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Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Support/Damage
Available to races: Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit
Gameplay: Lore-masters use ancient Lore and elemental powers to inflict harm on their enemies whilst controlling and debuffing them. But whilst some Lore-masters rely on summoned pets, Red lives on the edge. Without protection, they have to stun, slow and create distance in landscape. Whilst debuffing, buffing and crowd control are primary roles, healing support is a secondary role of Lore-masters. Flanking maneuvers allow them to apply additional damage or healing.
Lore: Lore-masters are seekers of knowledge and the guardians of wisdom. Through study of bygone Ages, they learn ancient secrets that allow them to hinder foes, as well as protect against the dark powers of the Enemy. They have many skills that invoke the natural world of Middle-earth, but it is draining on their will, thus costing them Morale to fuel some of these powerful skills.
This class was inspired by Elrond Halfelven, Elf-lord and Master of Rivendell.

A male Elf Lore-master


Lore-masters have two main roles determined by trait tree: damage or support. Both can help with healing.

Blue offensive support Lore-masters boost their allies with powerful abilities like Murder of Crows and Battle Knowledge. Blue Lore-masters have a close relationship with their pets, using multiple signs to boost their pets' damage.

As a Yellow defensive support, Lore-masters have both offensive and defensive spells. They use their Lore abilities to spread debuffs on the enemies that reduce their damage and make them more vulnerable. They also have good crowd control that can Stun, Daze, and Root their enemies for as long as needed. They can restore Power to the Fellowship, and their Warding Knowledge can provide a potent defensive buff.

Lore-masters can choose to go full damage in Red and use elemental powers to deal significant damage. They rely upon Burning Embers to deal the bulk of their damage, but they also have strong skills like Nature's Fury, Lightning Storm, and Lightning-charged Staff Strike.


The Lore-master is LotRO's main Pet class, and Blue and Yellow have access to permanent animal friends. Lore-master pets have useful abilities on their own, but also provide important synergy with the Lore-master's own abilities. Red Lore-masters can call on pets but they disappear after a short time.

A Lore-master can only have one pet helping them at a time. A Lore-master must learn to choose smartly from their wide variety of pets to best fit each situation, specialization, role, and environment (see the Pets page for a detailed list of all the different animals a Lore-master can call to their side).

Pets in Master of Nature's Fury

While specialised in Red line, Pets no longer function the same way. When they are summoned, they apply their effects immediately, and despawn shortly thereafter. All Pets share the same skill cooldown. Flanking is still applied by pets, but the effect can also be applied by some of the Lore-master's regular abilities.

Flanking and Harrying

All pets have a chance to cause  Flanked! when attacking an enemy. This is important, because several of the Lore-master's abilities have improved effects when an enemy has been Flanked.

Pets can also cause  Harried! when attacking an enemy from behind. Beyond its snare effect, Harried! has no other useful interactions.

Pet Food

Pets can be fed pet food crafted by Cooks to temporarily but significantly improve a pet's stats. For example, you might feed your Lynx a Cut of Eastemnet Meat.


A Lore-master can consume special items made by Jewellers to change each pet's appearance. For example, the basic Brown Bear can be turned into a Black Bear or even a little bear cub.

See each pet's individual page for a gallery of its possible appearances.


Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Burning Embers Damage + DoT + Debuff 3s Level: 1
 Staff Strike Melee 3s Level: 1
 Wizard's Spark Damage + Buff 5s Level: 1
 Wizard's Frost Damage + Heal + Slow 0.5s Level: 3
 Wizard's Fire Damage + DoT + Power 0.5s Level: 4
 Gust of Wind AoE Damage 10s Level: 6
 Knowledge of Cures Cure 15s Level: 7
 Light of Hope Heal 15s Level: 8
 Light of the Rising Dawn Damage + Interrupt 15s Level: 10
 Cracked Earth AoE Damage 10s Level: 12
 Clever Escape Cure 1m Level: 15
 Dispel Corruption Corruption 7s Level: 20
 Knowledge of the Lore-master Debuff 1m Level: 22
 Back from the Brink Revive - Level: 26
 Wisdom of the Council Heal + Buff + Stun 3m Level: 30
 Water Lore Heal 10s Level: 32
 Call to the Valar Cooldown + Buff 5m Level: 34
 Power of Knowledge Damage + Power 45s Level: 38
 Sign of Power: Vigilance Buff + Motivated 1m 30s Level: 40

Pet Summoning and Command Skills

The Lore-master may summon Pets to aid them in battle. Only 1 Pet may be active at a time. 3 Pets are gained through leveling, 3 are gained through traits in the Keeper of Animals trait tree, and 1 is gained by specializing in the Ancient Master. Lore-masters have several command skills they can use to control their Pets. Upon using a Command skill, the currently summoned Pet uses their respective skill (Minor, Major, Raging, Protection). Yellow and Blue-line Lore-masters have different Minor Pet abilities, and Blue-line Lore-masters are the only ones that have access to Raging and Protection skills.

