Hieraláf was a man of the Rohirrim, a distant cousin of king Fengel of Rohan and had taken a band of warriors to Minhiriath in the year 1913. There had been a major flood in that region that devistated the lands and the city of Tharbad. He was send by the king of Rohan to protect the city after its residents moved away leaving the possibility for orcs to take up refuge there. He was tasked to not let one orc in the city since the north-south road leads through the area and Rohan and Gondor thought it important to make sure the north was kept accesible. They made the city of Mossward just on its doorstep and lived there together with the residence of Tharbad while making sure the city and town were protected.
In 1925 a large Orc patrol suprised the defenders and drove them out of the city into the Swanfleet. With most of their troops defeated and wounded they did not dare crossing the hostile lands of Dunland and instead made their way north to a city called Tornhad. Here the Dúnedain dwelled, but could not be convinced to drive out the orcs. He did however meet a lady here, who was of Dúnedain descent. She was called Beäduin, and they fell in love. His man and the surviving people of Tharbad travelled south again and reconquered an abandont Mossward and made sure to protect the town from the now in orc controlled city of Tharbad. Because Beäduin was unwilling to move out of Tornhad, Hieraláf returned here after he knew his man were save.
On the 31st of January of 1932 their first son was born, named Golodir, and soon after a second son was on his way, called Manadir, born on the 4th of October of 1933. Only a month after his birth, the distant cousin of Beäduin and leader of the Dúnedain was killed by Orcs, and his son was send away to live with Elrond of Rivendell until he became of age. Hieraláf took over the leadership in Tornhad till the return of the boy, but was killed only a couple of months later after pursueing an orc patrol at the crossing of the Bruinen. Beäduin named her second son Hierok after this and raised her two sons on her own till they became 18 years of age. Golodir was send to the city of Dolindîr and a year later Hierok was on his way to Annúminas in the year of 2952. He did serves here for many years even becoming one of the Captains at Annúminas. Two years after this Beäduin passed away because of an illness.
In 2975 a young girl called Alamon, who just became of age, was send here from Tornhad aswell. Golodir was now second in command of the Dúnedain and wished to gain more allies against Angmar. Hierok and Alamon rode north at Golodirs request to gain the trust of the men in the north. They entered the frozen land of Forochel and made their way to Sûri-kylä. In those first 2 weeks Hierok made sure the city was well protected and Alamon helped in the huts of healing and hunted for food. They came in favour of the Lossoth and after those 2 weeks the enemy indeed came. They were told off by the Lossoth and in return an army came to destroy the village. Helping with the defence Hierok and Alamon defeated the evil man who in return took refuge at the Ironspan to the east. Hierok and Alamon stayed with Lossoth for 5 years and fell in love. In 2980 Théoden becomes king of Rohan and Hierok and Alamon return south while Lothrandir takes over the post at Forochel. They meet with Golodir, who gives the leadership to a ranger named Halbarad. They return first to Mossward and rally the Rohirric man who wish to return. The town of Mossward had become a stable city with good defences and the residence could care for them selves now.
At the coronation of Théoden they meet again with Aragorn after he returned from his adventures in the south. Together with Aragorn they return north through Lothlórien and the Vales of Anduin. Here they part ways, where Aragorn goes through the Misty Mountains and Hierok and Alamon stay at the city of Vegbár while protecting the passage over the mountains. Alamon befriends a young Beorning called Aranvi and they stayed on this posts for multiple years. Hierok and Alamon married in 2989 and got 4 kids in the following years. On the 18th of November of 2991 Hierunuir was born. On the 9th of July of 2999 both Ronaduin and Mydaxil were born and lastly on the 31st of August Haelondir was born. The girls learned a lot from the Beornings and their father and mother in the ways of fighting and hunting. Hierok and Hierunuir were send by Gandalf and Aragorn to look for Gollum in the year 3009. It were however Ronaduin and Mydaxil who first saw the creature. Ronaduin tracked its tracks and Mydaxil wrestled him to the ground, but in the process became injured. Before Gollum could finish the job Hierunuir came in with Gandalf, Aragorn and Hierok and protected her sisters. Gollum fled into Moria with a last shot of Ronaduin as warning to not return. Aragorn praised the girls, and called Hierunuir an excellent guardian, Ronaduin a great tracker and hunter and Mydaxil a brilliant brawler. Back home Aragorn and Hierok continued the search while Aranvi and Alamon took care of the girls and protected the city.
