Unyielding Sweep

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Unyielding Sweep
  • Lore-master
  • Your staff is resolute and using it in combat helps improve your focus.
    You need 15 ranks in other traits in the Master of Nature's Fury branch.
    Rank 1
    +20% Staff Sweep Damage
    Rank 2
    +4 Staff Sweep Crit Buff Duration
    +40% Staff Sweep Damage
    Rank 3
    +8 Staff Sweep Crit Buff Duration
    +60% Staff Sweep Damage

Trait Information

Additional Information

Rank 1 of this trait makes  Staff Sweep apply  Improved Staff-sweep to the Lore-master, lasting for 14 seconds.

This trait can only be taken by Lore-masters specializing in the Master of Nature's Fury trait tree.