Captain Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Battle-shout Tactical + Buff 15s Level: 1
 Sure Strike Melee 3s Level: 1
 Devastating Blow Melee + Buff 4s Level: 1
 Rallying Cry Heal 15s Level: 1
 Cutting Attack Melee + DoT 20s Level: 4
 Call to Arms: Herald of Hope Pet 2m Level: 6
 Call to Arms: Herald of War Pet 2m Level: 6
 Make Haste Buff 2m Level: 8
 Routing Cry Tactical AoE 15s Level: 8
 Pressing Attack Melee AoE + Buff 4s Level: 12
 Withdraw Buff 1m Level: 12
 Call to Arms: Herald of Victory Pet 2m Level: 12
 Words of Courage Heal 5s Level: 14
 Call to Arms: Archer Pet 2m Level: 16
 Muster Courage AoE Cure 10s Level: 16
 Motivating Speech Motivated 1m Level: 16
 Blade of Elendil Melee + Buff + Debuff 4s Level: 18
 Kick Melee + Interrupt 10s Level: 20
 Cleanse Corruption Melee + Corruption 15s Level: 20
 Escape from Darkness Revive
5m Level: 20
 Inspiriting Call Revive
3s Level: 20
 Grave Wound Melee + DoT 15s Level: 30
 Defensive Strike Melee + Buff 15s Level: 38
 Command Respect Force Emote 2m 30s Level: 40
 Improved Motivating Speech Motivated + Buff 1m Level: 46
 Improved Sure Strike Melee + Cooldown 3s Level: 52
 Improved Cutting Attack Melee + DoT + Debuff 20s Level: 62

Stand Alone Skills

When toggled, the skill  Stand Alone in the Lead the Charge trait tree modifies certain skills into new versions.

Stand Alone Skills
Active Skills Category CD Original Skill
 Courageous Heart Buff 1m  Words of Courage
 Cry of Fury Tactical + AoE + Heal + Debuff 5m  Escape from Darkness
 Inspire: Self-determination Melee + Buff + Power 15s  Inspire (Blade-brother)
 Masterful Strike (To Arms) Melee + Buff 1m  To Arms (Blade-brother)

Hands of Healing

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Hands of Healing (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Shield-brother Toggle Buff 0.5s Level: 10
 Inspire (Shield-brother) Melee + Heal 15s Level: 22
 Gallant Display Melee AoE + Heal 5s Level: 26
 To Arms (Shield-brother) Buff 1m Level: 40
 Valiant Strike Melee + Heal 15s Set: Initial Skill
 Revealing Mark Heal 5s Trait:  Revealing Mark
 Cry of Vengeance Revive + Buff 5m Set:  Blood of Númenor
 Standard of Honour Standard 1m Trait:  Standard of Honour
 Reform the Lines! Heal + Buff 2m Set:  Reform the Lines
 Shield of the Dúnedain Buff 2m Trait:  Shield of the Dúnedain
 Gift of Spirit Heal 3s Trait:  Gift of Spirit

Lead the Charge

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Lead the Charge (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Blade-brother Toggle Buff 1s Level: 10
 Inspire (Blade-brother) Melee + Buff + Power 15s Level: 22
 Gallant Display Melee AoE 5s Level: 26
 To Arms (Blade-brother) Buff 1m Level: 40
 Shadow's Lament Melee 15s Set: Initial Skill
 Telling Mark Toggle Debuff 2s Trait:  Telling Mark
 Time of Need Buff 2m Trait:  Time of Need
 Standard of War Standard 1m Trait:  Standard of War
 Stand Alone Toggle Buff 3s Trait:  Stand Alone
 Oathbreaker's Shame Debuff 3m Trait:  Oathbreaker's Shame

Leader of Men

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Leader of Men (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Song-brother Toggle Buff 1s Level: 10
 Inspire (Song-brother) Melee + Power 15s Level: 22
 Gallant Display Melee AoE + Heal + Threat 5s Level: 26
 To Arms (Song-brother) Buff 1m Level: 40
 Hammer-stroke Melee 45s Set: Initial Skill
 Elendil's Roar Taunt 1m Set: Initial Skill
 Threatening Shout Taunt 15s Trait:  Threatening Shout
 Noble Mark Debuff 3s Trait:  Noble Mark
 Last Stand Buff + Heal 5m Trait:  Last Stand
 In Harm's Way Buff 3m Trait:  In Harm's Way
 Standard of Valour Standard 1m Trait:  Standard of Valour
 Strength in Numbers Heal 1m Trait:  Strength in Numbers
 Song-brother's Call Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Shield-brother's Call
 At the Fore Buff + Heal 3m Trait:  At the Fore

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in the regions of East Rohan, Wildermore, and West Rohan. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in other regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.

Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Discipline: Red Dawn Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Discipline: Riddermark Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Discipline: Rohirrim Stance 1s - Quest: Devastation in the North
 Cry Havoc Tactical + Buff 10s 40m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Cry Wrath Tactical 16s 40m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Measured Attack Melee 4s 4.2m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Oppressive Blow Melee 4s 4.2m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Rally the Riders Heal 12s 4.2m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1
 Rider and Steed Buff 18s 40m Quest: Vol. III, Book 8, Ch. 1

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Dwarf, High Elf, River Hobbit, Man, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1
 Heavy Armour 1
 Shields 15

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Daggers 1
 One-handed Axes 1
 One-handed Clubs 1
 One-handed Hammers 1
 One-handed Maces 1
 One-handed Swords 1
 Two-handed Axes 1
 Two-handed Clubs 1
 Two-handed Hammers 1
 Two-handed Swords 1
 Spear 10
 Halberd 15

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

Other Passive Skills

Proficiency Level
 Critical Defence 20
 Armament Use 20
 Improved Halberd Training 30
 Summoning Horn Use 40