War of the Ring
8 years later, in the year 3017, Gollum was finally captured and taken to Felegoth to be a prisoner there. Hierok returned home together with Aragorn and bid the girls to pack their things and go with him and Aragorn to Rivendell. Alamon and Aranvi stayed behind in Vegbár with Haelondir who had not yet become of age but promised to follow soon after. Hierok rode with Aragorn to Bree while Hierunuir went to Ost Guruth, Mydaxil to Esteldín and Ronaduin stationed at Sarn Ford with the ranger Halbarad. In the year 3018 the Nazgûl enter Eriador in search of the ring. Hierunuir encounters them on Weathertop and starts the hunt for them. On the 25th of September a Nazgûl enters the town of Archet and the ranger Amdir is stabbed by a morgul blade before Hierok and Aragorn enter the battle. They kill Amdir and Éogan at the southern Chetwood 3 days later while the Nazgûl flee. The ring-wraiths move south and fight Halbarad and Ronaduin at Sarn Ford before making their way into the Shire. Hierunuir pursues them while Haelondir and Alamon, who have left the Vales to help them, together with the ranger Meneldir make sure the survivors are taken care of and rally the remaining rangers to Tyrn Gorthad to look for the grey fear. Here Meneldir dies, the grey fear is defeated and they follow Boromir to Rivendell. In this time Mydaxil is tasked to go to the Shire and meets here with Gandalf, who asks her to go to the Dwarves of the Ered Luin to follow the gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-hand and witnisses the return of Skorgrím Dourhand and goes after him.
In the meantime Hierunuir has moved into the Shire and meets her dad at Buckland with the ranger Lenglinn on the 1st of October and realsing the Nazgûl have circled back to Bree they start the pursued. However, Mydaxil in her pursued of Skorgrím enters a barrow and is saved by Tom Bombadil. On the 3rd of October Gandalf is attacked on Weathertop and Aragorn with the 4 hobbits are still in the Midgewater Marshes while Hierok and Hierunuir make their way to Bree. Mydaxil meets Ronaduin and Alamon in Bree and goes south with Ronaduin again. Hierok and Hierunuir are confronted Haelondir and Halbarad later that day who tells the story of the situation south, Ronaduin and Mydaxil having set out to Trestlebridge and Alamon with her destination of Rivendell as a true minstrel. Halbarad and Hierok decide that Haelondir and Hierok pursue the Nazgûl while Halbarad and Hierunuir go north to fortify Esteldín.
Halbarad and Hierunuir meet with Ronaduin and Mydaxil in Trestlebridge and keep heading for Esteldín, while Ronaduin and Mydaxil follow Hierok and Haelondir. The ring-bearer is stabbed on Weathertop on the 6th of October and Aragorn and the hobbits hurry to Rivendell. Hierok and Haelondir move through the Lone-lands and meet the ranger Candaith. They investigate Weathertop while the hobbits are making their way east. Ronaduin and Mydaxil have missed their destination and help Radagast with Ivar giving Mydaxil her revenge. Hierok and Haelondir meet their family back at Ost Guruth on the 10th of October and Mydaxil and Ronaduin head for Rivendell while Hierok and Haelondir go to Esteldín again on Radagasts request. On the 12th of October they reach Esteldín and ask Hierunuir to go east to Rivendell. On the 14th of October Hierunuir meets Gandalf in the Ettenmoors and together they arrive in Rivendell on the 18th. Alamon reunites with her mother again and a day later Mydaxil and Ronaduin get to Rivendell too. On the 20th of October Gandalf and Elrond defeat the Nazgûl and Frodo and company get to his destination just in time.
On the 25th of October Ronaduin helps Legolas with locating the missing Nazgûl, while Alamon and Mydaxil come across Boromir when he enters from the south. The day after the Nazgûl flees to the Misty Mountains and Hierunuir, Mydaxil and Hierok are send to Glóin's Camp to warn the dwarves. They kill Skorgrím on the 27th of October and Elrond orders an attack on Helegrod to stop Ivar and the Nazgûl from fully resurrecting the dragon Thorog. In the meantime Hierok and Haelondir have reached Angmar and met Corunir. He learns of the watching stones of Angmar and how to battle their influence. Hierok sends word to Rivendell for reinforcements while he and Haelondir head north to Carn Dûm. They meet their niece Lorniel there who tells them Golodir has been captured by the crown. On the 21st of October Haelondir makes way to the Ered Luin to forge a key to enter Carn Dûm. Hierok remains in Gath Forthnír and is reunited with his family on the 5th of November. On the 6th of November Haelondir returns and finally together they enter Carn Dûm together with Lorniel. They rescue Golodir, but his daughter is slain by Mordirith.
