Mariner Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Thrust Melee 1 0.5s Level: 1
 Riposte Melee 2 10s Level: 1
 En Garde Buff 3 5s Level: 1
 Blade Shield Buff 2 5s Level: 1
 Advance Melee 3 7s Level: 2
 Lunge Melee + Finisher 5 15s Level: 3
 Step Back Buff 3 5s Level: 3
 Disengage Buff + Finisher 5 20s Level: 5
 Belly of Brine Cure 2 15s Level: 6
 Flick Melee + Interrupt 2 20s Level: 8
 Re-centre Buff 20 15s Level: 10
 Aggressive Strike Melee 2 15s Level: 12
 Salt Cure Melee + Corruption Removal 1 10s Level: 14
 Sea Legs CC removal 2 1m Level: 18
 The North Wind Tactical + Debuff 3 1m Level: 25
 Shanty: Steady Fore Buff 2s Level: 28
 Shanty: Steady Aft Buff 2s Level: 28
 Toss a Bottle Heal 3 1m Level: 34
 Smoking Stones Tactical + AoE + Interrupt 4 1m Level: 40
 Sludge Pot Range + AoE + Debuff 1 40s Level: 42
 Rummage Variable 1s Level: 48
 Rummage: Knife Range + DoT 2 1m Level: 48
 Rummage: Button Heal 5 2m Level: 48
 Rummage: Scrap of Music Heal 3 2m Level: 48
 Rummage: Stone Range + Stun 1 50s Level: 48
 Rummage: Salts Tactical + AoE + Stun 3 1m 30s Level: 48

Tracery-enabled Skill

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Fire Pot Ranged + DoT 1 40s Tracery: Fire Pot

The Shanty-caller

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Shanty-caller (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Dramatic Flourish Melee + Buff + Heal + Finisher 4 20s Set: Initial skill
 Motivating Song Heal + Motivated 3 1m Trait:  Motivating Melody
 The West Wind Buff 2 1m 30s Set:  The West Wind
 The South Wind Buff 2 1m 15s Trait:  The South Wind
 Marked Foes Melee + AoE + Debuff 3 15s Trait:  Bloodied Foes
 Call the Banners of War Buff 4 2m Set:  Banners of War
 Guided by the Stars Buff 5 4m Trait:  Guided by the Stars
 The Breaking of Thangorodrim Tactical + Debuff 5 3m Set:  The Breaking of Thangorodrim

The Duellist

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Duellist (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Feint Melee 1 10s Set: Initial skill
 Cut-over Melee 2 10s Set:  Cut-over
 Salt-sea Blade Melee + Debuff 3 7s Trait:  Salt-sea Blade
 Check-step Melee 1 5s Set:  Check-step
 Dodge Buff 2 10s Trait:  Dodge
 Sweeping Advance Melee + AoE 3 7s Trait:  Slashing Blade
 Compound Attack Melee 4 10s Trait:  Compound Attack
 Shanty: Fore with Haste Buff Varies* 2m 15s Trait:  Double-time
 Flèche Melee + Finisher 5 20s Set:  Flèche

The Rover

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Rover (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Draining Strike Melee + Buff + Finisher 3 15s Set: Initial skill
 Thrum of the Sea Daze 1 35s Set: Initial skill
 Debilitating Strike Melee + Debuff 2 15s Set: Initial skill
 Throw Bolas Root 3 1m 30s Trait:  Entangling Lines
 Breath of Fire Tactical 3 30s Trait:  Spitting Spirits
 Caustic Brew Ranged + Debuff 5 1m 15s Set:  Caustic Brew
 Cleansing Spirits Cure 2 15s Trait:  Rare Ingredients
 Ragged Knife Ranged 1 1m Trait:  Ragged Knife
 Pitch Pot Ranged + Debuff 3 1m Set:  Pitch Pot
 Intimidating Challenge Fear 2 50s Trait:  Intimidating Challenge
 Volatile Salts Daze 5 2m Trait:  Novel Compounds
 Steady Traveller Self-heal + Buff 25 3m Trait:  Traveller
 Jugglery Proficiency Buff 2s Set:  Jugglery Proficiency

Travel Skills

Mariners have the ability to sail quickly to many locations while taking their entire fellowship with them.

Ability Lvl Requirement Port Location
 Sail to Tharbad 7 This skill is auto-bestowed to Mariners upon reaching Level 7. [54.3S, 40.2W]
 Sail to Celondim 7 This skill is auto-bestowed to Mariners upon reaching Level 7. [28.2S, 92.1W]
 Sail to Trader's Wharf 10 Neutral Standing with The League of the Axe [21.3S, 61.4W]
 Sail to Buckland 15 This skill is auto-bestowed to Mariners upon reaching Level 15. [31.9S, 62.8W]
 Sail to Tinnudir 35 This skill is auto-bestowed to Mariners upon reaching Level 35. [12.6S, 67.6W]
 Sail to Sûri-kylä 35 Acquaintance Standing with Lossoth of Forochel [19.5N, 72.0W]
 Sail to Lothlórien 60 This skill is auto-bestowed to Mariners upon reaching Level 60. [17.6S, 64.6W]
 Sail to the Mirk-eaves 60 Acquaintance Standing with Malledhrim [15.3S, 61.2W]
 Sail to the Brown Lands 65 Acquaintance Standing with The Riders of Stangard [31.0S, 52.0W]
 Sail to Snowbourn 70 Acquaintance Standing with Men of the Sutcrofts [60.5S, 61.3W]
 Sail to Dol Amroth 90 Acquaintance Standing with Dol Amroth [74.7S, 71.3W]
 Sail to after-battle Osgiliath 100 Friend Standing with Host of the West [63.0S, 6.5W]
 Sail to Lake-town 110 Acquaintance Standing with Men of Dale [17.2N, 28.1W]
 Sail to Dol Amroth 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [75.5S, 72.4W]
 Sail to Lond Cirion 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [69.0S, 88.8W]
 Sail to Pelargir 135 Acquaintance standing with The Renewal of Gondor [83.0S, 34.8W]
 Sail to Halrax 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [9.7S, 126.8W]
 Sail to Jax Phanâl 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [14.4S, 114.7W]
 Sail to Umbar 140 Neutral standing with Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl [18.5S, 100.7W]
 Sail to Utug-bûr 140 Neutral standing with The Ikorbân [13.5S, 51.7W]

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in East Rohan or later regions. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in earlier regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.

Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
Discipline: Red Dawn (Mariner) Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
Discipline: Riddermark (Mariner) Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
Discipline: Rohirrim (Mariner) Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
Quick Strike Melee + Buff 1s 5m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Precise Blade Melee + Buff 5s 5m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Anchored Thrust Melee 10s 5m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Re-steady (mounted) Buff 10s Self Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Mounted Sludge Pot Ranged + Debuff 40s 35m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Explosive Brew Tactical 30s 35m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
Wounding Knife Ranged + DoT 5s 40m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
The Field of Celebrant Heal 45s Self Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see High Elf, Man, River Hobbit, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Daggers 1
 Dual Wielding 1
 One-handed Swords 1

Combat Characteristics

Proficiency Level
 Balance Flow 1

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Flute Use 1
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Bassoon Use 5
 Fiddle Use 5