Item:Tattered Shagâni Parchment

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Tattered Shagâni Parchment
  • Item Level: 141
  • "This damaged sheet details vagaries of advantures from times spent sailing the seas. What fascinating stories could have been told had time and the elements not affected the parchment

    This item can be used by Umbari Scholars."
  • Worth: 6 Silver 20 Copper 
  • Stacks to 500

Item Information

This item can be found in an Umbar Artifact Chest or a user selectable reward from a Crate of Scholar Materials.

Craft Information

Profession: Scholar

​Crafting Tier: Umbar (Tier 15)

​Recipe:  Tattered Shagâni Parchment Recipe


Standard Critical
 Tattered Shagâni Parchment 2 Tattered Shagâni Parchments

This item is used by an Umbari Scholar as a component for almost all recipes of this tier.

Drop Information

This item can drop from the following mob(s) in Dil-irmíz:

Barter Information

Barterers: Mâkhda Khorbo Quartermaster (Bej Mâgha), Ikorbân Valley Quartermaster (Urmâkh), and Temple of Utug-bûr Quartermaster (Vestibule of Utug-bûr)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

20 Tattered Shagâni Parchment 20 Sand-worn Copper Token