On request of Aragorn to protect Rivendell from the danger of the orcs of Gundabad, Hierok and Alamon travel to the High Pass in the Vales of Anduin and make a camp here.
The Beornings meet Hierok and Alamon and start living with them in a village called Vegbár.
Gandalf learns the information of the Scroll of Isildur about the ring, and than goes to Felegoth to question Gollum.
Aragorn asks Hierok and his family to leave their home of Vegbár in order to battle the upcoming threat of Mordor on Gandalfs request to protect the Shire since the suspection is Sauron will want to try to find the Shire to retrieve the ring.
Ronaduin and Hierunuir find eachother. Hierunuir decides to hunt for the four Nazgûl, while Ronaduin needs to track Mydaxil and head north to warn Hierok.
Amdir turns into a wraith and kills Toradan. Hierok starts the hunt.
Tom Bombadil rescues the hobbits, who stay with him for a while.
Hierunuir meets Halros who has discovered that rangers are missing from the Border. They learn of a man named Éogan whos responsible from the attack on the goblins. Hierunuir heads for Bree to warn Aragorn.
Ronaduin and Mydaxil enter Bree from the south, Haelondir and Hierunuir from the west, Hierok from the east and they inform Aragorn about Skorgrím Dourhand, Éogan and Amdirs fate.
Meneldir and Aranvi arrive at Sarn Ford and inform Halbarad about Sarumans treachery, whereafter they return back into the wild.
The Nazgûl attack Bree and Gandalf starts to pursue them. Hierok, Hierunuir, Ronaduin and Mydaxil follow close.
Tom Bombadil gives the brooch to Goldberry who sends Haelondir to enter Sarch Vorn. Haelondir encounters Aranvi and Halbarad, and she and Aranvi return to Gorwen. The three of them enter Sarch Vorn and defeat the grey fear Hithrengor, who is summoned back to Mandos.
October 2nd
Haelondir and Aranvi ride back to Bree to deliver a message from Tom Bombadil about the events in the Great Barrow.
Ronaduin and Mydaxil enter the Midgewater Marshes and Hierunuir goes into the south-downs looking for Aragorn, while Hierok pursues Gandalf and the Nazgûl.
October 3rd
Haelondir, Halbarad and Aranvi enter Bree and learn from Barliman Butterbur what the situation is. Haelondir heads for Esteldín after Halbarad while Aranvi stays in Bree as back-up.
Gandalf comes to Weathertop and leaves his mark on the hill. At night the ringwraiths attack him and his attacks are seen by Aragorn and the hobbits, Radagast, Hierok, Ronaduin and Mydaxil, Hierunuir, Aranvi and Candaith.
Hierok arrives at the base of Weathertop and starts looking for the Nazgûl.
October 6th
Gandalf leaves Bree again and informs Saeradan and Aranvi to recruit the help of Radagast. Aranvi follows him to the Lone-lands as Saeradan knows Radagast moved there.
Aranvi meets Candaith and Hierok and informs them to search for Radagast, but first Candaith and Hierok want to search Weathertop to investigate the strange noices from last night.
Gandalf encounters Ronaduin and Mydaxil who tell them where the tracks lead towards.
Ronaduin and Mydaxil enter the Weather Hills.
Hierunuir turns north and comes to the Forsaken Inn.
Hierok discovers the sign of Gandalf and he decides to go to Radagast with Aranvi to seek help.
October 8th
Ronaduin and Mydaxil pass by the Forsaken Inn where they meet Hierunuir. They decide Hierunuir will go for Rivendell, while Ronaduin and Mydaxil go for Esteldín.
Hierunuir, Mydaxil and Haelondir enter Barad Gúlaran where Amarthiel reveals herself, after which they flee.
