Lore-master Skills

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Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Burning Embers Damage + DoT + Debuff 3s Level: 1
 Staff Strike Melee 3s Level: 1
 Wizard's Spark Damage + Buff 5s Level: 1
 Wizard's Frost Damage + Heal + Slow 0.5s Level: 3
 Wizard's Fire Damage + DoT + Power 0.5s Level: 4
 Gust of Wind AoE Damage 10s Level: 6
 Knowledge of Cures Cure 15s Level: 7
 Light of Hope Heal 15s Level: 8
 Light of the Rising Dawn Damage + Interrupt 15s Level: 10
 Cracked Earth AoE Damage 10s Level: 12
 Clever Escape Cure 1m Level: 15
 Dispel Corruption Corruption 7s Level: 20
 Knowledge of the Lore-master Debuff 1m Level: 22
 Back from the Brink Revive - Level: 26
 Wisdom of the Council Heal + Buff + Stun 3m Level: 30
 Water Lore Heal 10s Level: 32
 Call to the Valar Cooldown + Buff 5m Level: 34
 Power of Knowledge Damage + Power 45s Level: 38
 Sign of Power: Vigilance Buff + Motivated 1m 30s Level: 40

Pet Summoning and Command Skills

The Lore-master may summon Pets to aid them in battle. Only 1 Pet may be active at a time. 3 Pets are gained through leveling, 3 are gained through traits in the Keeper of Animals trait tree, and 1 is gained by specializing in the Ancient Master. Lore-masters have several command skills they can use to control their Pets. Upon using a Command skill, the currently summoned Pet uses their respective skill (Minor, Major, Raging, Protection). Yellow and Blue-line Lore-masters have different Minor Pet abilities, and Blue-line Lore-masters are the only ones that have access to Raging and Protection skills.

Active Skills Category CD Source
Pet Summoning Skills
 Friend of Sturdy Beasts (Bear) Pet (Bear) - Level: 2 +  Friend of Sturdy Beasts
 Friend of Small Fowl (Raven) Pet (Raven) - Level: 15 +  Friend of Small Fowl
 Friend of Small Hunters (Lynx) Pet (Lynx) - Level: 30 +  Friend of Small Hunters
 Friend of the Wilds (Bog-guardian) Pet (Bog-lurker) - Trait:  Friend of the Wilds
 Friend of Noble Birds (Lesser Giant Eagle) Pet (Eagle) - Trait:  Friend of Noble Birds
 Friend of Large Hunters (Sabre-tooth) Pet (Sabre-tooth) - Trait:  Friend of Large Hunters
 Nature Spirit (Spirit Mote) Pet (Spirit) - Level: 2 + The Ancient Master (Specialization)
Pet Command Skills
 Dismiss Pet Pet 1s Level: 2
 Minor Pet Command Pet 20s Level: 2
 Major Pet Command Pet 1m Level: 18
 Sign of the Wild: Rage Pet 15s Set: Keeper of Animals (Specialization)
 Sign of the Wild: Protection Pet 1m 30s Set: Keeper of Animals (Specialization)

Pet Skills

Pet Pet Skills Category CD
 Minor Pet Command (The Ancient Master)
 Shatter Arms Melee + Debuff 15s
 Distraction Debuff + DoT 15s
 Razor Claws Melee + Debuff + DoT 15s
 Choking Vines Ranged + Debuff 15s
 Noble Purpose AoE Buff 15s
 Frostbite Melee AoE + Debuff 15s
 Nature's Bounty AoE Buff 15s
 Minor Pet Command (Keeper of Animals)
 Bear Hug Melee + Stun 15s
 Benediction Buff 15s
 Slashing Claws Melee + DoT 15s
 Angry Bees Ranged + DoT 15s
 Harrying Strike Melee + Debuff + DoT 15s
 Furious Claws Melee AoE + DoT 15s
 Major Pet Command
 Roaring Challenge AoE Taunt 50s
 Fear No Darkness AoE Cure + Heal + Buff 50s
 Feral Strike AoE Damage + DoT 50s
 Bursting Root Damage + Fellowship Manoeuvre 50s
 Fan the Flames Melee AoE + DoT 50s
 Unbridled Fury Melee AoE 50s
 Nature's Gift Heal AoE 50s
 Sign of the Wild: Rage
 Wild Strike Melee 1s
 Wild Peck Melee 1s
 Wild Strike Melee + DoT 1s
 Wild Root Ranged 1s
 Wild Peck Melee AoE 1s
 Wild Strike Melee AoE 1s
 Sign of the Wild: Protection
 Hardened Hide Buff 1m 15s
 Evasion Buff 1m 15s
 Turn Tail Buff 1m 15s
 Shielding Roots Buff 1m 15s
 Sacrifice Buff 1m 15s
 Cornered Vigour Buff 1m 15s

Call to Pet Skills

When specializing in the Master of Nature's Fury trait tree, the Lore-master's pet summoning skills are converted into the below Call to Pet skills. These skills share a common cooldown. Each one has an initial effect applied by the Lore-master, and each one summons a pet for a short duration.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Call to Bears AoE Fear 2m Level: 2 +  Friend of Sturdy Beasts
 Call to Ravens Debuff 2m Level: 15 +  Friend of Small Fowl
 Call to Lynx Melee + DoT 2m Level: 30 +  Friend of Small Hunters
 Call to Lurkers Stun + DoT 2m Trait:  Friend of the Wilds
 Call to Eagles Damage + DoT 2m Trait:  Friend of Noble Birds
 Call to Sabre-tooths AoE Damage 2m Trait:  Friend of Large Hunters

