Resources are items that can be harvested throughout the world for use in crafting . The four types of trackable resources that can be harvested are Artifacts, Crops, Ore, and Wood. There is a fifth type of resource, Hides, which drop as loot from beasts .
Resources are harvested from different Crafting Tiers , so that tier 1 resources are available in Starter Areas and higher tiers follows character progression fairly well. See the crafting section of each region for details about available resource tiers, or see summary tables below.
Resources are generally "Nodes" found across the lands of Middle-earth , which provide crafting materials in Crafting Recipes.
Artifacts can only be harvested by characters with the Scholar profession. The character must have the proficiency for the previous tier of the artifact, for example in order to harvest Broken Urn the character should be Apprentice Scholar . Scholars are granted the ability to Track Artifacts , study the artifact using Crafting Tools , and process the ore into ingots at a Forge .
Artifact node
Each artifact node yields a small number of texts and trinkets and a small chance of other crafting materials such as rare components and mastery components.
The following Professions can use these texts and materials in their own crafting recipes:
Note: The scholar is the only profession that can use these materials for crafting.
Artifact Node Index
Artifact Spawn
Mastery Components / Rare Crafting Components
Shattered Pitcher
1 Apprentice
Aged Scrap of Text Early Third Age Relic
Dim Candle
Bree-land , Ered Luin , the Shire , and the Swanfleet
Broken Urn
2 Journeyman
Worn Tablet Fragment Ruined Second Age Trinket Cryptic Text
Rushlight Candle Sapphire Shard *
Bree-land , Ered Luin , Lone-lands , North Downs , and Cardolan
Antique Vase
3 Expert
Cracked Dwarf-carving Faded Sindarin Passage Torn Craftsman's Diary
Beeswax Candle Ruby Shard *
Lone-lands , North Downs , Evendim , and The Yondershire
Forgotten Text
4 Artisan
Fragment of Dúnedain Script Scroll of Lothlórien Historical Document of the Dwarf-lords
Tallow Candle Adamant Shard *
Lone-lands , Evendim , Trollshaws , Angmar , the Misty Mountains , and The Angle of Mitheithel
Ancient Vase
5 Master
Worn Elf-carving Undeciphered Moon-letter Long-lost Second Age Text
Ornate Candle Beryl Shard *
Misty Mountains , Eastern Angmar , The Wildwood , Eregion , and The Angle of Mitheithel
Sage's Locker Sage's Casket Sage's Lockbox
6 Supreme
Rune-carved Tablet Etching of Moria Tattered Khuzdul Parchment Relic of Khazad-dûm
Bright Lamp Mithril Flake *
Moria (esp. Mekeb-faham and Mekeb-farak crafting instances found in Hadudbâb in Durin's Way ), Lothlórien , Mirkwood and Enedwaith
Banded Coffer
7 Westfold
Scrap of Weathered Dunlending Text Scroll of Insight Book of Knowledge Tome of Wisdom
Page of Gondorian Parchment Inspired Note
Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil *
Dunland , Gap of Rohan , Nan Curunír and the Great River
Ornate Cache
8 Eastemnet
Scrap of Rohirric Text Scroll of Poetry Book of Ballads Tome of War Stories
Piece of Eastemnet Sealed Wax Eastemnet Candle
Tarnished Crest of Rohan *
East Rohan , Parphád crafting instance found in Hytbold , and Wildermore
Adorned Chest
9 Westemnet
Tattered Rohirric Parchment Scroll of Tactics Book of Battle Plans Tome of War Campaigns
Piece of Westemnet Sealed Wax Westemnet Candle
Emerald Shard *
West Rohan , Gemyndsted crafting instance found in Derndingle in the Entwood , Western Gondor , Central Gondor
Lavish Chest
10 Anórien
Tattered Anórien Parchment
Piece of Anórien Sealed Wax Anórien Candle
Zircon Shard *
Eastern Gondor , Old Anórien , Far Anórien
Lavish Dagorlad Chest
10 Anórien
Relic of the Battle Plain
Rangers' Journal of Dagorlad History *
The Wastes
Gorgoroth Artifact Chest
11 Doomfold
Tattered Doomfold Parchment
Piece of Doomfold Sealed Wax Gorgoroth Candle
Black Adamant Shard *
The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Dale Artifact Chest
11 Doomfold
Tattered Doomfold Parchment
Piece of Doomfold Sealed Wax Gorgoroth Candle
Black Adamant Shard *
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Ironfold Artifact Chest
12 Ironfold
Tattered Ironfold Parchment
Piece of Ironfold Sealed Wax Ironfold Candle
Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Iron Hills , Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
Vales Artifact Chest
12 Ironfold
Tattered Ironfold Parchment
Piece of Ironfold Sealed Wax Ironfold Candle
Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Vales of Anduin
Ithil Artifact Chest
13 Minas Ithil
Tattered Minas Ithil Parchment
Piece of Minas Ithil Sealed Wax Minas Ithil Candle
Ithilharn Shard *
Morgul Vale , Mordor Besieged
Runed Coffer
13 Minas Ithil
Tattered Minas Ithil Parchment
Piece of Minas Ithil Sealed Wax Minas Ithil Candle
Ithilharn Shard *
Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Sage's Coffer
14 Gundabad
Tattered Gundabad Parchment
Piece of Gundabad Sealed Wax Gundabad Candle
Sunstone Shard *
Gundabad , King's Gondor East , Ettenmoors
Umbar Artifact Chest
15 Umbar
Tattered Shagâni Parchment
Lump of Shagâni Wax Shagâni Candle
Red Sea-stone *
King's Gondor : Belfalas , Blackroot Vale , Dor-en-Ernil , Lamedon Outer Gondor : Anfalas , Pinnath Gelin Haradwaith : Cape of Umbar , The Shield Isles Ettenmoors Umbar-môkh - Tâkhdar , Kamrabezûr , Ilmabiri , Khabârkhad , Dil-irmíz
* Very rare component
These items may be cultivated by Farmers , using a Vegetable field crafting area. They are used by Cooks in crafting food. Cultivating a well-tended field of vegetables (a Critical success result) may also produce special by-products that can be used by Cooks to create special or improved food recipes, or by Scholars to create dyes. Note that locations in the following table are where the crops are commonly found; all wild crops may be found, at times, in all areas of Middle Earth.
