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Character Topics: Getting Started, Character Stats, Races, Classes, Skills, Traits, Cosmetic
Beorning Dwarf Elf High Elf Hobbit Man River Hobbit Stout-axe

A player's character may be one of eight races:


For details see Beorning (Race)
Beornings descend from ancient Men, and can "skin-change" into bears when angered. They are gruff, distrustful, impolite, respect all creatures of nature, and hate Orcs more than anything.
The Beornings have a famous affinity with animals, which they foster and keep in their homes more as friends than as pets or livestock. Beorn, the former chief of the Beornings, was known to speak with animals and understand their own speech - many of his descendants have fostered this talent.
This uncommon ability is supplanted by a greater gift; Beorn could change into the shape of a bear. This skill has been passed down through the generations, such that most if not all of the Beornings can muster the change. Most do so only in great need or at festivals that come with the changing of the seasons and phases of the moon. No stranger has ever witnessed the transformation. Beorning women also have this ability, and they share the robust physicality of the Beornings.
The Beornings do not eat animals, but live in the main on cream, honey from their Bee pastures and crops that they cultivate themselves in their rich gardens.
Beorning were added with Update 15 - Gondor Aflame - November 5, 2014.
Playable Classes: Beorning
Starting Area: Meadhollow
Starting Area: The Skin-changer's Heritage

Beorning Names

Beornings take names influenced by Old Norse.
Grimbeorn, Folhúth, and Gultoth are examples of Beorning names.
  • Common masculine name endings for beornings are -beorn, -bert, -brand, -gils, -mark, -fast, -geir, -har, -karl, -mar, -moth, -mund, -rath, -rek, -styr, - thorn, -bald, -var, -vat, -vir, and -vith.
  • Common prefixes are Ag-, Arn-, Bald-, Borg-, Both-, Dag-, Dreng-, Eld-, Forn-, Froth-, Gal-, Glum-, Gluth-, Heim-, Hroth-, Is-, Jarn-, Lyth-, Moth-, Nef-, Oth-, Rath-, Rand-, Skal-, Stig-, Throt-, Vald-, and Vig-.
Langhár, Ethid and Berafrith are examples of Beorning names.
  • Common feminine name endings for Beornings are -a, -dis, -eith, -fast, -firth, -garth, -gifu, -gun, -hild, -la, -laug, -lin, -loth, otta, -ny, -run, -thrith, -bi, and -vor.
  • Common prefixes are Arin-, Bog-, Bera-, Birn-, Dis-, Dom-, Dyr-, Eir-, Esil-, Eth-, Ey-, Fast-, Feor-, Gerth-, Gis-, Gud-, Hall-, Har-, Hrim-, Huld-, Hun-, Ingi-, Jor-, Kat-, Is-, Lif-, Leot-, Mar-, Od-, Ol-, Ran-, Sal-, Sig-, Sol-, Svan,- Una-, and Vil-.

Beorning Origins

All Beornings are descended from Beorn and live in the Vales of Anduin.


This page is about the playable race. For non-player Dwarves, see Seven Houses of the Dwarves
For details see Dwarf

Dwellers of stone and miners of metal, the Dwarves are a doughty folk, resistant to the corruption of the Enemy -- but not to greed.

Dwarves can be excellent warriors, displaying unique toughness in battle and ability to craft great things.

The stout Dwarves of Middle-earth are known for their steadfast determination, hearty strength, and commitment to all things found in the world’s deep places. Living a secretive life in their homes beneath the great mountains, Dwarves are expert miners and workers of stone and metal. They stand on average four-and-a-half to five feet high, and live long lives, occasionally reaching an age of 250 years.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Silver Deep / Ered Luin

Starter Quest: Into the Silver Deep

Dwarf Names

Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.

  • Common endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur

These are coupled with

  • beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-

Examples are Dori, Glóin, Kili, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur

A few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)

Dwarf Origins

  • of the White Mountains - You are from the southwestern halls of Ered Nimrais, the White Mountains in the south bordering the lands of Andrast. Though your kingdom lies far from the central mountains where Men once dwelt, the rumour of the Oathbreakers has given your realm an ill name.


For details see Elf

Long ago, the Elves, also known as the Fair Folk, welcomed the younger Races of Middle-earth and allied with them when the need was great, but centuries of war, betrayal, and hardship have made them fiercely protective of their seclusion.

