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Stances are toggled abilities that alter various aspects of a character, such as damage dealt or block rate.

Prior to Update 12, more of these stance abilities existed (Guardians and Burglars had three stances, while Wardens have lost some of them). The introduction of trait trees offered another way for all classes to play different roles.


Stance Description
Man-form Assumes a form of a human, allowing the use of Man-form skills.
Bear-form Assumes a form of a bear, allowing the use of Bear-form skills.


Stance Description
Dissonance - Stance A damage stance. Your heals become self only, Ballad damage bonus, several skills change.
Melody - Stance A neutral Stance. Ballad damage bonus, outgoing healing bonus, several skills change.
Resonance - Stance A healing stance. Outgoing healing bonus, several skills change.


Stance Description
Stance: Strength Increased shot damage, and critical chance. Quick shot snares targets.
Stance: Precision Reduces enemy evasion chance, and regenerates Focus over time. Quick shot has increased critical chance.
Stance: Endurance Reduced power costs, and increased avoidance chance. Quick shot produces less threat.


Stance Description
In the Fray Melee stance with reduced Attack Duration.
Assailment Ranged stance. Spear Gambit Guilders and Masteries generate a Javelin icon and several Gambits become ranged.