Blinding Flash
General Information
Class: Lore-master
Trait Tree: The Ancient Master
Rank Needed: 15 (trait Blinding Flash)
Using this skill applies Dazed to the enemy target for 10s. Any damage breaks this effect.
Using this skill interrupts the induction of the targeted enemy. See Interrupt Skills for a list of all skills that interrupt inductions.
Trait Interactions
- The trait
Explosive Flash in the Ancient Master trait tree increases the Dazed duration by up to 20 seconds.
- The trait
Quick Packing in the Ancient Master trait tree reduces the cooldown of this skill by up to 15 seconds.
- The trait
Firm Grasp in the Ancient Master trait tree increases the Dazed grace period of this skill by up to 3 seconds.
Tracery Interactions
- Target Resistance: Debuffing Skills reduces the chance for this skill to be resisted by up to 11%.
Tactical Information
Perhaps the most famous crowd-control skill of the Lore-master, Blinding Flash is mostly known for it's long daze that can be refreshed, thus keeping two enemies locked down for an infinite amount of time, traits permitting. As opposed to skills that stun, Blinding Flash is not affected by Temporary State Immunity, nor does it cause this effect. The skill works on every enemy type. Note that almost all bosses are immune to dazes (and other forms of crowd-control, for that matter), though.
There's more to Blinding Flash than the daze. Another important use is to interrupt enemies. Blinding flash will even interrupt the inductions of enemy targets if they are immune to dazes.
This skill is a reference to an event during the story of The Hobbit, in which Bilbo, the dwarves and Gandalf seek refuge in a cave while a thunderstorm razes outside. Unfortunately, the cave leads to goblin tunnels and they get caught while taking a nap:
"...they were all grabbed and carried through the crack, before you could say "tinder and flint". But not Gandalf. Bilbo's yell had done that much good. It had wakened him up wide in a splintered second, and when goblins came to grab him, there was a terrific flash like lightning in the cave, a smell like gunpowder, and several of them fell dead.
The crack closed with a snap, and Bilbo and the dwarves were on the wrong side of it! Where was Gandalf? Of that neither they nor the goblins had any idea, and the goblins did not wait to find out."
- "Over Hill and Under Hill." In: "The Hobbit", by J.R.R. Tolkien