Critical result crops used for dyes may be seen in the Dyes table.
Crop Type
Item Name
Standard / Critical Result
Commonly Found Location(s) in the Wild
Bunch of Blackberries
5 Master
Eregion , Forochel , Angmar , Misty Mountains
Blackberry Honey
Blackberry Honey
5 Master
Not found in the wild
Bunch of Blueberries
2 Journeyman
Eregion , North Downs and Lone-lands
1 Apprentice
Bree-land , The Shire , Ered Luin
Fresh Carrot
1 Apprentice
Bree-land , The Shire , Ered Luin
Head of Cauliflower
3 Expert
Lone-lands , Trollshaws , North Downs , Evendim
Golden Shire Tater
Golden Shire Tater
5 Master
Trollshaws , Angmar , Evendim , Misty Mountains
Green Onion
Green Onion
3 Expert
Lone-lands , Trollshaws , North Downs , Evendim
Bundle of Mint Leaves
6 Supreme
Not found in the wild
1 Apprentice
Bree-land , The Shire , Ered Luin
Bunch of Raspberries
4 Artisan
Eregion , Trollshaws , Angmar , Evendim , Misty Mountains
Royal Tater
Royal Tater
6 Supreme
Not found in the wild
Green Peas
6 Supreme
Not found in the wild
Shire Apple
Shire Apple
4 Artisan
Trollshaws , Angmar , Evendim , Misty Mountains
Bunch of Strawberries
4 Artisan
Eregion , Trollshaws , Angmar , Evendim , Misty Mountains
2 Journeyman
Eregion , North Downs , Lone-lands
Bundle of Tea Leaves
6 Supreme
Not found in the wild
Special Tea Leaves
Fine Tea Leaf Perfect Tea Leaf Young Tea Leaf
6 Supreme
Drops rarely from level 51+ creatures
Yellow Onion
Yellow Onion
1 Apprentice
Bree-land , The Shire , Ered Luin
These items may be cultivated by Farmers, using a Grain field crafting area. They are used by Cooks in crafting food and drinks. They are never found in the wild.
Spices are special, rare crop ingredients that can be used by a cook to improve the flavor of food, producing critical results. They are infrequently produced in fields of other crops from the same tier (e.g. a Tier 1 Sprig of Allspice can be harvested from any of the other Tier 1 fields, such as carrot and mushroom fields). They can also be rewarded as loot from foes; the spice received is determined by the level of the foe that was defeated.
Item Name
Levels Dropped
Field Types for Cultivation
Sprig of Allspice
1 Apprentice
1 - 12
Carrot , Lily-of-the-Valley flower , North Downs Hops , Longbottom Leaf , Mushroom , Rushlight Pipe-weed , Spring Barley , Southlinch Pipe-weed , Stonecrop Leaf , Sweet Lobelia Pipe-weed , Yellow Onion
Sprig of Mugwort
2 Journeyman
13 - 23
Blueberry , Cabbage , Golding Hops , Hornblower Pipe-weed , Iris flower , Muddy Foot Pipe-weed , Oat , Southern Star Pipe-weed , Tater , Tighfield Choice Pipe-weed
Clump of Chives
3 Expert
24 - 34
Bluebottle flower , Cauliflower , Dragon's Breath Pipe-weed , Green Onion , Lengalenas Pipe-weed , Old Toby Pipe-weed , Pride of Chetwood Hops , Roper's Twist Pipe-weed , Shire Sweet-leaf , Sweet Galenas Pipe-weed ,
Sprig of Parsley
4 Artisan
35 - 43
Amaranth flower , Eagle's Nest Pipe-weed , Gamwich Braid Pipe-weed , Raspberry , Saffron flower , Shire Apple Tree , Strawberry , Winter Barley
Sprig of Thyme
5 Master
44 - 50
Bloodwort , Blackberry , Elder , Golden Shire Tater , Summer Green-weed , Umbel Hops , Wizard's Fire Pipe-weed
Sprig of Woolly Mint
6 Supreme
51 - 65
Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf Pipe-weed , Gold-fire Pipe-weed , Green Pea , Mint , Royal Tater , Tea
Pinch of Westfold Herbs
7 Westfold
Bilberry , Black Barley , Leek
Some of these crops may be cultivated by Farmers using Vegetable Farmland; others can only be found in the wild.* They are used by Scholars to craft Dyes and Wall Paints .
