Rune-keeper Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Fiery Ridicule Damage + DoT 1 1s Level: 1
 Prelude to Hope HoT 1 3s Level: 1
 Scribe's Spark Damage 2 3s Level: 1
 Shocking Words Damage + Stun All 20s Level: 1
 Chilling Rhetoric Damage + Debuff 20s Level: 6
 Shocking Touch Damage + Daze 1 20s Level: 8
 Word of Exaltation Bubble All 30s Level: 14
 Epic for the Ages Heal 3 15s Level: 18
 Scribe a New Ending Cure 2 8s Level: 18
 Final Word Interrupt 1 20s Level: 20
 Break The Bonds CC removal 1m Level: 20
 Nothing Truly Ends Rez - Level: 20
 Speak No Evil Corruption removal 1 20s Level: 20
 Distracting Flame DoT 3 20s Level: 22
 Essence of Winter Damage AoE + Debuff 15s Level: 24
 Steady Hands Buff Unique* 40s Level: 26
 Armour of the Elements Buff 4 3m Level: 28
 Flurry of Words Damage + AoE + Debuff 25s Level: 32
 Self-motivation Power or Heal 4 1m Level: 36
 Do Not Fall This Day Buff + Rez 2m 20s Level: 40
 Essence of Storm Damage 3 8s Level: 44
 Improved Final Word Interrupt + Corruption removal 1 20s Level: 50

Benediction of Peace

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Benediction of Peace (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Rune-sign of Winter HoT + Buff 1 10s Set: Initial skill
 Writ of Health Heal + HoT 2 1s Set: Initial skill
 Mending Verse Heal + HoT 2 3s Trait:  Mending Verse
 Rune of Restoration HoT 1 30s Trait:  Rune of Restoration
 Rousing Words HoT 1 15s Set:  Rousing Words
 Essay of Exaltation Buff + HoT All 45s Trait:  Essay of Exaltation
 Bombastic Inspiration HoT + Heal 3 2s Trait:  Bombastic Inspiration
 Our Fates Entwined Buff 1 1m 30s Set:  Our Fates Entwined

Cleansing Flame

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Cleansing Flame (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Smouldering Wrath DoT Varies* 17s Set: Initial skill
 Writ of Fire Damage + DoT 2 1s Set: Initial skill
 Essence of Flame Damage 3 12s Trait:  Essence of Flame
 Volcanic Rune-stone DoT 3 30s Trait:  Volcanic Rune-stone
 Essay of Fire Damage + DoT 3 10s Set:  Essay of Fire
 Scathing Mockery Damage AoE + DoT 3 20s Trait:  Scathing Mockery
 Combustion Damage AoE All 15s Trait:  Combustion

Solitary Thunder

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Solitary Thunder (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Sustaining Bolt Damage + Power 3 15s Set: Initial skill
 Writ of Lightning Damage + Debuff 3 3s Set: Initial skill
 Ceaseless Argument Damage 1 0.3s Trait:  Ceaseless Argument
 Fulgurite Runestone Damage + Stun 3 20s Trait:  Fulgurite Runestone
 Epic Conclusion Damage All 30s Trait:  Epic Conclusion
 Vivid Imagery Damage AoE + Daze 3 1m Trait:  Vivid Imagery
 Concession and Rebuttal Buff 6 3m Trait:  Concession and Rebuttal
 Static Surge Damage AoE 1 3s Set:  Static Surge

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in the regions of East Rohan, Wildermore, and West Rohan. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in other regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.

Skills Unaffected by Stance/Discipline
Skill Category Attunes Range Cooldown Source
 Inspirational Verse HoT Quest: Devastation in the North
 Knowledge of the Rune-keeper Buff Trait:  Knowledge of the Rune-keeper
 Superior Evocation Buff Trait:

 Superior Evocation

Red Dawn
Skill Category Attunes Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Red Dawn Stance Quest: Devastation in the North
 Fixation of Flame DoT 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Oration of Embers DoT + Debuff 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Invoke the Elements DoT 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Resolution of Fire DoT 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Debate Wrath Buff 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Skill Category Attunes Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Riddermark Stance Quest: Devastation in the North
 Fixation of Storm Debuff 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Oration of the Bleak Sky Damage 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Invoke the Elements Damage 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Resolution of Storms Damage+Debuff 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Debate the Land Buff 1 Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Skill Category Attunes Range Cooldown Source
 Discipline: Rohirrim Stance 1s Quest: Devastation in the North
 Fixation of Health HoT 1 5s Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Ameliorating Oration HoT 1 12s Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Invoke the Elements DoT 1 3s Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Resolution of Enduring Life AoE HoT 1 15s Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Debate the People Buff 1 24s Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, River Hobbit, Man, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Rune-stones 1

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5