Algraig, Men of Enedwaith

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The Algraig of Enedwaith, Men of the hills whose lands are ruled from the Halls of Nan Laeglin. Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith can only be gathered by doing quests for them.


Many quests in Enedwaith reward with a higher standing with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith . Click [+] to expand a list of them.

Repeatable Quests

Tasks Bulletin Board

Quest Rewards

Apart from raw reputation with the Algraig, Men of Enedwaith, quests often reward with Silver Tokens of the Wilds or sometimes Golden Tokens of the Wilds. These can be bartered for special rewards with reputation reward vendors.

Reputation Reward Vendors

Reputation Reward Vendors of Algraig, Men of Enedwaith are found in the larger towns like Lhanuch in Enedwaith.

Reputation Reward Vendors in Lhanuch

Item to Receive Items to Trade
5 Steeped Athelas Essences 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Steeped Celebrant Salves 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Steeped Milkthistle Draughts 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Steeped Lhinestad Draughts 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Steeped Conhuith Draughts 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Steeped Healing Draughts 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Tailor Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Weaponsmith Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Woodworker Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Scholar Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Metalsmith Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Supreme Jeweller Scroll Case 10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Cel-lhopan 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Ysbur-lhopan 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Parch-lhopan 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Giard-socas 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Rhydhid-socas 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Henki-socas 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Trom-palvais 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Pren-palvais 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Saets-palvais 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Bull Banner
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Dragon Banner
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Falcon Banner
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Stag Banner
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 White Hand Banner
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
5 Cut of Traveller's Pan-seared Beef 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds Golden Token of the Wilds
Golden Token of the Wilds 15 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Grant Sneeze Emote
5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Parch-clog 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Chul-clog 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Egnïon-clog 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Egnïon-clustlus 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Gobaith-clustlus 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Arth-breichled 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Maur-breichled 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Pan-seared Potatoes and Lamb Recipe 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Grant Tickle Emote
5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Bull Totem
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Dragon Totem
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Falcon Totem
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Stag Totem
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Curudhram 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Rhuvel-bidog 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Bri-pastun 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Bolt-thrower 5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Large Uch-lûth Ox-shrine
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Small Uch-lûth Ox-shrine
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Enedwaith - Haunted Lands
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Tall Stone Wall (Dunland)
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
 Prized Algraig Steed 20 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Return to Enedwaith
20 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
20 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Grant Drunk Emote
5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Grant Man Dance Emote
5 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Cloak of Elegance
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Necklace of Grace
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Heavy Shield of Resilience
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Shield of Warding
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Light Shield of Perseverance
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
 Algraig Sword of Battle
10 Silver Tokens of the Wilds
5 Golden Tokens of the Wilds
Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Enhancement Rune, Lvl 50 Rare 30 Silver Tokens of the Wild
 Tracery, Lvl 50 Rare 30 Silver Tokens of the Wild
 Plain Heritage Rune of Knowledge 10 Silver Tokens of the Wild
 Decorated Heritage Rune of Lore 10 Silver Tokens of the Wild 2 Golden Tokens of the Wild




