Pile of Black Ash Wood

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Pile of Black Ash Wood
    Image of Pile of Black Ash Wood
    Requires: Forester's Axe
  • Requires: Gundabad Forester crafting ability
  • "Black ash wood. This can be gathered by using the Forestry profession."

Resource Information

Black Ash Branches are Tier 14 (Gundabad) wood resource nodes; using the skill Track Wood helps to find them.

 Forester's Axe must be used by Foresters to extract resources from these branches.

The common resource that can be found is:

The rare resource that can be found is:

The very rare resource that can be found is:


Piles of Black Ash Wood are found in Gundabad: Deepscrave, Gloomingtarn, Máttugard, Pit of Stonejaws.