* NOTE: Most of these dye plants may drop randomly in a Westfold Farmer's Wild Flower Field , including those that can't otherwise be cultivated.
Resources are generally "Nodes" found across the lands of Middle-earth , which provide crafting materials in Crafting Recipes.
Ore Deposits can only be harvested by characters with the Prospector profession. The character should have achieved proficiency for the previous tier of the ore, for example in order to harvest Barrow-iron Deposit (which is journeyman tier) the character should have obtained the title Apprentice Prospector . Prospectors are granted the ability to Track Mines , harvest the ore deposit using Crafting Tools , and process the ore into ingots at a Forge .
Ore deposit node
Normal yields 1 to 3 ore and a small chance of other crafting materials such as dye materials , Gems, rare components and mastery components.
These ore nodes also have a chance to spawn a Rich / Bountiful deposit which can yield 4 to 6 ore and have a higher chance to yield these crafting materials.
The following Professions can use the ingots for materials in their own crafting recipes:
Ore Deposit Index
Ore Deposit
Ore Materials
Dye Materials
Other Components and items
Copper Deposit
1 Apprentice
Chunk of Copper Ore
Piece of Sienna Pile of Copper Salts
Agate Amethyst
Chunk of Grey Rock-salt Chunk of Crude Brimstone Crude Whetstone
Most of Ered Luin , The Shire , Swanfleet , lower-level areas of Bree-land
Barrow-iron Deposit
2 Journeyman
Chunk of Barrow-iron Ore
Piece of Umber
Chunk of White Rock-salt Chunk of Pale Brimstone Small Whetstone Sapphire Shard *
North-Eastern Ered Luin , North-Eastern Shire , Edges of Bree-land , Western Lone-lands , Western North Downs , most of Cardolan
Silver Deposit
2 Journeyman
Chunk of Silver Ore
Bloodstone Opal
Chunk of White Rock-salt Chunk of Pale Brimstone Small Whetstone Sapphire Shard *
North-Eastern Ered Luin , North-Eastern Shire , Edges of Bree-land , Western Lone-lands , Western North Downs , most of Cardolan
Rich Iron Deposit
3 Expert
Chunk of Rich Iron Ore
Chunk of Clear Rock-salt Chunk of Dark Brimstone Flat Whetstone Ruby Shard *
Central and eastern areas of Lone-lands and North Downs , Eastern Evendim , South and East lake shores in North-Eastern Bree-land , The Yondershire in the Shire
Gold Deposit
3 Expert
Chunk of Gold Ore
Ruby Sapphire
Chunk of Clear Rock-salt Chunk of Dark Brimstone Flat Whetstone Ruby Shard *
Central and eastern areas of Lone-lands and North Downs , Eastern Evendim , South and East lake shores in North-Eastern Bree-land , The Yondershire in the Shire
Dwarf-iron Deposit
4 Artisan
Chunk of Dwarf-iron Ore
Chunk of Yellow Rock-salt Chunk of Prilled Brimstone Round Whetstone Adamant Shard *
Trollshaws , Western Misty Mountains , Western Angmar , Western Evendim , South-Eastern tip of Lone-lands , The Angle of Mitheithel , Western Agamaur (located in the Lone-lands)
Platinum Deposit
4 Artisan
Chunk of Platinum Ore
Chunk of Yellow Rock-salt Chunk of Prilled Brimstone Round Whetstone Adamant Shard *
Trollshaws , Western Misty Mountains , Western Angmar , Western Evendim , South-Eastern tip of Lone-lands , The Angle of Mitheithel
Ancient Iron Deposit
5 Master
Chunk of Ancient Iron Ore Ancient Nickel Ore (rare)
Pile of Ancient Iron Oxides
Chunk of Blue Rock-salt Chunk of Dusty Brimstone Soft Whetstone Beryl Shard *
Eastern Misty Mountains , Eastern Angmar , Forochel , The Wildwood and Northern Eregion
Ancient Silver Deposit
5 Master
Chunk of Ancient Silver Ore
Beryl Moonstone (rare)
Chunk of Blue Rock-salt Chunk of Dusty Brimstone Soft Whetstone Beryl Shard *
Eastern Misty Mountains , Eastern Angmar , Forochel , The Wildwood and Northern Eregion
Khazâd Skarn Deposit
6 Supreme
Chunk of Khazâd Skarn
Chunk of Lime
