Warning beacons of Gondor
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- Two lines of beacons extend from Minas Tirith. The northern beacons run along the Great West Road on the northern slopes of the White Mountains.
- From nearest to Minas Tirith to nearest to Rohan, these are Amon Dîn, Eilenach, Nardol, Erelas, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and Halifirien (or Amon Anwar). This has been estimated to be a distance of roughly 150 miles.
- Lighting the Northern Beacons in the LOTR Movie (You Tube) -- which, while impressive cinematography, represents yet another place where Director Peter Jackson took significant artistic liberties with Tolkien's narrative. These northern beacons are never lit in Tolkien's Trilogy, nor does a beacon exist in Minas Tirith (Mount Mindolluin).
- In the Trilogy, the call for aid from Gondor to Rohan is described as the delivery of the Red-Arrow to Théoden in Dunharrow where the Rohirrim were already mustered. The Trilogy does mention the southern beacons being lit to Belfalas. The delivery of this War-arrow signaled to Aragorn it was time to leave on his errand while Théoden King led the Rohirrim to the aid of Minas Tirith.
- The southern beacons run from Minas Tirith to the Havens of Belfalas, Lamedon, and Dol Amroth in Western Gondor.
- From nearest to Minas Tirith to furthest, these are Minlos, Sirthanc, Amon Anglebed, Dol Brannor, Eilendoth, Amon Lontir, Nendath, Maegond, and finally the Fallen Beacon.
The Southern Line of Beacons
The Southern Beacons follow the coast of Gondor from Lond Cirion to Minas Tirith. From west to east there are:
- The Beacon of Lond Cirion - This beacon is located to the south of Lond Cirion and currently is the most western placed beacon. [71.3S, 89.0W]
- The Beacon of Barad Faen - This beacon is located to the south of Barad Faen and stands out because of the fact it is not located on a naturul height, but is a tower. [68.0S, 81.6W]
- The Beacon of Dol Amroth - This beacon is located above the palace of Dol Amroth [74.4S, 72.2W]
- The Beacon of Ost Lontir - This eeacon is located to the west of Ost Lontir and is called Amon Lontir after the city. [74.3S, 66.2W]
- The Beacon of Tadrent - This beacon is located to the south-east of Tadrent and is called Nendath. [75.2S, 61.5W]
- The Beacon of Bar Elir - This beacon is not located close to a settlement except for some farms. It's name is Maegond. [72.8S, 58.4W]
- The Beacon of Calembel - This beacon is located far to the south of Calembel and has been run over by the enemy and now is called the Fallen Beacon. [71.4S, 54.5W]
- The Beacon of Ethring - This beacon is located to the south-west of Ethring and is called Eilendoth. [73.6S, 51.2W]
- The Beacon of Tungobel - This beacon is located to the east of Tungobel and northwest of Linhir and is called Dol Brannor. [78.6S, 47.7W]
- The Beacon of Ost Anglebed - This beacon is located to the west of Ost Anglebed and is called Amon Anglebed after the city. [79.9S, 39.7W]
- The Beacon of Tumladen - This beacon is located to the south-west of Tumladen and the north of Pelargir and is called Sirthanc. [79.3S, 32.0W]
- The Beacon of Arnach - This beacon is located to the west of Arnach and is the most eastern placed beacon of the Southern Beacons. It's name is Minlos. [76.8S, 26.0W]
These beacons are located in the zones of Western Gondor, Central Gondor, Eastern Gondor, King's Gondor and Anfalas.
The Northern Line of Beacons
The Northern Beacons follow the Anduin from Beaconwatch in Rohan to Minas Tirith. From west to east there are:
- The Beacon of Elendil - This beacon is the western most placed one of the northern beacons and has Beaconwatch to the west. The Tomb of Elendil is near the summit and it has the name Halifirien. [46.2S, 45.5W]
- The Beacon of Calenhad - This beacon is located to the south-west of the city of Calenhad and has the same name. [44.96S, 41.8W]
- The Beacon of Ost Rimmon - This beacon is located to the west of Ost Rimmon and has the name Min-Rimmon after the city. [46.4S, 37.9W]
- The Beacon of Erelas - This beacon is located to the east of Ost Rimmon and has the name Erelas. [46.4S, 33.5W]
- The Beacon of Nardol - This beacon is located to the north of the Nardol Quarry and has the name Nardol. [47.3S, 30.5W]
- The Beacon of Eilenach - This beacon is not located close to a settlement and it's name is Eilenach. [46.8S, 27.1W]
- The Beacon of Amon Dîn - This beacon is the most eastern placed beacon and has the name Amon Dîn. [48.4S, 24.1W]
These beacons are all located in the land of Far Anórien.
- The Southern Line of the Warning Beacons of Gondor
The Fallen Beacon (left) and Maegond (right)
- The Northern Line of the Warning Beacons of Gondor
Eilenach (left) and Amon Dîn (right) from Nardol.
Erelas (left) and Nardol (right) from Ost Rimmon's outer wall.
Calenhad (left) and Min-Rimmon (right) from Halifirien.
The Beacons of Gondor
| ||
Southern Line: (from Minas Tirith to Dol Amroth) |
Minlos (Minlos (King's Gondor)) • Sirthanc (Sirthanc (King's Gondor)) • Amon Anglebed (Amon Anglebed (King's Gondor)) • Dol Brannor (Dol Brannor (King's Gondor)) • Eilendoth (Eilendoth (King's Gondor)) • The Fallen Beacon • Maegond • Nendath (Nendath (King's Gondor)) • Amon Lontir (Amon Lontir (King's Gondor)) | |
Northern Line: (from Minas Tirith to Beaconwatch) |
Amon Dîn • Eilenach • Nardol • Erelas • Min-Rimmon • Calenhad • Halifirien |