Call to Pet

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When specialized in Master of Nature's Fury, your Pet skills are transformed into new Call to Pet versions. When these abilities are used, the Lore-master deals damage and sometimes grants effects to their target, then summons a pet to attack enemies for a short duration.

All Call to Pet Skills share the same cooldown. When one is used, the rest become unavailable.

While summoned, your pets randomly apply their regular Flanked! effects.

These pets do not respond to Minor Pet Command nor Major Pet Command; these skills have a different ability in Red-line. Furthermore, Pets in Red-line do not have access to their abilities that Lore-masters in other trait specializations can use.

Pet Call to Pet Skill
 Call to Bears
 Call to Ravens
 Call to Lynx
 Call to Lurkers
 Call to Eagles
 Call to Sabre-tooths