Quest:Gemyndsted: Leader of Vandals

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Gemyndsted: Leader of Vandals
Level 95
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Quickbeam
Starts at Derndingle
Start Region Entwood
Map Ref [42.1S, 79.1W]
Quest Chain West Rohan Resource Instances
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'There are some places where Isengard still stands that we cannot reach. Gemyndsted, a small library of ancient Men, is one of these places. The White Hand must be destroyed everywhere. Saruman's influence there must be ended.

'Speak to me again and I will show you where this ruin lies.'


Quickbeam sent you to explore Gemyndsted and prevent invaders from ruining or looting of its long-lost secrets.

Objective 1

Speak with Quickbeam to travel to Gemyndsted.

You step forward into the ruins of Gemyndsted, ready to face the intruders you see ahead
You find your way into the lower tunnels and prepare yourself for the upcoming battle within
You turn the corner and see the final chambers of Gemyndsted. Ahead, you hear the sounds of shuffling and rubble crumbling
Defeated the leader of the invaders in Gemyndsted

Objective 2

Having defeated the leader of the invaders in Gemyndsted, you prepare to return to Quickbeam and inform him of your success.

Quickbeam is at Derndingle.

Quickbeam: '<name>, you return with great news! Saruman's influence wanes further.'