Pet Skills

Call to Pet Skills

When specializing in the Master of Nature's Fury trait tree, the Lore-master's pet summoning skills are converted into the below Call to Pet skills. These skills share a common cooldown. Each one has an initial effect applied by the Lore-master, and each one summons a pet for a short duration.

Keeper of Animals

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Keeper of Animals (blue) trait tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Inner Flame Heal 1m Set:  Inner Flame
 Retribution Damage + Stun + Buff 1m Trait:  Don't You Touch Him!
 Catmint Pet 45s Trait:  Catmint
 Battle Knowledge Buff 1m 30s Trait:  Battle Knowledge
 Unbreakable Bond Buff 1m Trait:  Unbreakable Bond
 A Murder of Crows AoE Damage + DoT + Debuff 2m Trait:  A Murder of Crows

Master of Nature's Fury

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Master of Nature's Fury (red) trait tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lightning Strike Damage 10s Set: Initial skill
 Lightning-charged Staff Strike Damage 3s Trait:  Storm and Staff
 Staff Sweep AoE Damage 12s Set:  Staff Sweep
 Lightning Storm AoE Damage 1m Trait:  Lightning Storm
 Sticky Gourd AoE Damage + DoT + Debuff 30s Set:  Sticky Gourd
 Ring of Fire AoE Damage 1m 15s Trait:  Ring of Fire
 Ents go to War AoE Damage + Stun 1m Set:  Ents go to War
 Nature's Fury Damage + DoT + Buff 2m Trait:  Nature's Fury

The Ancient Master

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Ancient Master (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Fire and Frost Lore Debuff - Set: Initial skill
 Test of Will Damage + Stun 45s Set: Initial skill
 Bane Flare AoE Daze 2m Trait:  Bane Flare
 Sticky Tar AoE Debuff 1m 30s Set:  Sticky Tar
 Storm Lore AoE Damage + Stun 2m Set:  Storm-lore
 Sign of Power: See All Ends Buff 20s Trait:  See All Ends
 Share the Power Power 40s Trait:  Flow of Power
 Share the Power - Fellowship Power 1m Set:  Bountiful Power
 Blinding Flash Daze + Interrupt 30s Trait:  Blinding Flash
 Sign of Power: Righteousness Buff 45s Trait:  Righteousness
 Wind Lore AoE Debuff 5s Trait:  Wind Lore
 Herb Lore AoE Root 2m Set:  Herb-lore
 Pleasant Breeze AoE Heal 30s Trait:  Pleasant Breeze
 Air Lore Buff 1m 30s Set:  Air Lore
 Beacon of Hope AoE Heal 15s Trait:  Beacon of Hope
 Ancient Craft AoE Debuff 1m Set:  Ancient Craft
 The Ancient Master Buff 3m Trait:  The Ancient Master
 Warding Knowledge AoE Buff 2m 30s Set:  Warding Knowledge

Mounted Combat Skills

Non-combat Pet Skills

Calls a fun non-combat pet that will follow your Lore-master's around.

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, River Hobbit, or Man

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1

Combat Characteristics

Instrument Proficiencies

Misc. Passive Skills

  1. Granted upon completion of the Introduction Quest.
  2. Granted upon completion of the level 29 class quest Lore-master: Friend of Sparrows.

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Two-handed Staves 1


Keeper of Animals

Keeper Of Animals
A strong bond with Beasts for attack and defence.
Allow your animal companions to deal devastating damage by supporting them with buffs and healing.
Skills Earned:
 Sign of the Wild: Protection
 Sign of the Wild: Rage
Wild Sigils:
Wizards Sigils will encourage your pets, tiering up different buffs for each element.
Wild Rage:
Elemental skills reduce the active cooldown of Sign of the Wild: Rage by 2s.
When your animal companion lands a critical strike, your next skill has no induction.
10s Cooldown

While in this trait line, all Lore-master skills deal 33% less damage. Additionally, all Pets generate a greater amount of threat.

