Minor Pet Command

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Minor Pet Command
  • 40m Range
  • Fast
  • Tactical Skill
  • Command your pet to execute a minor skill on themselves or their target.
  • ... Light Damage
  • Effects applied to your animal companion within 60 metres:
    Execute Minor Skill
    x0.7 Incoming Damage
    Expires if out of combat for a short amount of time.
  • Duration: 15s
  • Effects applied to your animal companion within 60 metres:
  • Cost: [68 at Level 150] Power
  • Cooldown: 20s

General Information

Class: Lore-master

Level: 2


If the Lore-master has a Pet summoned, this skill makes them take 30% less damage for a duration of time, and commands them to perform their Minor Skill. Minor skills vary between Yellow-line and Blue-line.

When this skill is use, effects are applied to both the pet and target mobs,

This effect is applied to the pet:

Your Pet performs the following skill on enemies, depending on summoned pet and Lore-master specialization:

Pet Pet Skills Category Cooldown Range
The Ancient Master
 Shatter Arms Melee + Debuff 15s 4m
 Distraction Debuff + DoT 15s 4m
 Razor Claws Melee + Debuff + DoT 15s 4m
 Choking Vines Ranged + Debuff 15s 40m
 Noble Purpose AoE Buff 15s 40m
 Frostbite Melee AoE + Debuff 15s 5.7m
 Nature's Bounty AoE Buff 15s 10m
Keeper of Animals
 Bear Hug Melee + Stun 15s 4m
 Benediction Buff 15s 4m
 Slashing Claws Melee + DoT 15s 4m
 Angry Bees Ranged + DoT 15s 40m
 Harrying Strike Melee + Debuff + DoT 15s 40m
 Furious Claws Melee AoE + DoT 15s 5.7m

When the Lore-master is specialized in Master of Nature's Fury, the skill becomes the below version:

Minor Call - Flank
  • 30m Range
  • Fast
  • Tactical Skill
  • Call upon beasts of the wild to surprise your foe, applying the Flanked effect.
  • ... Beleriand Damage
  • Cost: [68 at Level 150] Power
  • Cooldown: 15s

This Red-line skill applies the  Flanked! effect to the targeted enemy. It does not interact with the Call to Pet skills.

Trait Interactions

  • The trait  Prepare for War in the Keeper of Animals trait tree makes this skill further reduce the incoming damage of the commanded Pet by up to 20% (max effect: x0.5 Incoming Damage).

Tactical Information

Lore-masters should use this skill as much as possible to optimize their pet effect uptime. Lore-masters use this ability differently depending on their specialization:

  • Keeper of Animals: Blue LM's will usually keep one pet out, so this skill should be used off cooldown, and pets should not be swapped
  • Master of Nature's Fury: Red LM's use this skill to gain a Flank to be consumed by Staff Strike. Most LMs will use this skill right before they use that skill.
  • The Ancient Master: Yellow LM's can do some different things with their pets, depending on what is most needed by the group. But, they should use this skill off cooldown, so make sure you have the right pet out when you want to use this skill.