Tall and strong, fair and graceful, Elves have keen senses and a deep affinity for the beauty of the natural world. Throughout the ages, the deeds and struggles of the noble races of Elves have been entwined with the history of Middle-earth. Elves do not grow old as other races do — there are Elves abroad in Middle-earth today who still remember their youth in the First Age. They remember all too well the devastation caused by the tides of evil that once darkened the land — a shadow that threatens to do so once again. In ages past, the Elves divided into many different groups, and settled throughout Middle-earth, primarily in the ancient forested realms where they still live.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Edhelion / Ered Luin

Starter Quest: The Refuge of Edhelion

Elf Names

With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.

  • Common Male Prefixes: Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, Ul-
  • Common Masculine name Endings: -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, -we
  • Common Female Prefixes: Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, Tinu-
  • Common Feminine name Endings: -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, -wing

Elf Origins

High Elf

High Elves
For details see High Elf

High Elves, who have beheld the beauty of Valinor, possess grace and strength beyond even their woodland kin. Those few who remain yearn to see that Middle-earth is safe to bequeath to Men before they depart for the Undying Lands.

High Elves were added with the Mordor expansion.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Mariner, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Rivendell / Celondim

Starter Quest: Into Darkness Falls a Star

High Elf Names

With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.

Names like Arwen, Celebrian, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.
  • Common Feminine name Endings: -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, -wing
  • Common Female Prefixes: Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, Tinu-
Names like Elrond, Legolas and Lindir are examples of elf-men in Middle-earth.
  • Common Masculine name Endings in Sindarin are: -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we
  • Common Prefixes are: Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, Ul-

High Elf Origins

  • of Gondolin - The memory of the white towers of Gondolin, hidden city of the High Elves, still burns within you, though it fell to treachery long ago.
  • of Imladris - Driven from your home by Death and war, you came to the hidden vale of Imladris, where you have long dwelt under Elrond's protection.
  • of Nargothrond - You spent your younger days in the cavern-fortress of Nargothrond, the hall of Finrod Felagund, whose beauty was lost in the wars of old.
  • of Beleriand - In Elder Days, you dwelt in the fair Elf-lands of Beleriand, now broken and lost forever beneath the Sea.
  • of Ossiriand - Your home of Ossiriand survived the fall of Beleriand to be come Gil-galad's realm of Lindon, now grown empty as the Elves depart for Valinor.


For details see Hobbit

Happiest when enjoying a simple life with six square meals a day, Hobbits are a solid and dependable Race when called to action.

There are few recorded deeds of Hobbits until late in the Third Age of Middle-earth, which is just the way Hobbits prefer it. They are a simple, quiet folk, preferring to dwell in hillside holes in and around the land known as the Shire. These small folk enjoy the peaceful endeavors of farming, eating and gift giving, rather than concerning themselves with the dangerous affairs of the rest of Middle-earth.

In these dark days, however, it is the unassuming Hobbits, with their often surprising cleverness in both word and action, that will have the greatest impact in the war between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and the lengthening shadows of evil... from Angmar, to the north.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Minstrel, Warden

Starting Area: Green Hill Country / Archet / Little Delving

Starter Quest: A Road Through the Dark

Hobbit Names

  • Men usually take very simple names ending in -o, or aristocratic names drawing from the Frankish and Gothic languages.
    • Common prefixes are Adel-, And-, Bando-, Dino-, Dod-, Ever-, Ferd-, Ferum-, Fortin-, Fred-, Gorma-, Hal-, Ham-, Hildi-, Hol-, Isen-, Isum-, Marma-, Meri-, Regin-, Sara-, Sere-, Thae-, Tol-, and Wil-.
    • Common endings are -acar, -ard, -bald, -bard, -brand, -bras, -come, -das, -dic, -doc, -egar, -fast, -fred, -gar, -gard, -grim, -ing, -lac, -las, -loc, -mac, -man, -mond, -nas, -red, -ric, -roc, -son, -wise.
  • Women take simple names ending in -a, or are named after flowers or jewels. Examples of first names are Belladonna, Dora, Esmerelda, Lobelia, Ruby, Sapphire, and Tulip.