Aquamarine Dawn-rose
Chunk of Pink Rock-salt Chunk of Bright Brimstone Hard Whetstone Mithril Flake *
Southern Eregion , Moria (esp. Tumun-ghâr and Fulz-zahar crafting instances found in Gharâf-fehem in the Redhorn Lodes ), Lothlórien , Mirkwood , Enedwaith
Calenard Skarn Deposit
7 Westfold
Chunk of Calenard Skarn Chunk of High-grade Calenard Skarn (rare)
Green Garnet
Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil *
Dunland , Gap of Rohan , Isengard , Nan Curunír , The Great River
Riddermark Skarn Deposit
8 Eastemnet
Chunk of Riddermark Skarn Chunk of High-grade Riddermark Skarn (rare)
Red Agate
Tarnished Crest of Rohan *
East Rohan , Iserngraf crafting instance found in Hytbold , Wildermore
Eorlingas Skarn Deposit
9 Westemnet
Chunk of Eorlingas Skarn Chunk of High-grade Eorlingas Skarn (rare)
Emerald Shard *
West Rohan , Entwood (esp. Stangraf crafting instance found in Derndingle ), Western Gondor , Central Gondor
Anórien Skarn Deposit
10 Anórien
Chunk of Anórien Skarn Chunk of High-grade Anórien Skarn (rare)
Zircon Shard *
Eastern Gondor , Old Anórien , Far Anórien , North Ithilien
Dagorlad Scrap Deposit
10 Anórien
Dagorlad Weapon Scrap Dagorlad Armour Scrap
Dagorlad Onyx
Rangers' Journal of Dagorlad Weaponsmithing * Rangers' Journal of Dagorlad Metalsmithing * Broken Blade * Metal Scrap * Salt *
The Wastes
Gorgoroth Skarn Deposit
11 Doomfold
Chunk of Doomfold Skarn Chunk of High-grade Doomfold Skarn (rare)
Black Adamant
Black Adamant Shard *
The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Erebor Skarn Deposit
11 Doomfold
Chunk of Doomfold Skarn Chunk of High-grade Doomfold Skarn (rare)
Black Adamant
Black Adamant Shard *
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Ironfold Skarn Deposit
12 Ironfold
Chunk of Ironfold Skarn Chunk of High-grade Ironfold Skarn (rare)
Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Iron Hills , Ered Mithrin
Vales Skarn Deposit
12 Ironfold
Chunk of Ironfold Skarn Chunk of High-grade Ironfold Skarn (rare)
Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Vales of Anduin
Ithil Skarn Deposit
13 Minas Ithil
Chunk of Minas Ithil Skarn Chunk of High-grade Minas Ithil Skarn (rare)
Ithilharn Shard *
Morgul Vale , Mordor Besieged
Langflood Skarn Deposit
13 Minas Ithil
Chunk of Langflood Skarn Chunk of High-grade Langflood Skarn (rare)
Ithilharn Shard *
Wells of Langflood , Elderslade , The War of Three Peaks
Khazâd-Silver Deposit
13 Minas Ithil
Chunk of Langflood Skarn Chunk of High-grade Langflood Skarn (rare)
Watery Ithilharn
Ithilharn Shard *
Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Brilliant Skarn Deposit
14 Gundabad
Chunk of Gundabad Skarn Chunk of High-grade Gundabad Skarn (rare)
Sunstone Shard *
Gundabad , King's Gondor East , Ettenmoors
Iridescent Ore Deposit
15 Umbari
Chunk of Shagâni Iron Chunk of High-grade Shagâni Iron (rare)
Red Sea-stone *
King's Gondor West , Outer Gondor , Cape of Umbar , The Shield Isles & Umbar Baharbêl
Abandoned Iridescent Ore Deposit
15 Umbari
Chunk of Shagâni Iron Chunk of High-grade Shagâni Iron (rare)
Red Sea-stone *
Umbar-môkh - Tâkhdar , Kamrabezûr , Ilmabiri , Khabârkhad , Dil-irmíz
* Very rare component
Resources are generally "Nodes" found across the lands of Middle-earth , which provide crafting materials in Crafting Recipe.
Wood Branches can only be harvested by characters with the Forester profession. Foresters are granted the ability to Track Wood , harvest the ore deposit using Crafting Tools , and process the wood into treated wood at a Workbench .
Wood branch node
Normal branches typically yield 1 to 3 branches and a small chance of other crafting materials such as rare components and mastery components.
Heavy branches can yield up to 6 branches and occasionally kindling materials .
