Active Skills
Herb-tender Stance
Increases healing output while decreasing your damage
Stance (R)
Curse-shouter Stance
Increases your Damage while decreasing healing output.
Stance (G)
Undying Rage
For a short time, increase melee and tactical damage, gain +100% Parry chance, -100% attack duration, -50% all skill inductions, increased mitigations, increased run speed and immunity to combat states. Upon expiration, you lose 50% health. (requires trait ).
Blessing of Darkness
You redirect damage from an ally to yourself while healing yourself. If traited , your target is healed as well.
Buff, Channel
Increases run speed by 25% (non-combat).
Fell Sacrifice
Revives target at the cost of your own Health and Power.
Fungal Spores
Heals Morale initially and over time. Increases Incoming Healing if traited .
Heal, (G)
Fertile Slime
Heals Morale initially and over time.
Fungal Bloom
Heals Morale initially then and over time morale every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.
Heal, (G)
Fell Restoration
A big heal.
Heal, (G)
Heals Morale over time of up to 6 targets.
Heal, (G)
Anointing of the Slick Flesh
Increases the Critical Defence of up to 6 targets.
Buff (R)
Blood of Fire
Attacking enemies suffer damage for their transgression (requires trait )
Curse of Sticky Feet
Reduces the target's Run Speed by 10%.
Curse of the Lethargic Heart
Reduces the target's Vitality.
Debuff, (G)
Curse of Rotten Flesh
Increases the incoming damage of up to 3 targets for 30 seconds.
Debuff (G)
Curse of Deadly Sorrows
Reduces the target's Will, Fate, Might and Armour value.
Debuff (G)
Curse of the Melancholic Heart
Reduces the target's Outgoing Healing.
Gooey Gourd
Shadow damage initially and increases your target's skill inductions .
Plague of Flies
Drains the target's Power and returns some of it to the Defiler.
You cover an area in slime to reduce the effectiveness of healing. Players leaving the pool area dealt damage over time.
Fire Gourd
Fire damage initially and over time.
Plague Gourd
Shadow damage initially. On a critical hit, the target's B/P/E ratings are reduced.
Explosive Gourd
AoE Fire damage initially and over time, affecting up to 4 targets.
Constant Pain
Channelled attack which damages the target and heals your group.
Ranged, Channel
Melee attack with Acid DoT .
Melee attack which has a chance to daze the target.
Curse of the Coward's Soul
AoE Fear which affects up to 3 targets.
Stance Skills
Herb-tender Stance
Curse-shouter Stance
Boon of the Blackened Heart
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 0.5s
Throw a gourd of noxious herbs at your ally, hardening their corrupt heart and making them fight with greater fury.
+7.5% Damage Duration: 30s
Cost: [202 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 20s
Curse of the Lethargic Heart
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 1.5s Resistance: Disease
A gourd thrown at the target plagues them with spores attacking their heart and weakening their resolve. This skill is only effective against players.
-12,100 Vitality Duration: 2m
Cost: [202 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 30s
Boon of the Toxic Flesh
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Max Targets: 3 Radius: 5m Induction: 0.5s
You bring out the corrupt nature of your ally's flesh, improving their defences.
-10% Incoming Damage Duration: 20s
Cost: [269 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 25s
Curse of Rotten Flesh
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Max Targets: 3 Radius: 5m Induction: 1.5s Resistance: Disease
You plague your target with spores, attacking their defences.
+5% Incoming Damage Duration: 15s
Cost: [269 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 15s
Boon of the Battle-scarred
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 1.5s
Douse your ally with a foul concotion, corrupting their many scars and reminding them that they need not fear the weapons of the enemy.
+11700 Armour +5% Beleriand Mitigation +5% Light Mitigation +38200 Resistance Rating Duration: 30s
Cost: [404 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 30s
Curse of Deadly Sorrows
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 2s Resistance: Disease
Douse opponent with corrosive liquid that weakens their armour and releases a soporific gas that reduces Fate, Tactical Mastery, Armour, Resistance, and Finesse.
-1,930 Fate -65400 Tactical Mastery Rating -33300 Armour Value -38200 Resistance Rating -29100 Finesse Rating Duration: 20s
Cost: [404 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 30s
Greater Anointing of the Slick Flesh
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Max Targets: 6 Radius: 15m
A coating of slick mud provides protection against critical attacks and helps ease the sting of ill effects on yourself.
+13700 Critical Defence Duration: 2m Removes up to two Tactical or Physical effect from yourself.
Cost: [269 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 20s
Anointing of the Slick Flesh
10.2m Range Fast Tactical Skill Max Targets: 6 Radius: 10m
A coating of slick mud provides protection against critical attacks and helps ease the sting of ill effects on yourself.
+13700 Critical Defence Duration: 2m Removes one Tactical or Physical effect from yourself.
Cost: [269 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 20s
Fungal Spores
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill
Spores weave their way into the target, helping to speed the healing process.
Heals ... Morale initially. Heals ... Morale every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.
Cost: [807 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 2s
Stinging Spores
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Resistance: Poison
Spores weave their way into the target, attacking their flesh from within.
... Acid Damage
... Acid Damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
Cost: [68 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 4s
Fungal Bloom
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 1s
Salves of foul herbs and liquids from the depths of Angmar relieve the sting of wounds on the flesh of foul creatures.
Heals ... Morale initially. Heals ... Morale every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.
Cost: [404 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 4s
Fungal Bloom
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 1s
Salves of foul herbs and liquids from the depths of Angmar relieve the sting of wounds on the flesh of foul creatures, and increase their ability to inflict wounds.
Heals ... Morale initially. Heals ... Morale every 5 seconds for 20 seconds. +10% Damage over Time Potency Duration: 30s
Cost: [941 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 10s
Fell Restoration
35m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 1.5s
When finished casting, Fell Restoration instantly restores a huge amount of health to the target.
+... Morale
Cost: [941 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 30s
Doom of the North
35m Range Fast Tactical Skill Induction: 2.3s Resistance: Fear
Remind your foes of the doom of the North Kingdoms, dealing massive frost damage after a brief delay.
... Frost Damage
Applied on expiration:
... Frost Damage Duration: 5s
Cost: [538 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 20s
Curse of Sticky Feet
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Resistance: Disease
Coats the opponent's feet in a sticky substance that slow their movement speed.
-10% Run Speed Duration: 10s
Cost: [135 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 15s
Curse of Sticky Feet
30m Range Fast Tactical Skill Resistance: Disease
Coats the opponent's feet in a sticky substance that slow their movement speed.
-25% Run Speed Duration: 10s
Cost: [135 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 15s
10.2m Range Fast Tactical Skill Max Targets: 6 Radius: 10m Induction: 2s
Living slime relieves the sting of wounds on the flesh of your allies in your fellowship.
Heals ... Morale every 3 seconds for 21 seconds.
Cost: [1,210 at Level 150] Power Cooldown: 20s
This skill cannot be used.
Passive Skills
Core Passive Skills
The following characteristics are automatically acquired for your class. They can be found in the Character Panel and Skills Panel. More details about the bonuses can be found on the individual pages.
Advanced Passive Skills
The following characteristics can be acquired and upgraded up to indicated rank below, starting from Rank 5. More details about the bonuses can be found on the individual pages.