Hobbit Origins

  • of the Fallohides - Lovers of trees and woodlands, the Fallohides were the first hobbits to come to the Shire. They generally tend to be fairer of skin and hair, as well as taller and more slender.
  • of the Harfoots - The Harfoots are the most prodigious hole-dwellers and were the first to cross west into Eriador. They generally tend to be browner of skin than the other kindreds, as well as smaller and shorter.
  • of the Stoors - The Stoors were the last of the hobbit kindreds to come to the Shire, settling at last in the eastern marshlands of the Shire. They generally tend to be heavier and broader of build than the other kindreds.

Race of Man

For details see Race of Man

Not as long-lived as Elves, sturdy as Dwarves, or resilient as Hobbits, the Race of Man is renowned for their courage and resourcefulness.

The Race of Man is the shortest-lived of the Races of Middle-earth, yet it is also the race destined to rule in the years beyond the Third Age. Their mortality was considered a unique gift, but in time it became known as “The Doom of Men” and the source of lamentation. Men and Women are capable of great courage and honour, yet they can also easily fall prey to ambition, deceit and betrayal.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Mariner, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Archet

Starter Quest: Jail Break

Race of Man Names

Bree-folk often use simple, English-styled names. Sometimes Bree-landers go by their last names, which are almost always related to plants, such as Appledore, Thistleway, Butterbur, or Ferny.

  • Common Bree-men names are short: Ned, Bill, Mat, Wil, or Tom, but longer or less familiar names -- such as Barliman, Humphrey, or Cuthbert -- are not unknown.
  • Common Bree-women names are simple: Ellie, Dora, Adela, and Clara, though less familiar names -- such as Amabel, Maribel, or Livina -- are not unknown.

Dale-folk tend to use Norse or Anglo-Saxon names, such as Bard, Brand, Eadald, or Hengest for men, or Ethelhild, Beornwyn, Cynwise, or Leofwen for women.

  • Common Dale-men name endings: -bryt, -dryt, -ea, -ferth, -frid, -frith, -gar, -helm, -here, -laf, -nath, -red, -ric, -rid, -sig, -stan, -thryth, -werd, -wald, -wig, -wine, and -wulf.
    Common prefixes: Ald-, An-, Beo-, Beorth-, Cen-, Ceol-, Cuth-, Ead-, Egel-, Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Forth-, Frea-, Grim-, Guth-, Hes-, Ord-, and Theod-.
  • Common Dale-women name endings: -bur, -fled, -gifu, -leofu, -swith, -thryth, -waru, -wen, -and -wyn, among others.
    Common prefixes: Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Beorn-, Ceo-, Cwen-, Cyn-, Ead-, Eal-, Here-, Leof-, and Wulf-.

With rare exceptions, men and women of Gondor have Sindarin names. Beregond, Boromir, and Faramir are examples of Gondor men's names; Gilraen and Ioreth are women's names.

  • Common masculine endings in Sindarin: -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -or, -orn, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thelion, -thir, -uil, and -vorn.
    Common prefixes: Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
  • Common feminine name endings in Sindarin: -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -riel, -rian, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing.
    Common prefixes: Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinú-.

Men and women of Rohirrim use Anglo-Saxon names, such as Eomer, Erkenbrand, and Théoden for men, or Beornwyn, Cynwise, Éorwyn, or Léofwen for women.

  • Common name endings for men of Rohirrim: -bryt, -dryt, -ea, -ferth, -frid, -frith, -gar, -helm, -here, -nath, -red, -ric, -rid, -sig, -stan, -thryth, -werd, -wald, -wig, -wine, and -wulf.
    Common prefixes: Ald-, An-, Beo-, Beort-, Beorn-, Cen-, Ceol-, Coen-, Cuth-, Ead-, Egel-, Elf-, Eo-, Esc-, Ethel-, Forth-, Frea-, Grim-, Guth-, Hes-, Ord-, and Theod-.
  • Common name endings for women of Rohirrim: -bur, -fled, -gifu, -leofu, -swith, -thryth, -waru, -wen, -and -wyn.
    Common prefixes: Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Beorn-, Ceo-, Cwen-, Cyn-, Ead-, Eal-, Eo-, Here-, Leof-, and Wulf-.

Race of Man Origins

  • of Bree-land - You grew up in Bree-land, once part of the North Kingdom of Arnor, once ruled by Elendil the Tall as High King of Middle-earth, and later by his elder son Isildur. Now it is but a simple, rustic land, and the North Kingdom is no more.
  • of Dale - You come from the Dale-lands in the northeast of Middle-earth, beneath the Lonely Mountain, where Bard the Bowman slew the dragon Smaug and fought in the Battle of Five Armies.
  • of Gondor - You hail from the land of Gondor, the South Kingdom once ruled conjointly by the sons of Elendil, Isildur and Anárion, ever-watchful against the looming threat of Mordor.
  • of Rohan - You are one of the Horse-lords of the Riddermark, the realm granted to Eorl the Young by Cirion, Steward of Gondor, currently ruled by Théoden, Son of Thengel.