The following Professions can use the treated wood for materials in their own crafting recipes:
Wood Branches Index
Fallen Timbers
Wood Materials
Mastery Components / Rare Crafting Components
Rowan Branches
1 Apprentice
Log of Rowan Wood
Drop of Sticky Resin Common Flax Fibre
South Ered Luin , The Shire , Central Bree-land , Swanfleet
Ash Branches
2 Journeyman
Log of Ash Wood
Drop of Ashy Resin Bree Flax Fibre Sapphire Shard *
North Ered Luin , Edges of Bree-land , The Barrow-downs , Western Lone-lands , Western North Downs , Cardolan
Yew Branches
3 Expert
Log of Yew Wood
Drop of Amber Resin Pale Flax Fibre Ruby Shard *
Eastern Lone-lands , Eastern North Downs , Eastern Evendim
Lebethron Branches
4 Artisan
Log of Lebethron Wood
Drop of Black Resin Yellow Flax Fibre Adamant Shard *
Trollshaws , Western Evendim , Western Angmar , South-Eastern Lone-lands , Western Misty Mountains , Western Agamaur (located in the Lone-lands )
Black Ash Branches
5 Master
Log of Black Ash Wood Black Ash Heartwood Spider Silk
Drop of Soft Resin Golden Flax Fibre Beryl Shard *
Eastern Misty Mountains , Eastern Angmar , The Wildwood and Northern Eregion
Ilex Branches Pile of Ilex Wood
6 Supreme
Log of Ilex Wood
Drop of Hard Resin Fairy Flax Fibre Mithril Flake *
Southern Eregion , Moria (esp. Bult-kâr and Sejer-tharâkh crafting instances found in Mezer-serej in Zelem-melek ), Lothlórien , Mirkwood , Enedwaith
Mallorn Branches
As of Update 12, Helm's Deep - November 20, 2013 , these branches were removed from the game
Birch Branches
7 Westfold
Log of Birch Wood Birch Sapwood Branch
Drop of Birch-tar Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil *
Enedwaith , Dunland , The Great River
Oak Branches
8 Eastemnet
Log of Oak Wood Oak Sapwood Branch
Piece of Oak Bark Tarnished Crest of Rohan *
East Rohan , Imping crafting instance found in Hytbold , Wildermore
Walnut Branches
9 Westemnet
Log of Walnut Wood Walnut Sapwood Branch Walnut
Piece of Walnut Bark Emerald Shard *
West Rohan , Direnfirel crafting instance found in the Entwood , Western Gondor , Central Gondor
Poplar Branches
10 Anórien
Log of Poplar Wood Poplar Sapwood Branch
Piece of Poplar Bark Zircon Shard *
Eastern Gondor , Old Anórien , Far Anórien , North Ithilien
Gnarled Branches
10 Anórien
Bundle of Reclaimed Ithilien Lumber
The Wastes
Gorgoroth Branches Gorgoroth Wood
11 Doomfold
Log of Gorgoroth Wood
Piece of Doomfold Bark Strong Gorgoroth Branch Black Adamant Shard *
The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Lasgalen Branches
11 Doomfold
Log of Lasgalen Wood
Piece of Doomfold Bark Strong Lasgalen Branch Black Adamant Shard *
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Thornholt Branches
12 Ironfold
Log of Thornholt Wood
Piece of Thornholt Bark Strong Thornholt Branch Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Iron Hills , Ered Mithrin
Vales Branches
12 Ironfold
Log of Thornholt Wood
Piece of Thornholt Bark Strong Thornholt Branch Drop of Vales Honey Dwarrowgleam Shard *
Vales of Anduin
Mordor Snag Branches
13 Minas Ithil
Log of a Mordor Snag
Piece of Mordor Snag Bark Strong Snag Branch Ithilharn Shard *
Minas Morgul , Mordor Besieged
Langflood Branches
13 Minas Ithil
Langflood Log
Piece of Mordor Snag Bark Thick Langflood Log Ithilharn Shard *
Wells of Langflood , Elderslade , The War of Three Peaks
Frost-rimed Ilex Branches
13 Minas Ithil
Langflood Log
Piece of Mordor Snag Bark Thick Langflood Log Ithilharn Shard *
Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Pile of Black Ash Wood
14 Gundabad
Log of a Wind-swept Black Ash
Frost-rimed Black Ash Branch Sunstone Shard *
Gundabad : Deepscrave , Gloomingtarn , Máttugard , Pit of Stonejaws
Wind-swept Black Ash Branches
14 Gundabad
Log of a Wind-swept Black Ash
Frost-rimed Black Ash Branch Sunstone Shard *
Gundabad : Câr Bronach , Clovengap , Welkin-lofts King's Gondor : Lossarnach , Upper Lebennin , Lower Lebennin Ettenmoors : Hithlad , Coldfells , Hoardale , Steps of Gram , Arador's End
Sea-side Black Ash Branches
15 Umbar
Log of Shagâni Wood
Sturdy Log of Shagâni Wood Red Sea-stone *
King's Gondor : Belfalas , Blackroot Vale , Dor-en-Ernil , Lamedon , Ringló Vale Outer Gondor : Anfalas , Pinnath Gelin Ettenmoors : Steps of Gram , Arador's End
Palm Branches
15 Umbar
Log of Shagâni Wood
Sturdy Log of Shagâni Wood Red Sea-stone *
Haradwaith : Cape of Umbar , The Shield Isles
Abandoned Planks
15 Umbar
Log of Shagâni Wood
Sturdy Log of Shagâni Wood Red Sea-stone *
Umbar-môkh - Tâkhdar , Kamrabezûr , Ilmabiri , Khabârkhad , Dil-irmíz
* Very rare component
Hides can be harvested by characters by defeating Beasts . These pieces of animal hide have a chance to drop from those types of Creatures .
