Captain Effects

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 Armour Rend
 At the Fore
 At the Fore
 Banner of Hope
 Banner of Victory
 Banner of War
 Captain's Protection
 Captain's Ward
 Choice Words
 Courageous Heart
 Cry of Fury
 Cry of Fury
 Cry of Vengeance
 Cutting Attack - Bleed
 Cutting Edge
 Defeat Event Incoming Healing
 Defensive Posture
 Elendil's Boon
 Elendil's Favour
 Elendil's Fortune
 Enemy Defeat Response
 Gallant Display
 Grave Wound - Bleed
 Grievous Wounds
 Hardened Captain
 Honourable Blow
 Improved Cutting Attack
 In Defence of Middle-earth
 In Harm's Way
 Inspire (Blade-brother)
 Inspire (Fellowship Blade-brother)
 Inspire (Morale)
 Inspire (Power)
 Inspire (Power)
 Last Stand
 Lead the Charge
 Light of Elendil
 Make Haste
 Master Banner of War
 Master of War
 Masterful Standard of War
 Masterful Strikes
 Melee Healing
 Noble Battle
 Noble Mark
 Noble Mark
 Oathbreaker's Shame
 On Guard
 Penetrating Cry Attack Speed Buff
 Rallying Cry
 Rallying Cry: Now For Wrath
 Relentless Attack
 Renewed Defences
 Revealing Mark
 Reversal Melee Damage
 Rousing Cry Damage Buff
 Shield of the Dúnedain
 Situational Awareness Evade Rating
 Standard of Honour
 Standard of Valour Incoming Healing Buff
 Standard of War Damage Buff
 Standing Alone
 Strength in Numbers
 Telling Mark
 Time of Need
 To Arms (Blade-brother)
 To Arms (Fellowship Blade-brother)
 To Arms (Fellowship Shield-brother)
 To Arms (Fellowship Song-brother)
 To Arms (Shield-brother)
 To Arms (Shield-brother)
 To Arms (Song-brother)
 To Arms (Song-brother)
 Valiant Strike - Fellowship
 Words of Courage