Beorning Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Bear-form Stance 2s Level: 1
 Man-form Stance 2s Level: 1
 Slam Melee +15 3s Level: 1
 Slash Melee +5 1.5s Level: 1
 Thrash Melee +5 0.3s Level: 1
 Hearten Heal -10 20s Level: 6
 Biting Edge Melee AoE +15 8s Level: 10
 Vigilant Roar Melee 10s Level: 12
 Bee Swarm Melee + DoT -10 12s Level: 14
 Wanderlust Stance + Run Speed 2s Level: 15
 Ferocious Roar Buff +5 30s Level: 16
 Claw Swipe Melee + Debuff -10 3s Level: 16
 Grisly Cry Melee + Fear -10 40s Level: 18
 Nature's Vengeance Tactical + Corruption -5 8s Level: 20
 Shake Free CC removal 40s Level: 20
 Vicious Claws Melee + Interrupt -10 12s Level: 20
 Cleanse Cure 20s Level: 22
 Rush Buff -5 1m Level: 24
 Relentless Maul Melee Channel -20 30s Level: 30
 Sacrifice Buff -10 1m Level: 32
 Bear Up Revive 20s Level: 36

The Hide

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Hide (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Counter Buff 40s Set: Initial Skill
 Counterattack Melee +5 1s Set: Initial Skill
 Guarded Attack Melee + Buff -10 5s Set:  Guarded Attack
 Recuperate Heal -20 3s Trait:  Recuperate
 Rending Blow Melee + Interrupt -10 12s Trait:  Rending Blows
 Armour Crush Melee + Debuff -15 16s Trait:  Armour Crush
 Menacing Maul Melee Channel + Force Attack -20 30s Set:  Menacing Assault
 Thorned Armour Buff -10 1m 30s Trait:  Thorned Armour
 Thunderous Roar Force Attack 45s Trait:  Thunderous Roar
 Thickened Hide Buff -20 2m Trait:  Thickened Hide
 Hurricane Buff -20 2m 30s Trait:  Hurricane

The Claw

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Claw (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Bash Melee + DoT -20 12s Set: Initial Skill
 Expose Melee + Debuff +5 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Wrath Melee +5 8s Trait:  Nature's Wrath
 Trample Melee -5 12s Trait:  Trample
 Serrated Edge Melee AoE + DoT +15 8s Trait:  Serrated Edge
 Execute Melee -50 30s Trait:  Execute
 Brutal Maul Melee Channel -20 30s Set:  Brutal Energy
 Savage Knockdown Melee AoE + Knockdown -50 30s Trait:  Savage Knockdown
 Composure Heal -10 20s Trait:  Composure
 Blood Prize Buff +5 1m 30s Trait:  Blood Prize
 Final Strike Melee AoE -50 30s Trait:  Final Strike
 Call To Wild Buff +5 2m Trait:  Call To Wild

The Roar

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Roar (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Encouraging Roar Heal -10 4.5s Set: Initial Skill
 Mark of Grimbeorn Buff +5 3s Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Salve AoE Heal -10 45s Set:  Nature's Salve
 Takedown Melee + Stun -10 30s Trait:  Takedown
 Rejuvenating Bellow AoE Heal -20 6s Set:  Rejuvenating Bellow
 Nature's Mend Heal +5 3s Trait:  Nature's Mend
 Levelling Roar Stun -10 30s Trait:  Levelling Roar
 Piercing Roar Ranged + Debuff 30s Trait:  Piercing Roar
 To Your Aid Heal -20 20s Trait:  To Your Aid
 Overbearing In-Combat Revive 3m Trait:  Overbearing
 Nature's Bond Buff +5 2m Trait:  Nature's Bond

Mounted Combat Skills

Ability Level Range Description
 Discipline: Red Dawn 75 - ???
 Discipline: Riddermark 75 - ???
 Discipline: Rohirrim 75 - ???
Bee Swarm (Red Dawn)
Bee Swarm (Riddermark)
Bee Swarm (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Execute (Red Dawn)
Execute (Riddermark)
Execute (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Ferocious Roar (Red Dawn)
Ferocious Roar (Riddermark)
Ferocious Roar (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Recuperate (Red Dawn)
Recuperate (Riddermark)
Recuperate (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Slash (Red Dawn)
Slash (Riddermark)
Slash (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Biting Edge (Red Dawn)
Biting Edge (Riddermark)
Biting Edge (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Sixth Sense (Red Dawn)
Sixth Sense (Riddermark)
Sixth Sense (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Beorning

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1
 Heavy Armour 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bows 1
 Crossbows 1
 Daggers 1
 Dual Wielding 1
 One-handed Axes 1
 One-handed Clubs 1
 One-handed Swords 1
 Spear 1
 Two-handed Axes 1
 Two-handed Clubs 1
 Two-handed Swords 1

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

For skills related to the race and not to the class, see Beorning (Race) Skills.