Rapid Techniques

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Rapid Techniques
  • Fast
  • Skill Type: Buff
  • In times of need, wardens are able to rapidly speed up their foundational techniques.

    The skill will remove your mastery skill cooldowns for 6 seconds while reducing your power costs.
  • Cost: [269 at Level 150] Power
  • Cooldown: 1m 30s

General Information

Class: Warden

Trait Tree: Assailment

Rank Needed: 30 (trait  Rapid Technique)


Using this skill applies  Rapid Techniques to the Warden.

While active, all Mastery skills have no cooldown.

Armour Set Interactions

Equipping both pieces of the Insignia of the Death-light Cult jewellery set acquired from the Legacy of Morgoth Instance Cluster reduces the cooldown of this skill by 10 seconds.