Keeper of Animals

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Keeper of Animals (blue) trait tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Inner Flame Heal 1m Set:  Inner Flame
 Retribution Damage + Stun + Buff 1m Trait:  Don't You Touch Him!
 Catmint Pet 45s Trait:  Catmint
 Battle Knowledge Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Battle Knowledge
 Unbreakable Bond Buff 1m Trait:  Unbreakable Bond
 A Murder of Crows AoE Damage + DoT + Debuff 2m Trait:  A Murder of Crows

Master of Nature's Fury

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Master of Nature's Fury (red) trait tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lightning Strike Damage 10s Set: Initial skill
 Lightning-charged Staff Strike Damage 3s Trait:  Storm and Staff
 Staff Sweep AoE Damage 12s Set:  Staff Sweep
 Lightning Storm AoE Damage 1m Trait:  Lightning Storm
 Sticky Gourd AoE Damage + DoT + Debuff 30s Set:  Sticky Gourd
 Ring of Fire AoE Damage 1m 15s Trait:  Ring of Fire
 Ents go to War AoE Damage + Stun 1m Set:  Ents go to War
 Nature's Fury Damage + DoT + Buff 2m Trait:  Nature's Fury

The Ancient Master

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Ancient Master (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Fire and Frost Lore Debuff - Set: Initial skill
 Test of Will Damage + Stun 45s Set: Initial skill
 Bane Flare AoE Daze 2m Trait:  Bane Flare
 Sticky Tar AoE Debuff 1m 30s Set:  Sticky Tar
 Storm Lore AoE Damage + Stun 2m Set:  Storm-lore
 Sign of Power: See All Ends Buff 20s Trait:  See All Ends
 Share the Power Power 40s Trait:  Flow of Power
 Share the Power - Fellowship Power 1m Set:  Bountiful Power
 Blinding Flash Daze + Interrupt 30s Trait:  Blinding Flash
 Sign of Power: Righteousness Buff 45s Trait:  Righteousness
 Wind Lore AoE Debuff 5s Trait:  Wind Lore
 Herb Lore AoE Root 2m Set:  Herb-lore
 Pleasant Breeze AoE Heal 30s Trait:  Pleasant Breeze
 Air Lore Buff 1m 30s Set:  Air Lore
 Beacon of Hope AoE Heal 15s Trait:  Beacon of Hope
 Ancient Craft AoE Debuff 1m Set:  Ancient Craft
 The Ancient Master Buff 3m Trait:  The Ancient Master
 Warding Knowledge AoE Buff 2m 30s Set:  Warding Knowledge

Mounted Combat Skills

Ability Category Level Range Description
 Discipline: Rohirrim Mounted Discipline 75 Increases (War-steed) Morale and Outgoing Healing
 Discipline: Red Dawn Mounted Discipline 75 Increases damage dealt and reduces enemy's chance to resist tactical skills
 Discipline: Riddermark Mounted Discipline 75 Lore-master focuses on Beast-lore, turning their attention to the weakening or enhancement of beasts.
 Bond of the Rider Damage + Heal 75 40m Deals damage to your target and restores some of fellowship's morale and their War-steeds
 Enduring Embers Damage + Debuff 75 40m Applies a fire damage over time as well as having a chance to place a debuff on the target depending on active discipline.
 Mearas-lore Debuff 75 40m Debuffs the target, effect depends on the mounted discipline.
 Metal and Mettle Damage 75 Melee attack
 Radiant Burst Root + Slow 75 40m Root and then slow an enemy with chance of dismount.
 Sign of Power: Inspiration Debuff 75 40m On any damage, there is a 20% chance for a heal or Light damage to the enemy, depending on the mounted discipline.
 Bond of the Lore-master Power + Buff 75 40m Reduces (War-steed) Power cost of all skills and increases in-Combat Regeneration (requires the Bond of the Lore-master trait)
 Riding Companion: War Wolf Pet 75 Summons a War Wolf pet (requires the Riding Companion trait)

Non-combat Pet Skills

Calls a fun non-combat pet that will follow your Lore-master's around.

Skills Found
 Rabbit-speech Tome of the Hare from the quest Lore-master: Friend of Sparrows
 Bird-speech Tome of the Sparrow bought via Reputation from Atharbain within Imlad Gelair in Rivendell
 Dog-speech Tome of the Dog dropped in Angmar
 Cat-speech Tome of the Cat dropped in Angmar
 Fox-speech Tome of the Fox dropped in Angmar
 Frog-speech Tome of the Frog dropped in Angmar
 Snake-speech Tome of the Snake dropped in the Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu (Raid)
 Squirrel-speech Tome of the Squirrel dropped in Angmar
 Turtle-speech Tome of the Turtle bought from Maneser Goodbody at the Mathom House in Michel Delving

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, River Hobbit, or Man

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1

Combat Characteristics

Proficiency Level
 Friend of Sturdy Beasts 2
 Friend of Small Fowl 15
 Ancient Wisdom 28
 Friend of Small Hunters 30
 Sword and Staff 40

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Clarinet Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

Misc. Passive Skills

Proficiency Level
 Novice 5[1]
 Journeyman 10
 Adept 20
 Books of Lore 20
 Friend of the Wild 29[2]
 Master 30
 Heroic 40
  1. Granted upon completion of the Introduction Quest.
  2. Granted upon completion of the level 29 class quest Lore-master: Friend of Sparrows.

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Two-handed Staves 1