Champion Deeds

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These are deeds available solely to characters of the Champion class. For an overview table see Category:Champion Deeds.

Meta Deeds

  • Class deeds will involve 3 types; Quest-based; Any time for deeds based on skills which are usable outside of combat; and Offensive, which requires attacking a hostile target. With respect to trivial (grey) mobs, offensive skills used against them, do not advance class skill deeds.
  • Class deeds require the character to have completed the player introduction quests.
  • Individual Deeds are not visible in the Deed Log until the appropriate skills trigger the Deed
  • Individual Meta Deed Tiers are not visible in the Deed Log until at least one of the 3 individual deeds are completed
  • All Individual and Meta Deeds are logged in the Deed Log under "Class/Race/Epic" on the "Class" tab and are called "Class Deeds - tier N"
  • Completion of Class Quests (levels 15 and 30) does not grant LOTRO Points or show up in the Deed Log, but can trigger the appropriate Meta Deed Tier to show up in the log

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 1

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Swift to Anger LOTRO Point  1 Offensive Use  Swift Strike or  Swift Blade 1,000 times 350
All in All LOTRO Point  1 Offensive Use  Blade Wall 750 times 75
Deadly Strikes LOTRO Point  1 Offensive Use  Savage Strikes or  Feral Strikes 500 times 165

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 2

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Winds of the Storm LOTRO Point  10 Any time
Use  Blade Storm,  Sudden Defence, or  Remorseless Strike 50 times None
Rip to Shreds LOTRO Point  10 Offensive Use  Rend,  Brutal Strikes, or  Bracing Attack 250 times 50
Wild Thing LOTRO Point  10 Offensive Land critical hits with  Wild Attack 50 times 10

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 3

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
A Blade of Renown N/A 15 Quest Complete the quest A Blade of Renown N/A
Call of the Wild LOTRO Point  10 Offensive Use  Wild Attack 1,250 times 250
A Challenge Accepted LOTRO Point  10 Offensive Use  Champion's Challenge 400 times 80

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 4

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Flashing Blade LOTRO Point  20 Offensive Land critical hits with  Blade Wall 500 times 80
Deep Strikes LOTRO Point  20 Offensive Land critical hits with  Rend,  Brutal Strikes or  Bracing Attack 400 times 150
At the Ready LOTRO Point  20 Any time Use  Ebbing Ire,  Battle Frenzy or  Second Wind 100 times None

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 5

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Raging Storm LOTRO Point  30 Offensive Land critical hits with  Blade Storm,  Remorseless Strike, or  Raging Blade 50 times 5
No Surrender LOTRO Point  30 Any time Use  Fight On 450 times 45
A Champion's Courage N/A 30 Quest Complete the quest A Champion's Courage N/A

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 6

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Time of Need LOTRO Point  30 Any time Use  Dire Need,  Controlled Burn or  Great Cleave 150 times 15
Clobbered LOTRO Point  30 Offensive Use  Clobber 500 times 50
Athletic LOTRO Point  40 Any time Use  Sprint 150 times 15

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 7

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Battle Acumen LOTRO Point  44 Any time
Use  Unbreakable,  Champion's Duel, or  Fury of Blades 300 times 30
Heroic Resolve LOTRO Point  40 Any time Use  True Heroics 50 times 5
Tight Grip LOTRO Point  40 Offensive Use  Sweeping Riposte,  Ferocious Strikes, or  Raging Blade 200 times 20

Class Deeds (Champion) - Tier 8

Name LP Level Type Task Max/Day
Mighty Blast LOTRO Point  50 Offensive Use  Horn of Gondor 500 times 50
Always in Control LOTRO Point  50 Any time
Use  Exchange of Blows, or  Adamant, or  Devastating Strike 75 times 10
Bountiful Mercy LOTRO Point  50 Offensive Use  Merciful Strike 350 times 35

Legendary Deeds

  • Finding all pages of a book grants 10 LOTRO Point ; completing a Moria deed grants 20 LOTRO Point 
  • The "Mines of Moria" point is logged in the Deed Log under "Class/Race/Epic" on the "Epic" tab
  • The Level 50 Class Quest point is logged in the Quest Log under completed quests under Captain
Name Level Task
The Artisan Blade 39 Buy The Artisan Blade from a Champion Trainer and find the missing pages (8)
The Joy of Battle 39 Buy The Joy of Battle from a Champion Trainer and find the missing pages (8)
The Tome of Swords 39 Buy The Tome of Swords from a Champion Trainer and find the missing pages (8)
The Boldest Road 50 Complete the following quests:
The Boldest Road
  1. [50] Champion: The Boldest Road is Discipline
  2. [50] A Lesson from Gimli
The Mines of Moria 55 Complete Books I through VI of Volume II
The Path of the Martial Champion 58 Complete the following quests:

The Path of the Martial Champion

  1. [58] Champion: Path of the Martial Champion
  2. [58] Controlled Burn
  3. [58] Getting Strong Now
  4. [58] Boast
  5. [58] Glory
  6. [58] Heroics (Optional) - Fellowship
The Boiling Rage 58 Buy and read The Boiling Rage