November 7th
Golodir, Hierok, Hierunuir, Ronaduin, Mydaxil and Haelondir return to Gath Forthnir and decide to send missives with information on the knights of Mordirith.
Hierok, Hierunuir and Ronaduin go after Agarochir.
November 29th
Aranvi and Mydaxil meet the seer Saija, who sends them to an old shipwreck with the shade of Arvedui still close by.
November 30th
Haelondir and Avandie arrive at Rivendell with Laerdan unconcious.
Arvedui instructs Aranvi and Mydaxil to search the old dwarf-mines.
Aranvi and Mydaxil find the book of heraldry and Mydaxil heads for Lothrandir in Pynti-peldot, while Aranvi heads for Saija.
December 1st
Laerdan awakes and reveals the history of Narchuil to the council. Laerdan swears an oath that he will not find rest or peace until Narmeleth is returned to him.
Bósi and Brogur have finished assembling the Iron Garrison, and set out on a long journey from Erebor.
Agarochir enters the Tomb of Maenadar and retrieves Celebrimbor's shaping tools. Hierok, Hierunuir and Ronaduin loose his tracks. Hierok and Hierunuir head for Rivendell while Ronaduin tries to track the villain.
December 2nd
Mydaxil arrives at Pynti-peldot and Lothrandir urges her to return to Rivendell with the book while he and Alamon ride west towards Aranvi.
Aranvi meets Lothrandir and Alamon on the rode and while Aranvi rides towards Rivendell with the second piece, Lothrandir and Alamon pursue Amarthiel and Mordrambor.
Ronaduin finds the tracks of Agarochir and starts the pursued.
Alamon, Elrond and Glorfindel travel to Delossad from Rivendell, while Hierok, Hierunuir, Mydaxil, Haelondir, Avandie and Aranvi do so from the ring-forge with Narmeleth as prisoner.
The Iron Garrison, led by Bósi and Brogur, meet with Glóin in his camp and talk with him about Moria. Glóin is skeptical of their venture and thinks Balin's colony has been lost. To be save he sends one of his companions, Yowyow, to ask for guidance from Elrond.
Hierok, Alamon, Aranvi and Yowyow leave Rivendell and head for Moria to help the dwarves and maybe distract the enemy from the Company of the Ring, they ride towards the High Moor to join the dwarves.
The Company of the Ring reach the cliffs below the pass. Snow starts to fall.
Snow piles up, and rocks tumble from the heights. The Company of the Ring hear a voice echoing through the peaks, and the cold seeps into them. Gandalf uses magic to keep them from freezing.
Snow has blocked the pass completely. The Company of the Ring have no choice but to turn back.
The Watcher in the Water grabs Frodo, but Sam hacks off its tentacle. The Company escape into Moria. The Watcher destroys the entrance, sealing them inside. Inside, Gollum begins to trail them.
Bósi attempts to rouse the harried dwarves' mood with a speech by the Doors of Durin. The Watcher in the Water emerges and grabs Bróin and several other dwarves, and pull them beneath the surface. The dwarves retreat back to their outpost.
Brogur sends a team of dwarves to set up a camp in the Dimrill Dale outside Moria's East entrance.
Bori plans a strike against the Orcs by taking out the leader of the White Hand. Though many dwarves refuse to aid him, Wíli, Stilling and Aranvi volunteer to join.
Gandalf finally kills Durin's Bane at the cost of his own life. While the Wizard perishes at the very peak of the mountain, the dying Balrog falls onto on a cliff edge below.
Bori arrives in the Water-works and meets with Hierok and Alamon who are unsuccesful in finding the beast. Bori, Hierok and Alamon travel to the Drowned Treasury and there finds the corpse of Óin, and the weakened, cold and fearful Bróin. Bróin has managed to keep the Watcher in the Water at bay by wielding Zigilburk against it, but has been unable to escape.
The Iron Garrison ventures out onto the cliff of Zirakzigil where they find the corpse of Durin's Bane, still smoking. Though terrifying to behold even in death, the dwarves are heartened by the end of this thousand-year threat to Khazad-dûm. They do not notice Gandalf's still form lying atop the peak high above.
January 27th
Bori brings Bróin to the Peaceful Path for healing and rest. They bring Zigilburk with them, though Bróin says it is cursed. Bróin warns Bori that Zigilburk might be cursed with greed. Bori ignores this warning, and ask Glúmur to investigate Mazog's lair at Zabadgathol in Nud-melek. Alamon joins Bori while Hierok hurries towards Brogur to tell him of Bori's plan.