Set Bonus Description Source
 Inner Flame Gain skill Inner Flame Set: 5+ total ranks
 Inspiring Rage Improves skill Sign of the Wild: Rage Set: 10+ total ranks
 Naturally Armed Improves skill Major Pet Command Set: 15+ total ranks
 Battle Knowledge Gain skill Battle Knowledge Set: 20+ total ranks
 Fellowship Friend Buff Set: 25+ total ranks
 Bolstered Bond Pet Buff Set: 30+ total ranks
 Tutelage of the Brown Wizard Improves skills: Wizard's Fire, Wizard's Frost, Wizard's Spark Set: 35+ total ranks

Trait Description Source
 Survival Instinct Pet Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Potent Sigils Improves skills: Wizard's Fire, Wizard's Frost, Wizard's Spark Trait: 0+ ranks
 Hunting Instinct Pet Buff; Improves Call to Pet skills Trait: 0+ ranks
 Unwearied Companions Pet Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Need for Haste Buff; Improves Call to Pet skills Trait: 5+ ranks
 Friend of the Wilds Gain skill Friend of the Wilds (Bog-guardian) Trait: 5+ ranks
 Wild Alacrity Improves skills: Wizard's Fire, Wizard's Frost, Wizard's Spark Trait: 10+ ranks
 Prepare for War Buff, Pet Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Friend of Noble Birds Gain skill Friend of Noble Birds (Lesser Giant Eagle) Trait: 10+ ranks
 Hearty Diet Buff, Pet Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Don't You Touch Him! Buff; Gain skill Retribution Trait: 15+ ranks
 Catmint Gain skill Catmint Trait: 15+ ranks
 Friend of Large Hunters Gain skill Friend of Large Hunters (Sabre-tooth) Trait: 15+ ranks
 Loyalty Pet Buff Trait: 20+ ranks
 After-battle Treat Pet Buff Trait: 20+ ranks
 Unbreakable Bond Gain skill Unbreakable Bond Trait: 20+ ranks
 Don't Interrupt Me Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Critical Coordination Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 A Murder of Crows Gain skill A Murder of Crows Trait: 30+ ranks
 Feral Buff Trait: 30+ ranks

Master of Nature's Fury

Master of Nature's Fury
Uses the strength of nature to damage foes.
Strengthen your bond with the elements, using fire, frost, and storms to maximize damage to your enemies.
+20% Fire-type Damage
-2s Burning Embers Cooldown
Set Bonus Description Source
 Improved Ignition Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Master of the Elements Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 Staff Sweep Gain skill Staff Sweep Set: 15+ total ranks
 Sticky Gourd Gain skill Sticky Gourd Set: 20+ total ranks
 Quickening Flame Buff Set: 25+ total ranks
 Ents go to War Gain skill Ents go to War Set: 30+ total ranks
 Flame of Anor Improves skill Wizard's Fire Set: 35+ total ranks

Trait Description Source
 Master of the Unseen Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Master of Fire Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Master of Storms Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Burning Earth Improves skill Cracked Earth Trait: 5+ ranks
 Storm and Staff Replaces skill Staff Strike with Lightning-charged Staff Strike Trait: 5+ ranks
 Fend Them Off Improves skills Staff Strike and Lightning-charged Staff Strike Trait: 10+ ranks, Storm and Staff (1)
 Unyielding Sweep Improves skill Staff Sweep Trait: 15+ ranks
 Lightning Storm Gain skill Lightning Storm Trait: 15+ ranks
 Slow Burn Improves effect Smouldering Embers Trait: 20+ ranks
 Fierce Lightning Buff Trait: 20+ ranks, Lightning Storm (1)
 Ancient Fire Improves skill Gust of Wind Trait: 25+ ranks, Dry Kindling (2)
 Dry Kindling Improves effect Smouldering Embers; Improves skill Sticky Gourd Trait: 25+ ranks, Slow Burn (1)
 Mighty Wind Improves skill Gust of Wind Trait: 25+ ranks, Dry Kindling (2)
 Ring of Fire Gain skill Ring of Fire Trait: 25+ ranks
 Nature's Fury Gain skill Nature's Fury Trait: 30+ ranks
 Fire Shield Buff Trait: 30+ ranks

