Warden Travel Skills

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Wardens have the ability to travel quickly to many locations. Unlike Hunters, Wardens can only transport themselves and cannot take others with them. Skills with a required level in parentheses can be purchased with Mithril Coins and learned at that level.

Ability Lvl Requirement Port Location
 Muster at Andrath 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [37.6S, 49.8W]
 Muster in Annâk-khurfu 20 [32.8N, 60.9W]
 Muster at the Bloody Eagle Tavern 20 [19.7S, 97.6W]
Muster to Bej Mâghda 20 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [19.9S, 105.7W]
 Muster at Cardolan 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [50.1S, 44.7W]
 Muster at Clegur 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [64.9S, 29.3W]
 Muster at Swanfleet 20 Acquaintance standing with Dúnedain of Cardolan [55.2S, 27.1W]
 Muster at Nobottle 20 Acquaintance standing with the Yonder-watch [27.0S, 78.9W]
 Muster in Ost Guruth 26 [31.7S, 29.5W]
 Muster in Esteldín 32 [9.6S, 42.2W]
 Muster in Evendim 38 [12.5S, 67.3W]
 Muster at Tornhad 38 Acquaintance standing with Defenders of the Angle [42.4S, 23.2W]
 Muster in the Misty Mountains 40 Acquaintance Standing with Elves of Rivendell [24.4S, 6.9E]
 Muster in Trader's Wharf 40 Neutral standing with the League of the Axe [21.3S, 61.4W]
 Muster in Trestlebridge 40 Acquaintance standing with the Woodcutter's Brotherhood [17.7S, 54.5W]
 Muster in Rivendell 44 [30.5S, 4.6W]
 Muster to Carn Dûm 45 Neutral standing with Stewards of the Iron-home [70.3N, 28.1W].
 Muster in Sûri-kylä 48 Acquaintance Standing with the Lossoth of Forochel [19.1N, 70.3W]
 Muster in the Twenty-first Hall 56 (51) Acquaintance Standing with the Iron Garrison Miners [5.8S, 105.4W]
 Muster in Caras Galadhon 60 Acquaintance Standing with the Galadhrim [16.1S, 67.1W]
 Muster in Mirk-eaves 62 (51) Acquaintance Standing with the Malledhrim [15.3S, 61.2W]
 Muster in Harndirion 62 Friend Standing with The Grey Company [69.6S, 13.7W]
 Muster in Galtrev 70 Acquaintance Standing with the Men of Dunland [80.1S, 16.6W]
 Muster in Stangard 70 Acquaintance Standing with the Riders of Stangard [26.4S, 63.1W]
 Muster in Snowbourn 80 Acquaintance Standing with the Men of the Sutcrofts [60.5S, 61.3W]
 Muster in Aldburg 85 Friend Standing with The Eorlingas [68.5S, 64.0W]
 Muster in Forlaw 85 Acquaintance Standing with the People of Wildermore [39.4S, 60.9W]
 Muster in Helm's Deep 90 Friend Standing with The Helmingas [63.8S, 89.4W]
 Muster in Dol Amroth 95 Friend Standing with Dol Amroth [74.7S, 71.3W]
 Muster in Arnach 100 Friend Standing with Rangers of Ithilien [76.8S, 24.6W]
 Muster in Minas Tirith 100 Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [65.5S, 16.7W]
 Muster in the War-stead 100 Friend Standing with Riders of Rohan [45.4S, 26.0W]
 Muster in after-battle Minas Tirith 100 Friend Standing with Defenders of Minas Tirith [ 65.5S, 16.7W]
 Muster in after-battle Osgiliath 100 Friend Standing with Host of the West [63.0S, 6.5W]
 Muster in Henneth Annûn 100 Friend Standing with Host of the West [48.1S, 8.1W]
 Muster in the Camp of the Host 100 Kindred Standing with Host of the West [40.8S, 10.3W]
 Muster in Haerondir 100 Respected Standing with Host of the West [36.6S, 9.2W]
 Muster in the Udûn Foothold 105 Friend Standing with Conquest of Gorgoroth [41.2S, 0.6W]
 Muster in Dale 115 Acquaintance Standing with Men of Dale [23.8N, 26.3W]
 Muster in Járnfast 116 Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [28.3N, 3.9W]
 Muster in Skarháld 116 Friend Standing with Grey Mountains Expedition [36.4N, 45.3W]
 Muster in Hultvís 116 Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [5.0N, 55.1W]
 Muster in Beorninghús 116 Acquaintance Standing with Wilderfolk [14.1N, 53.3W]
 Muster in Estolad Lân 121 Acquaintance Standing with the White Company [64.5S, 2.2W]
 Muster in Limlók 130 Acquaintance Standing with Protectors of Wilderland [20.7N, 55.9W]
 Muster in Akrâz-zahar 130 Neutral standing with Kharum-ubnâr [14.6N, 136.1W]
 Muster in Azanulbizar 130 Dumul (Acquaintance) standing with the Haban'akkâ of Thráin [62.6N, 135.2W]
 Muster at the Noble Gate 131 Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [49.5S, 111.2W]
 Muster at Leitstáth 135 Friend standing with Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold [47.0N, 64.9W]
 Muster at Dol Amroth 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [75.5S, 72.4W]
 Muster at Lond Cirion 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [69.0S, 88.8W]
 Muster at Pelargir 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [83.0S, 34.8W]
 Muster at Halrax 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [9.7S, 126.8W]
 Muster at Jax Phanâl 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [14.4S, 114.7W]
 Muster at Umbar 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [18.5S, 100.7W]
 Muster at Utug-bûr 140 Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [13.5S, 51.7W]