The Ancient Master

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The Ancient Master (Yellow line) is a Lore-master Trait Tree. The other two trait trees of this class are Keeper of Animals and Master of Nature's Fury.

The Ancient Master
Uses lore knowledge to hinder and confound foes.
Focus on your knowledge of the natural world to support your allies, using a wide range of signs and lores to support your allies while hindering your foes.
Skills Earned:
 Nature Spirit (Spirit Mote)
 Fire and Frost Lore
 Test of Will
Insult to Injury:
When used, Ancient Craft and Bane Flare will each cause your next Lightning skill to deal bonus Damage.
Test of Will and Sticky Tar will each cause your next Fire skill to deal bonus Damage.


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Ancient Master (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Fire and Frost Lore Debuff - Set: Initial skill
 Test of Will Damage + Stun 45s Set: Initial skill
 Bane Flare AoE Daze 2m Trait:  Bane Flare
 Sticky Tar AoE Debuff 1m 30s Set:  Sticky Tar
 Storm Lore AoE Damage + Stun 2m Set:  Storm-lore
 Sign of Power: See All Ends Buff 20s Trait:  See All Ends
 Share the Power Power 40s Trait:  Flow of Power
 Share the Power - Fellowship Power 1m Set:  Bountiful Power
 Blinding Flash Daze + Interrupt 30s Trait:  Blinding Flash
 Sign of Power: Righteousness Buff 45s Trait:  Righteousness
 Wind Lore AoE Debuff 5s Trait:  Wind Lore
 Herb Lore AoE Root 2m Set:  Herb-lore
 Pleasant Breeze AoE Heal 30s Trait:  Pleasant Breeze
 Air Lore Buff 1m 30s Set:  Air Lore
 Beacon of Hope AoE Heal 15s Trait:  Beacon of Hope
 Ancient Craft AoE Debuff 1m Set:  Ancient Craft
 The Ancient Master Buff 3m Trait:  The Ancient Master
 Warding Knowledge AoE Buff 2m 30s Set:  Warding Knowledge

Set Bonuses

Set Bonus Description Source
 Sticky Tar Gain skill Sticky Tar Set: 5+ total ranks
 Storm-lore Gain skill Storm Lore Set: 10+ total ranks
 Bountiful Power Gain skill Share the Power - Fellowship Set: 15+ total ranks
 Herb-lore Gain skill Herb Lore Set: 20+ total ranks
 Air Lore Gain skill Air Lore Set: 25+ total ranks
 Ancient Craft Gain skill Ancient Craft Set: 30+ total ranks
 Warding Knowledge Gain skill Warding Knowledge Set: 35+ total ranks


Trait Description Source
 Grasping Earth Improves skill Cracked Earth Trait: 0+ ranks
 Shield of Knowledge Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Bane Flare Gain skill Bane Flare Trait: 0+ ranks
 Force of Will Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Earth Power Improves skill Cracked Earth Trait: 5+ ranks, Grasping Earth (1)
 Mending Lore Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Power of Knowledge Improves skill Power of Knowledge Trait: 5+ ranks
 See All Ends Gain skill Sign of Power: See All Ends Trait: 10+ ranks
 Flow of Power Gain skill Share the Power; Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Blinding Flash Gain skill Blinding Flash Trait: 15+ ranks
 Righteousness Gain skill Sign of Power: Righteousness Trait: 15+ ranks
 Wind Lore Gain skill Wind Lore Trait: 15+ ranks
 Explosive Flash Improves skill Blinding Flash Trait: 20+ ranks, Blinding Flash (1)
 Immemorial Wind Improves skill Wind Lore Trait: 20+ ranks, Wind Lore (1)
 Pleasant Breeze Gain skill Pleasant Breeze Trait: 20+ ranks
 Quick Packing Improves skill Blinding Flash Trait: 25+ ranks, Explosive Flash (3)
 Disable Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Firm Grasp Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Beacon of Hope Changes skill Light of Hope to Beacon of Hope; Improves skill Water Lore Trait: 25+ ranks
 The Ancient Master Buff; Gain skill The Ancient Master. Trait: 30+ ranks
 Enfeeble Improves skills Ancient Craft and Knowledge of the Lore-master Trait: 30+ ranks