Foresters are able to process hides into leather by boiling them at a Workbench .
The following Professions can use the leather for materials in their own crafting recipes:
Hide Index
Leather By-product
Levels that Drop Item
Light Hide
1 Apprentice
Brushed Light Leather
Southern Ered Luin , the Shire , Central Bree-land
Medium Hide
2 Journeyman
Brushed Medium Leather Glazed Medium Leather
Bree-land , Ered Luin , Lone-lands , North Downs , and the Shire
Sturdy Hide
3 Expert
Brushed Sturdy Leather Glazed Sturdy Leather
Evendim , Lone-lands , North Downs , and Trollshaws
Pristine Hide
4 Artisan
Brushed Pristine Leather Glazed Pristine Leather
Western Angmar , Evendim , Eastern and Western Misty Mountains , Eastern North Downs and Trollshaws
Exceptional Hide
5 Master
Brushed Exceptional Leather Glazed Exceptional Leather
Eastern and Southern Misty Mountains , Angmar , Eregion , Sarnúr in Ered Luin , Forochel , The Wildwood and Ettenmoors
Magnificent Hide
6 Supreme
Brushed Magnificent Leather Glazed Magnificent Leather Finished Magnificent Leather Mithril-reinforced Magnificent Leather
Angmar , Eregion , Moria , Lothlórien , Mirkwood , Enedwaith , Minas Elendúr , Kolo-hampât
Calenard Hide
7 Westfold
Brushed Calenard Leather Glazed Calenard Leather Finished Calenard Leather
Dunland , Gap of Rohan , Isengard , Nan Curunír , The Great River and some rare drops in Eastern Mirkwood and Enedwaith
Riddermark Hide
8 Eastemnet
Brushed Riddermark Leather Glazed Riddermark Leather Finished Riddermark Leather
East Rohan
Eorlingas Hide
9 Westemnet
Brushed Eorlingas Leather Glazed Eorlingas Leather Finished Eorlingas Leather
West Rohan (A beast level 85 in West Rohan can drop both Riddermark and Eorlingas hides), Fangorn , Western Gondor , Central Gondor
Anórien Hide
10 Anórien
Brushed Anórien Leather
Eastern Gondor , Old Anórien , Far Anórien (beasts in all 3 areas drop both Eorlingas and Anórien hides)
Doomfold Hide
11 Doomfold
Brushed Doomfold Leather
The Plateau of Gorgoroth and Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Ironfold Hide
12 Ironfold
Brushed Ironfold Leather
Ered Mithrin and the Withered Heath and the Iron Hills
Minas Ithil Hide
13 Minas Ithil
Brushed Minas Ithil Leather
Morgul Vale and Wells of Langflood
Gundabad Hide
14 Gundabad
Brushed Gundabad Leather
Shagâni Hide
15 Umbar
Brushed Shagâni Leather
Rare crafting components are used by all Professions : Forester , Prospector , Jeweller , Weaponsmith , Metalsmith , Scholar , Tailor and Woodworker .
Creature Drops/Found/Barter
Sapphire Shard
2 Journeyman
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns, Barter from Crafting Vendor , rewarded by Quests , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Ruby Shard
3 Expert
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns, Barter from Crafting Vendor , rewarded by Quests , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Adamant Shard
4 Artisan
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns, Barter from Crafting Vendor , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Beryl Shard
5 Master
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns, Barter from Crafting Vendor , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Mithril Flake
6 Supreme
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns, Barter from Crafting Vendor , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil
7 Westfold
Dropped by rare Creatures and in Resource Spawns or Barter from Crafting Vendor , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Tarnished Crest of Rohan
8 Eastemnet
Dropped by rare creature chests , Barter from Crafting Vendor , Rare Crafting Component selection box
8 Eastemnet
Dropped by rare Creature chests , Barter
8 Eastemnet
Dropped by rare Creature chests , Barter
Emerald Shard
9 Westemnet
Found in Resource Spawns , Barter , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Zircon Shard
10 Anórien
Found in Resource Spawns , Barter , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Black Adamant Shard
11 Doomfold
Found in Resource Spawns , Barter , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Dwarrowgleam Shard
12 Ironfold
Found in Resource Spawns , Barter , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Ithilharn Shard
13 Minas Ithil
Found in Resource Spawns , Barter , Rare Crafting Component selection box
Sunstone Shard
14 Gundabad
Found in Resource Spawns , Rare Crafting Component selection box
For all Tiers there is a small change that you will obtain rare crafting components from Resource Spawns or Farmer Fields .
