The Dragon and the Storm
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Level: | 150 |
Size: | Fellowship |
Cluster: | Corsairs of Umbar |
Region: | Cape of Umbar |
Area: | Umbar Baharbêl |

- "Dahâl Huliz has long been home to many spectacular contests, pitting capable gladiators against all forms of opponents. Rothog has summoned you to witness the unveiling of his latest spectacle for the Arena."
This fellowship is part of the Corsairs of Umbar Instance Cluster.
It is available in the Instance Finder.
Difficulty Level
This is a non-scaled instance with a minimum level of 150, designed for a solo, duo and fellowship. The instance is available at level 150.
Estimated completion time is between 10–20 minutes solo or on tier 1 in a group, and between 20-30 minutes on tiers 2-3.
Enemy stats are altered depending on the tier of the instance:
Enhancement -- Solo/Duo in Solo/Duo.
Enhancement -- Tier 1 in Tier 1.
Enhancement -- Tier 2 in Tier 2.
Enhancement -- Tier 3 in Tier 3.
Note that Tier II Modifiers are the same as previous Tier III Modifiers, and Tier III Modifiers are the same as previous Tier V Modifiers.
These mobs are encountered within The Dragon and the Storm:
- Click [+] to expand a list of creatures.
Instance Overview
- Mini-Boss: The Tempestuous Flame
- Boss: Ragrekhûl, the Storm Serpent
Walk-through and Tactics
The instance begins by fighting the mini-boss, the Tempestuous Flame. The grim deals pulsing AoE damage for the entire encounter and progressively tiers up a Mitigation debuff on all players. This fight is a DPS race.
The Mini-Boss progressively spawns Tiny Tempests and Fulminating Vortexes. At 66% Morale, these enemies gain the Ethereal effect that reduces nearly all incoming damage. They must be crowd-controlled (Stun, Daze, Root, Fear, Knockdown, FM) to remove this effect and allow them to do. Killing the Tiny Tempests causes the Mini-Boss to be dealt a modest portion of their Morale. The fight ends when a sufficient number of Tiny Tempests have been slain. Do not focus the Fulminating Vorteces, as killing them only grants the Bursting Flame DoT to the fellowship.
There are 4 trash packs on the path to the Boss, which include the following creatures: Deep Caller, Shadow-binder, Avatar of War, High Cultist. These packs are fairly easy to deal with. Kill the Shadow-binders and Deep Callers first before moving on to the Avatars of War and High Cultists. Remove Corruptions and Cleanse Removable Effects as they appear, and make sure to interrupt the Deep Caller Inductions, which heals enemies. On Tier 3, the High Cultists will gain the Ancient Hide effect, that prevents nearly all incoming damage. A fellowship manoeuvre must be successfully completed to remove this effect.
The Boss of the Instance is Ragrekhûl, the Storm Serpent. This fight takes place over 2 phases. Throughout the entire fight, there are a few important mechanics that must be dealt with:
- Thunderous Breath -- Induction that must be interrupted, will otherwise make the Boss do a nasty frontal hit and summon a Fulminating Vortex
- Lingering Static -- Several of the Boss' abilities will tier up a Lightning Mitigation debuff. The Tank must monitor this effect by dodging Lightning Puddles and interrupting Thunderous Breath to avoid getting a high number of stacks. Reaching tier 5 will make the Tank take significantly increased lightning damage.
Phase 1: Ragrekhûl starts the fight with 2 High Cultists. In addition to their normal skillset, they have an additional Induction ability Dominate. This gives the Boss a powerful damage bonus and makes him target random players, so this Induction should be interrupted at all costs. On Tier 2, this can no longer be interrupted, and High Callers must be crowd-controlled when casting. On Tier 3, they can no longer be crowd-controlled while casting. To prevent Dominate from being casted, the Tank should take the Boss away from the group and avoid gaining aggro of the High Cultists. The Phase ends when both High Cultists are dead, and the Boss can be attacked.
Phase 2: Upon reaching 85% Morale, 2 Deep Callers and 1 Shadow-binder spawn at the back-right corner of the arena. They should be killed before returning to the Boss. On Tier 3, an additional set of enemies spawn at the back-left corner upon reaching 40% Morale, consisting of 1 Deep Caller, 1 Shadow-binder, and 1 Avatar of War. Enemies will attempt to place Corruptions on and heal the Boss, as well as dealing damage to the fellowship. During this Phase, the Boss will use 2 major abilities:
- Storm Surge: The Boss does severe AoE damage and applies bleeds. Healers should save their strongest cooldowns for these hits, and Supports should make sure to have all defensive debuffs up on the Boss. If a Champion is in the fellowship, have them use Champion's Challenge to mitigate the incoming damage.
- Trembling Air: When the Boss uses this ability, all fellows (including Pets) will drop Lightning Puddles for the next 15-16 seconds. Several seconds after their spawn, they deal a huge amount of damage to any fellows within the puddle. Cautious players should remain in constant motion about the arena and avoid crossing paths such that they are not killed by the puddles.
On Tier 3, make sure to avoid phasing the Boss such that he spawns the second Add Wave while Trembling Air is active on fellows.
Ragrekhûl asleep?
Area on fire.
Approaching the Dragon.
The Dragon and the Storm
Corsairs of Umbar Instances Instances
| ||
Small fellowship: | The Isle of Storms • The Streets of Râhal Bakh | |
Fellowship: | Dahâl Huliz, The Arena • The Dragon and the Storm | |
Raid: | Depths of Mâkhda Khorbo |