Aranvi tells Hierok Brogur is headed for the Deep Way and Hierok follows him.
Bori, Lifur and Mag march to Zabadgathol wielding Zigilburk, certain of his victory over Mazog. Instead, Gorothúl captures the three dwarves and seizes Zigilburk using dark magics. Alamon, who had infiltrated the fortress unseen by Gorothúl, manages to escape although it is wounded.
Mazog's Orcs strike at the Deep Way, defended by Brogur and his forces and Hierok. The assault is led by Gukhmûl, who rallies many Orcs to his side. Brogur withstands the prolonged assault and Hierok kills Gukhmúl, keeping the Deep Way safe.
Wíli and Aranvi defend the Twenty-first Hall against goblin sappers carrying black powder. Wíli and his dwarves counter the attacks, and unfurl banners of Khazad-dûm to boost morale. Mazog sends Motsham into the fray, but Aranvi manages to hold out, and Motsham is killed.
Alamon, injured from her encounter with Mazog, returns to Bósi with news of Bori. After the harrowing day, Bósi sees that there is no hope for the survival of the Iron Garrison. Wíli tells him that a group of elves have settled in the Shadowed Refuge and they plan to make contact.
January 29th
Alamon reaches the Peaceful Path and is tented by the healers. She talks with Bróin about the situation.
Tinarwing, Bósi, Aranvi and Yowyow first make sure the Shadowed Refuge is save from the Orcs, Goblins and other foul things before they start working together.
Hierok and Alamon reach the Shadowed Refuge and, together with the elves of the Shadowed Refuge and Yowyow, place Elf-stones around their camp to ward off the horrors of the deep, then set out to find news of Gandalf, and of the Elf-warrior Magor, missing for some days.
Bósi and Haldir encounter Legolas and Gimli. Bósi explains to them the threat of Mazog, the capture of his son Bori, and the hidden evils of the depths of Moria.
Aranvi talks with Frodo, Sam and Merry. The Hobbits are relaxing in the Golden Wood, Merry out for a stroll and Pippin taking a nap.
Yowyow talks with Orvar and Corunothiel and heads for an interesting detail that may help them in the fight against Gorothúl.
Aranvi talks with Boromir, Legolas and Gimli. Boromir is impatient to return to Gondor, while Gimli and Legolas hold a contest to see who can kill the most Orcs at the edge of the wood.
Celeborn prepares for an incursion into Mirkwood. He gathers supplies and makes ready for the passage of the Malledhrim, selecting those who will lead it. The lore-master Issuriel is among them.
Orvar returns to Bróin, and tells of the relic he found in Buzun-ghâr. Bróin warns other Dwarves about Gorothúl's wards.
Afternoon - Bósi and a strike team enter Nalâ-dûm, the Water Wheels. They defeat the CaerogCaerlûg, and destroy another of Gorothúl's relics.
Afternoon - Magor send a messenger to Lothlórien, beseeching Celeborn to make haste with the strike on Dol Guldur, lest the Elves be caught in the middle of the servants of the Shadow.
Afternoon - Radanir clears out several Orc defilers from the cave of Laenan, then rides out to Rivendell.
Dusk - Galadriel again looks into her mirror. She sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane plummeting into the shadowed depths of Moria, past rushing rock and whistling air. She also sees a tower clawing the sky, unhidden by the falling snow. Hearts hardened by defeat burn there, white-hot with vengeance. The brawler should beware the place of jungle, where rot festers in stately lines. A climb is dared with friends, but alone someone falls into a trap.
The Hidden Guard formed to bring Mazog secretly to Dol Guldur.
Raddir was slain by an unknown evil of the Drownholt.
On February 7th:
Midnight - The Hidden Guard cross through the Drownholt. Raddir mentions seeing someone familiar that died a long time ago, then scouts ahead. The others clear a tunnel of Crawlers, then find Raddir dead, with no trace of violence on his body. With no guide, the party retreats from the swamp and heads north into the Dourstocks.
Both Issuriel and Mazog sustained poisoned bites from spiders in the Scuttledells.