See the list above for links to the Tier specific Resource Spawns.
Further Information on Nodes.
There is no inherent 'refresh content timer' built into any resource Node. Once a Node has spawned into the Game World it will remain there until a Player comes and gathers from that Node. All the contents of any Node are randomly generated from a small Database Table of Contents. Random numbers between 1 and 2 and 3 for base materials and (mostly) single instances for additional materials gained, such as Gems or rare drops such as Shards.
The interaction of a Player is the only time the contents of any Node is generated.
Mass Resource Node Maps
There are some mass resource nodes areas.
See this list of Crafting Instances for instances where ore/wood/artifacts can be farmed.
To find Tier 2 (Journeyman) through Tier 6 (Supreme) rare crafting components each Region has a list of rare Named Creatures that drop shards or flakes. For Westfold Tier 7 thru Westemnet Tier 9 Dungeon or Instances Bosses drop chests that contain these rare crafting components instead.
Evendim :
Adamant Shard
Avice Twynam
[17.6S, 66.1W]
[4.8S, 72.7W]
[10.9S, 72.3W]
[9.0S, 74.4W]
[21.5S, 66.6W]
[4.8S, 71.2W]
[17.6S, 62.5W]
[11.0S, 73.0W]
Rycroft the Wretched
[11.9S, 65.4W]
[4.4S, 65.2W]
[12.1S, 61.7W]
Eregion :
Beryl Shard
Belegúan [54.0S, 9.9W]
Nan Sirannon
Big Blue [55.6S, 14.2W] or [53.7S, 12.7W]
Emyn Naer
Bregochel [48.1S, 6.4W] or [46.1S, 7.5W]
Redhorn Pass
Grugulum [53.1S, 8.8W] or [51.1S, 9.9W] or [52.7S, 9.7W]
Nan Sirannon
Hosh [48.0S, 9.4W] or [47.5S, 10.1W] or [45.6S, 9.6W]
Tâl Caradhras
Jackdaw [41.9S, 14.8W]
Glad Ereg
Lhugad [50.4S, 8.6W] or [53.2S, 8.7W]
Nan Sirannon
Maushflokh [45.6S, 10.6W] or [48.0S, 9.5W]
High Hollin
Ozût [45.8S, 6.7W]
Redhorn Pass
Pukhlor (Eregion) [48.1S, 6.4W] or [47.0S, 8.3W]
Redhorn Pass
Rakothûrz [53.7S, 12.6W] or [55.7S, 13.7W]
Emyn Naer
Snowhoof [45.3S, 10.8W] or [48.3S, 9.8W]
High Hollin
Thag [41.4S, 16.7W]
Glad Ereg
Wood Troll
Thaneleg [54.8S, 13.4W] or [53.2S, 13.9W]
Emyn Naer
Thornbeard [41.9S, 14.9W] or [42.2S, 13.9W] or [41.6S, 16.8W]
Glad Ereg
Ulmakh [48.0S, 16.0W]
Low Hollin
Zholuga (Eregion) [42.2S, 12.0W] or [41.4S, 16.9W]
Glad Ereg
Enedwaith :
Mithril Flake
Ashgúg [66.5S, 18.2W] or [68.9S, 18.0W]
Nan Laeglin
Burgúl [59.6S, 15.6W] or [57.9S, 12.1W]
Cloben [67.2S, 8.8W] or [71.2S, 11.3W]
Thrór's Coomb
Dremidudh [60.2S, 15.8W] or [58.9S, 11.9W]
Durdrú [73.2S, 21.6W] or [66.3S, 23.7W]
Wood Troll
Faegol [73.2S, 21.6W] or [66.3S, 23.7W]
Gazglup [63.9S, 18.4W] or [64.4S, 18.0W] or [63.3S, 14.5W]
Gwunfardh [67.7S, 9.0W] or [71.2S, 11.4W]
Thrór's Coomb
Great Tusk [62.9S, 21.1W] , [63.5S, 23.3W] or [63.5S, 20.7W]
Long-horn [68.4S, 17.8W] or [66.5S, 18.2W] or [68.9S, 18.0W]
Nan Laeglin
Mornákh (Enedwaith) [63.6S, 23.3W] or [63.5S, 20.7W]
Nurdúath [74.5S, 14.3W] or [71.5S, 17.1W]
Lich Bluffs
Gaunt Man
Sugun [63.7S, 18.3W] or [64.4S, 18.1W] or [63.3S, 14.5W]
