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This page is about Lore-master pets. For Bears that are creatures, see Bears


The Bear is the first combat pet obtained by a Lore-master, at level 2. It has the same level as the Lore-master itself, and will remain at the summoned level if the lore-master gains a level, in which case it should be dismissed and re-summoned to ain the new level. There are also cosmetic variations.

Bears primarily cause damage and take aggro from enemies and are useful for holding them off at a distance. The way a bear does this varies according to which trait tree is the current specialisation.

Note: Update 41 brough major changes to Bears, and Pets in general, and previous comments about their game play do not apply, use history to call up and older page to see how it was.

Summoning a bear

To summon a bear, use one of these skills:

Skills and Commands

Standard Pet Command Bar items.

 Attack  Follow  Stay  Passive Mode  Guard Mode  Toggle Assist  Return to Master

Several of the Lore-master's skills cause the Bear to use one of its abilities. These do not apply when Master of Nature's Fury is active.

Lore-master Skill Bear Skill Category
 Minor Pet Command (Yellow)  Shatter Arms Melee + Debuff
 Minor Pet Command (Blue)  Bear Hug Melee + Stun
 Major Pet Command  Roaring Challenge AoE Taunt
 Sign of the Wild: Rage  Wild Strike Melee
 Sign of the Wild: Protection  Hardened Hide Buff


The trait set bonuses  Bolstered Bond and  Tutelage of the Brown Wizard enhance the Lore-master's companion by improving its morale, power, attack speed, damage, critical chance, block, parry and evade chance, stealth and stealth detection, as well as granting it immunity to knockbacks.


Bears have a chance to apply:

Pet Food

A Bear can eat Pots of Honey & Oats to temporarily increase its combat effectiveness. Pots of Crude Honey and Oats can be bought at any Lore-master class trainer, but higher-level varieties must be crafted by a Cook.


A Lore-master has the ability to learn skills that change the appearance of their pet by consuming talismans. These talismans are crafted by Jewellers or can be purchased at the LOTRO Store.