River Hobbit

River Hobbits
For details see River Hobbit

The last of their kind remaining east of the Misty Mountains, River Hobbits are a lithe and silvan folk, steeped in wood-lore and attuned to the mountains where they remain hidden.

River Hobbits were added with Update 37 - The Humble Homes of the Holbytlan - August 29, 2023 as a purchase available through the Lotro Store via bundle choices.

River Hobbits are available to purchase as a standalone item in the LOTRO Store since February 2024 for 1000 LOTRO Points.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Mariner, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Lyndelby / Mossward

River Hobbit Names

  • River Hobbits still use the olden names of their kind, drawing on ancient Celtic and Germanic tongues.
  • For men:
    • Common prefixes are Agil-, Alb-, Amal-, Arn-, Bald-, Bern-, Broch-, Burg-, Cara-, Child-, Dud-, Ed-, Ellan-, Elu-, Era-, Fara-, Fridu-, Geb-, Glad-, Gorthi-, Gundi-, Hari-, Hil-, Ingi-, Lof-, Lundi-, Mahal-, Mer-, Mor-, Mund-, Nor-, Odal-, Ord-, Ot-, Ragin-, Rodi-, Roth-, Rudi-, Stig-, Thudi-, Udu-, Una-, Urb-, Wara-, Wido-, and Wyn-.
    • Common name endings are -an, -bern, -bert, -cant, -doc, -frith, -gal, -girn, -hal, -hard, -ig, -lach -mal, -min, -noth, -ram, -red, -seth, -vald, -werth, and -win.
    • Some examples are Athelmar, Cadvan, Gerbald, Meginard, and Rotri.
  • For women:
    • Common prefixes are Adal-, Amal-, Anar-, Auda-, Blod-, Brun-, Cara-, Cin-, Dil-, Dun-, Ead-, El-, Fion-, Fritha-, Glad-, Glyn-, Gwen-, Haf-, Hele-, Léof-, Luda-, Mair-, Mild-, Ragen-, Rhian-, Ros-, Sera-, Tara-, and Wili-.
    • Common name endings are -ban, -berga, -bryn, -dis, -dolen, -drud, -ed, -eri, -flad, -gara, -gund, -hith, -ian, -lag, -lind, -rid, -switha, -thryth, -weth, and -wyn.
    • Some examples are Angharad, Clotild, Irmingard, Odilia, and Rosyn.

River Hobbit Origins


For details see Stout-axe

The Stout-axes were once a part of one of the Seven Houses of the Dwarves, known as Drása's Folk. Brought to ruin by their desire for the Ring granted to them by Sauron, Drása's Folk doomed their descendants to an era of thralldom in the Black Land.

Stout-axes were added with the Minas Morgul expansion. Stout-axes are available to purchase as a standalone item in the LOTRO Store for 1000 LOTRO Points.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Mariner, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Barad-dûr / Ered Luin

Starter Quest: Tremors Beneath Barad-dûr

Stout-axe Names

Stout-axe Dwarves have short, simple names in forms resembling old Baltic.

  • Common endings are -a, -ad, -ag, -al, -as, -at, -ang, -el, -i, -ig, -ik, -ir, -o, -ok, -ot, -un, -ur, -ut, -uz. Examples include Khálik, Akád, Ilgo, Váruz, Kósi, Gúdag, Ságrok, Dávir, Ugél. Some also take Norse names like Longbeard Dwarves or old Slavonic like the Zhélruka.

Stout-axe Origins

  • of Mordor - You are a Stout-axe, a Dwarf of the Khirvísa clan, in thrall to the Dark Lord of Mordor. Stripped of your history, your clan name, and even your own language, the Stout-axes have become a lost people, with each generation growing stronger and grimmer than the last as ceaseless labour and suffering reshapes them. As Mordor grows in might, the Enemy has put the Stout-axes to ever more dangerous work in the furnaces of Udûn and beneath Barad-dûr itself, heedless of how many lives are spent as he musters his armies for War.