Ufern-helgi [74.6S, 14.3W] or [71.5S, 16.9W]
Lich Bluffs
Moria :
Durin's Way :
Mithril Flake
Durin's Way
Garn [2.7S, 99.3W] or [2.5S, 102.9W]
Fanged Pit
Krumnâkh [3.1S, 112.1W]
Riptalon [4.5S, 102.2W]
Durin's Way
Sharpmaw [2.9S, 111.8W] or [3.3S, 102.8W] or [2.9S, 99.2W]
The Fanged Pit
Taugan [3.1S, 112.0W] or [2.4S, 99.5W] or [3.4S, 99.2W]
Durin's Way
Great Delving :
Mithril Flake
Great Delving
Riptalon [8.1S, 113.8W]
Great Delving
Rocktooth [8.4S, 112.5W] or [7.7S, 113.0W] or [7.0S, 111.1W] or [7.8S, 110.8W] or [8.1S, 113.7W]
Great Delving
Stoneshell [7.9S, 114.5W] or [7.0S, 111.2W] or [8.0S, 113.7W] or [8.5S, 113.4W] or [7.9S, 113.5W]
Great Delving
Lothlórien :
Mithril Flake
Belegbrog [9.9S, 69.4W] or [9.5S, 64.6W]
Taur Hith
Braigam [12.6S, 64.1W] or [14.8S, 63.6W] or [14.0S, 64.3W]
Daeranc [17.5S, 71.0W] or [17.2S, 71.0W]
Faegnar [8.5S, 64.3W] or [9.9S, 69.5W]
Taur Hith
Gwollúg [18.1S, 63.6W] or [16.1S, 63.9W] or [17.8S, 64.5W]
Morthrâng [10.9S, 72.9W] or [9.0S, 73.0W]
Mundaras [12.7S, 64.1W] or [14.7S, 63.5W]
Sâd Gilthiriad
Nímau [16.9S, 73.5W] or [13.4S, 72.9W]
Quílfra [10.8S, 72.7W] or [8.9S, 73.0W]
Rascaras [18.6S, 64.5W] or [16.4S, 63.7W] or [18.3S, 63.7W]
Rûkath [11.5S, 71.5W] or [16.8S, 73.8W] or [13.6S, 72.8W]
Târglok [13.7S, 71.3W]
Eryn Laer
Urbhâr [13.0S, 71.6W]
Eryn Laer
Zûbardh [17.3S, 71.0W] or [17.5S, 69.5W]
Mirkwood :
Mithril Flake
Rhúnemben [18.5S, 44.3W] or [18.9S, 43.9W] or [17.5S, 47.1W] or [19.5S, 44.2W]
Snakfrúm [18.5S, 44.3W] or [18.9S, 43.9W] or [17.5S, 47.1W] or [19.5S, 44.2W]
Redfang [14.7S, 48.0W] or [14.1S, 48.69W] or [15.4S, 53.0W]
Emyn Lûm
Thabogron [14.9S, 48.8W] or [14.1S, 48.69W] or [15.4S, 53.0W]
Emyn Lûm
Arshgoth [15.4S, 43.4W]
Dol Guldur
Dagorches [15.2S, 43.4W] or [13.5S, 42.1W]
Dol Guldur
Gúlbrennil [12.9S, 57.6W] or [13.3S, 54.3W]
Nightstalker [12.9S, 57.6W] or [13.3S, 54.3W]
Drunákh [18.7S, 57.8W] or [18.0S, 57.7W]
The Drownholt
Durkam [10.7S, 46.2W] or [13.3S, 45.0W]
Zagfra [10.7S, 46.2W] or [13.3S, 45.0W]
Bolgbarz [17.6S, 61.3W] , [17.4S, 61.3W] to [17.9S, 60.5W] or [15.7S, 59.0W]
Morsháti [17.6S, 61.3W] , [17.4S, 61.3W] to [17.9S, 60.5W] or [15.7S, 59.0W]
Faechiril [11.4S, 48.3W] , [11.8S, 49.6W] , or [12.3S, 52.1W]
The Scuttledells
Naergant [11.4S, 48.3W] , [11.8S, 49.6W] , or [12.3S, 52.1W]
The Scuttledells
Gazkhlát [17.3S, 52.0W] or [17.6S, 51.8W] or [19.0S, 49.4W]
Taur Morvith
Snágrip [19.0S, 49.3W] or [17.5S, 51.8W]
Taur Morvith
See the list above for links to the rare components which also list the regions.
Barter from one of these folks or see the list above for links to the Barterer
Some Tiers have repeatable quests that reward a rare crafting component. See the list above for links to the quests.
Opening the Rare Crafting Component selection box allows the user to choose one of the Rare crafting components. This item is a selectable reward for the weekly quest On a Mission (Weekly) .