The Ancient Master

The Ancient Master
Uses lore knowledge to hinder and confound foes.
Focus on your knowledge of the natural world to support your allies, using a wide range of signs and lores to support your allies while hindering your foes.
Skills Earned:
 Nature Spirit (Spirit Mote)
 Fire and Frost Lore
 Test of Will
Insult to Injury:
When used, Ancient Craft and Bane Flare will each cause your next Lightning skill to deal bonus Damage.
Test of Will and Sticky Tar will each cause your next Fire skill to deal bonus Damage.
Set Bonus Description Source
 Sticky Tar Gain skill Sticky Tar Set: 5+ total ranks
 Storm-lore Gain skill Storm Lore Set: 10+ total ranks
 Bountiful Power Gain skill Share the Power - Fellowship Set: 15+ total ranks
 Herb-lore Gain skill Herb Lore Set: 20+ total ranks
 Air Lore Gain skill Air Lore Set: 25+ total ranks
 Ancient Craft Gain skill Ancient Craft Set: 30+ total ranks
 Warding Knowledge Gain skill Warding Knowledge Set: 35+ total ranks

Trait Description Source
 Grasping Earth Improves skill Cracked Earth Trait: 0+ ranks
 Shield of Knowledge Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Bane Flare Gain skill Bane Flare Trait: 0+ ranks
 Force of Will Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Earth Power Improves skill Cracked Earth Trait: 5+ ranks, Grasping Earth (1)
 Mending Lore Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Power of Knowledge Improves skill Power of Knowledge Trait: 5+ ranks
 See All Ends Gain skill Sign of Power: See All Ends Trait: 10+ ranks
 Flow of Power Gain skill Share the Power; Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Blinding Flash Gain skill Blinding Flash Trait: 15+ ranks
 Righteousness Gain skill Sign of Power: Righteousness Trait: 15+ ranks
 Wind Lore Gain skill Wind Lore Trait: 15+ ranks
 Explosive Flash Improves skill Blinding Flash Trait: 20+ ranks, Blinding Flash (1)
 Immemorial Wind Improves skill Wind Lore Trait: 20+ ranks, Wind Lore (1)
 Pleasant Breeze Gain skill Pleasant Breeze Trait: 20+ ranks
 Quick Packing Improves skill Blinding Flash Trait: 25+ ranks, Explosive Flash (3)
 Disable Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Firm Grasp Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Beacon of Hope Changes skill Light of Hope to Beacon of Hope; Improves skill Water Lore Trait: 25+ ranks
 The Ancient Master Buff; Gain skill The Ancient Master. Trait: 30+ ranks
 Enfeeble Improves skills Ancient Craft and Knowledge of the Lore-master Trait: 30+ ranks

Trait Tree

Keeper Of Animals
A strong bond with Beasts for attack and defence.
Allow your animal companions to deal devastating damage by supporting them with buffs and healing.
Skills Earned:
 Sign of the Wild: Protection
 Sign of the Wild: Rage
Wild Sigils:
Wizards Sigils will encourage your pets, tiering up different buffs for each element.
Wild Rage:
Elemental skills reduce the active cooldown of Sign of the Wild: Rage by 2s.
When your animal companion lands a critical strike, your next skill has no induction.
10s Cooldown
Master of Nature's Fury
Uses the strength of nature to damage foes.
Strengthen your bond with the elements, using fire, frost, and storms to maximize damage to your enemies.
+20% Fire-type Damage
-2s Burning Embers Cooldown
The Ancient Master
Uses lore knowledge to hinder and confound foes.
Focus on your knowledge of the natural world to support your allies, using a wide range of signs and lores to support your allies while hindering your foes.
Skills Earned:
 Nature Spirit (Spirit Mote)
 Fire and Frost Lore
 Test of Will
Insult to Injury:
When used, Ancient Craft and Bane Flare will each cause your next Lightning skill to deal bonus Damage.
Test of Will and Sticky Tar will each cause your next Fire skill to deal bonus Damage.

























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Some useful tactics when playing a Lore-master:

  • Link break: if facing a target surrounded by mobs that are likely to assist, a cunning Lore-master can manage to fight just the intended target, and not any of the adds.
Start out by casting Blinding Flash on the mob from the maximum possible distance, then turn around and run. Once the adds have stopped pursuing you, return. After 30s have passed the dazed mob will be free and will attack you -- but the adds will not follow.
  • Buying Time: Even if fighting just one target, it can be useful to use Blinding Flash. In the 30 seconds that pass you can use Inner Flame to heal up, or wait for skill cooldowns to expire. Or if it comes to worst, run. Be careful not to leave a DoT (e.g. Burning Embers) on the target, as that will break the daze.
  • Pet Shields: Pets often have near double your own health, and have no cooldowns between summons. Keeping this in mind, you can survive many battles which normally would be impossible by keeping the attention on your pet and re-summoning when it gets defeated. Using this in tandem with slowing skills can improve your survivability even more.

Class Quests

See Also