On February 8th:
Morning - Advance scouts of the Malledhrim investigate possible routes for the Hidden Guard. Both the direct path through Emyn Lûm and the southern route through Taur Morvith have a heavy Orc presence, while the Scuttledells are crawling with venomous spiders.
Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, the darkness of the deepest pits receding around them. She also sees a shadow beneath the trees, moving without sound. Might here will not avail. The shadow stalks without mercy, unrelenting. Someone bellows a challenge, and a beast is at the champion's side, but whether this beast is a friend or foe, she cannot see.
Afternoon - Calenglad collects relics from tomb robbers and says goodbye to Gwindeth, then leaves for Rivendell.
Dusk - Bróin returns with another Sereglos flower and a gwigael venom sac, having combed through Mirkwood all day. Another dose of remedy is created and given to Issuriel.
Afternoon - The Hidden Guard face off against Mazog wielding Zigilburk. The curse of the axe holds true, and Mazog is killed by Bróin. Thus, Bróin's oath is fulfilled, and Zigilburk is reclaimed.
Dusk - On the way out out the tower, Ellunen finds Sigileth's knives in a slain Olog-hai. As she would never abandon her weapons, she is assumed to be killed in the battle. The team returns to Thangúlhad, bringing Sigileth's knives with them.
Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, as the caves of the Dwarves fade beneath them, and the light of open sky lights up the walls. Stairs climb unceasingly into the heights, and a city sleeps, its inhabitants gone. But not all, not yet. Those that remain dream a restless dream. Will the minstrel's songs stir them to wakefulness?
Morning - Barvessain gathers ingredients for an unguent that can shield the bearer from the effects of fire, and for a soothing salve that can mitigate the effects of poison.
Noon - Cúcheron returns to the Haunted Inn to investigate the mystery of Audaghaim one last time. He learns that many of the townsfolk fled to Agistath, while others remained behind. Of those who ended up in that dark cave, few escaped with their lives.
Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer swears an oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged. He starts by killing an Orc in Mirkwood.
Dusk - Alfirimbes follows some fleeing Orcs into the Hall of Lights where she discovers some pestilent glow-worms. She dispatches of the worms and their queen.
Evening - Gruingalas goes to Achardor's widow Núrelleth to inform her of her husband's death, but she has already been told by Galadriel several days earlier.
Galadriel learned of Gandalf's fall, and sent Gwaihir the Windlord to search for him on the three peaks of Moria.
Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Lothlórien.
Evening - Galadriel goes to Gwaihir the Windlord, and asks him to fly to the highest peaks of the Misty Mountains to look for the fallen form of Gandalf.
Evening - Nineteen days after destroying Durin's Bane, Gandalf returns to life. Though he breathes and perceives, he cannot move, and lies frozen still on the peak.
Bróin returned Zigilburk to Óin in the Drowned Treasury and sealed them in.
Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Moria.
Dusk - Galadriel allows Sam and Frodo to use her mirror. In the reflective surface, Sam sees Frodo lying pale and still, and trees being felled in the Shire. Frodo sees a wizard in white, Bilbo pacing, the lost island of Númenor, and a great Eye searching for him. He sees that Galadriel wears Nenya. He offers the One Ring to her, but she refuses it.
Evening - Celeborn offers the Company of the Ring use of Elven boats, and they prepare to leave in the morning.
January 6th
The Iron Garrison meet with Glóin in his camp and talk with him about Moria. Glóin is skeptical of their venture and thinks Balin's colony has been lost. He sends Yowyow to Rivendell to tell Elrond of this endeavour.
A message from Golodir speaks of an opened rift in Angmar.
January 7th
The Company of the Ring emerges onto the open plains of Eregion.
Yowyow arrives at Rivendell and Elrond decides that Hierok, Alamon, Aranvi and Yowyow should join the Iron Garrison.
January 8th
The Company of the Ring stops at High Hollin in Eregion and see the three peaks of Moria. Crebain swarm over them again, and they hide on the ground.
Hierok, Alamon, Aranvi and Yowyow leave Rivendell and head for Moria.
Bósi learns that Mazog was behind the massacre of Balin's colony. Hierok and Alamon arrive at the Chamber of the Crossroads and share the news about the Watcher.
In this graph is shown which character was able to achieve which tier of which instance on the levelcap that the instance is from. This is from levelcap 100 and up since my first character was at endgame from that point on.