Quest:Lore-master: Path of the Ancient Master

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Path of the Ancient Master
Level 58
Type Solo
Starts with Any Lore-master Trainer
Ends with Winiel
Ends at The Rotting Cellar
End Region Moria
Quest Group Lore-master
Class Lore-master
Quest Chain The Path of the Ancient Master
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There is little more that I can teach you, <name>. I believe the time has come for you seek the counsel of the experienced lore-master, Winiel.

'To my knowledge, she has entered Moria with a force of dwarves from the Iron Hills, who seek to reclaim the realm of Durin. Winiel will be expecting you in the Water-works of Moria.'


Winiel has summoned you into her presence.


Winiel is in The Water-works in Moria.

You have been instructed to look for the lore-master Winiel.

Winiel: Lore-master <name>, how good to see you. I trust I was not too difficult to find?
'I understand that you have come to a point in your studies that will require more aggressive research in order to better your skills. I believe I know just the thing to help you on your way.
'Come, let us speak further on how we can help each other.'