Quest:Lore-master: Friend of Hares

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Lore-master: Friend of Hares
Level 29
Type Solo
Starts with Radagast the Brown
Starts at Agamaur
Start Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [29.8S, 27.4W]
Quest Group Lore-master
Class Lore-master
Quest Chain Friend of the Wild
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Ah! Fortuitous timing, for you are just the Lore-master I need, <name>. Apparently more of my little friends are in danger.

'You have an affinity for animals yourself, do you not? If you do them a good turn, they will feel incredible loyalty to you, and you will be able to call on animal-friends much as I do, to come and sit with you when you are feeling lonely.

'There is a hare in great danger, hiding in his burrow south-west of here. Please hurry and bring him back to me! Fellowship with the gentler creatures is an important step on your journey to becoming a master of lore.'


Radagast has told you that many of the creatures of Garth Agarwen are in peril due to the corruption spreading in the land.

Objective 1

The hare's den lies along the cliff running along the south-west edge of the Circle of Blood.

Radagast has asked you to coax a rabbit to safety, teaching you the importance of the bond with the gentler creatures of nature.

The frightened rabbit emerges from the den at your summons

Objective 2

Radagast is at Barad Dhorn in Agamaur.

Radagast has asked you to coax a rabbit to safety, teaching you the importance of the bond with the gentler creatures of nature.

Radagast the Brown says, "Very good, very good..."

Objective 3

  • Talk to Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown is at Barad Dhorn.

You have safely brought the Hare back to Radagast. You should speak to Radagast to see what else he might ask of you.

Radagast the Brown: 'Well done, young friend! You are well on your way, but we have more friends in need of rescuing.'