company [69.6S, 13.7W] Eriador
 Guide to Galtrev Travel 70 Recalls fellowship to Galtrev in Dunland Acquaintance Standing with Men of Dunland [80.1S, 16.6W] Eriador
 Guide to Stangard Travel 70 Recalls fellowship to Stangard in the Great River Acquaintance Standing with the Riders of Stangard [26.4S, 63.1W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Snowbourn Travel 80 Recalls fellowship to Snowbourn in East Rohan Acquaintance Standing with Men of the Sutcrofts [60.5S, 61.3W] Rohan
 Guide to Forlaw Travel 85 Recalls fellowship to Forlaw in Wildermore Acquaintance Standing with People of Wildermore [39.4S, 60.9W] Eriador
 Guide to Aldburg Travel 85 Recalls fellowship to Aldburg in West Rohan Friend Standing with The Eorlingas [68.5S, 64.0W] Rohan
 Guide to Helm's Deep Travel 90 Recalls fellowship to Helm's Deep in West Rohan Friend Standing with The Helmingas [63.8S, 89.4W] Rohan
 Guide to Dol Amroth Travel 95 Recalls fellowship to Dol Amroth in Western Gondor Friend Standing with Dol Amroth (Faction) [74.7S, 71.3W] Gondor
 Guide to Arnach Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Arnach in Eastern Gondor Friend Standing with Rangers of Ithilien [76.8S, 24.6W] Gondor
 Guide to Minas Tirith Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Minas Tirith in Old Anórien Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [65.5S, 16.7W] Gondor
 Guide to the War-stead Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to War-stead of the King's Men in Far Anórien Friend Standing with Riders of Rohan [45.4S, 26.0W] Gondor
 Guide to after-battle Minas Tirith Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Minas Tirith (After-battle) in Anórien (After Battle)‎ Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [ 65.5S, 16.7W ] Gondor
 Guide to after-battle Osgiliath Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Osgiliath (After Battle) in Anórien (After Battle)‎ Friend Standing with Host of the West [63.0S, 6.5W] Gondor
 Guide to Henneth Annûn Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Henneth Annûn in North Ithilien Friend Standing with Host of the West [48.1S, 8.1W] Gondor
 Guide to the Camp of the Host Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Camp of the Host in North Ithilien Kindred Standing with Host of the West [40.8S, 10.3W] Gondor
 Guide to Haerondir Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Haerondir in the Wastes Respected Standing with Host of the West [36.6S, 9.2W] Gondor
 Guide to the Udûn Foothold Travel 100 Recalls fellowship to Udûn Foothold in Gorgoroth Friend Standing with Conquest of Gorgoroth [41.2S, 0.6W] Mordor
 Guide to Dale Travel 115 Recalls fellowship to Dale in Eryn Lasgalen Acquaintance Standing with Men of Dale [23.8N, 26.3W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Beorninghús Travel 116 Recalls fellowship to Beorninghús in Vales of Anduin Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [14.1N, 53.3W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Hultvís Travel 116 Recalls fellowship to Hultvís in Vales of Anduin Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [5.0N, 55.1W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Járnfast Travel 116 Recalls fellowship to Járnfast in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [28.3N, 3.9W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Skarháld Travel 116 Recalls fellowship to Skarháld in Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [36.4N, 45.3W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Estolad Lân Travel 121 Recalls fellowship to Estolad Lân in Morgul Vale Acquaintance Standing with the White Company [64.5S, 2.2W] Mordor
 Guide to Limlók Travel 130 Recalls fellowship to Limlók in Wells of Langflood Acquaintance Standing with Protectors of Wilderland [20.7N, 55.9W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Akrâz-zahar Travel 130 Recalls fellowship to Akrâz-zahar in Erebor Neutral standing with Kharum-ubnâr [14.6N, 136.1W] Harad
 Guide to Azanulbizar Travel 130 Recalls fellowship to Amdân, the Threshold in Azanulbizar Dumul (Acquaintance) standing with the Haban'akkâ of Thráin [62.6N, 135.2W] Rhovanion
 Guide to the Noble Gate Travel 131 Recalls fellowship to Maergrind, the Noble Gate in Máttugard, Gundabad Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [49.5S, 111.2W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Leitstáth Travel 135 Recalls fellowship to Leitstáth in Câr Bronach, Gundabad Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [47.0N, 64.9W] Rhovanion
 Guide to Dol Amroth Travel 135 Recalls fellowship to Dol Amroth in King's Gondor Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [75.5S, 72.4W] Gondor
 Guide to Lond Cirion Travel 135 Recalls fellowship to Lond Cirion in King's Gondor Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [69.0S, 88.8W] Gondor
 Guide to Pelargir Travel 135 Recalls fellowship to Pelargir in King's Gondor Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [83.0S, 34.8W] Gondor
 Guide to Halrax Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to Halrax in the Shield Isles Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [9.7S, 126.8W] Harad
 Guide to Jax Phanâl Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to Jax Phanâl in the Cape of Umbar Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [14.4S, 114.7W] Harad
 Guide to Umbar Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Lower Ward in Umbar Baharbêl Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [18.5S, 100.7W] Harad
 Guide to Iridír Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Iridír in Ambarûl Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [21.8S, 80.9W] Harad
 Guide to Jirush Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Jirush in Khûd Zagin Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [37.7S, 80.1W] Harad
 Guide to Urmâkh Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Urmâkh in Imhûlar Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [36.9S, 67.3W] Harad
 Guide to Maurûsh Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Maurûsh in Urash Dâr Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [23.2S, 62.6W] Harad
 Guide to Utug-bûr Travel 140 Recalls fellowship to the Vestibule of Utug-bûr in Urash Dâr Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [13.5S, 51.7W] Harad

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, River Hobbit, Man, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bows 1
 Daggers 1
 Dual Wielding 1
 One-handed Axes 1
 One-handed Swords 1
 Crossbows 7
 One-handed Clubs 15
 One-handed Hammers 15
 One-handed Maces 15
 Spear 20

Miscellaneous Passive Skills

Proficiency Level
 Improved Range 1
 Use of Fire 20
 Bow Chants 25
 Use of Light 30
 Tracking Guide 35

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

Base Passive Skills

For details see Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit, or Stout-axe.