Quest:Lore-master: Friend of Turtles

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Lore-master: Friend of Turtles
Level 29
Type Solo
Starts with Radagast the Brown
Starts at Agamaur
Start Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [29.8S, 27.4W]
Quest Group Lore-master
Class Lore-master
Quest Chain Friend of the Wild
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'There is another in need of rescuing -- a turtle, trapped at the edge of the Circle of Blood by the dead who should not walk.

'A turtle can be a difficult creature to draw, but he will respond to a true lore-master's greeting. Try your voice with him, and bring him here.'


Radagast has asked you to find a turtle hiding in a stump in Harloeg.

Objective 1

The turtle can be found hiding among fallen stones just to the east of the Circle of Blood.

Radagast has asked you to coax the turtle to safety, teaching you the importance of the bond with the gentler creatures of nature.

The frightened turtle emerges from the hiding spot at your summons

Objective 2

Radagast the Brown is at Barad Dhorn in Agamaur.

Radagast has asked you to coax a turtle to safety, teaching you the importance of the bond with the gentler creatures of nature.

Radagast the Brown says, "Ah, well done, friend!"

Objective 3

  • Talk to Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown is at Barad Dhorn.

You should find out if Radagast the Brown has anything else for you to do.

Radagast the Brown: 'Ah, you have done well, but there is more still to do.'