The Shanty-caller

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The Shanty-caller (Blue line) is a Mariner Trait Tree. The other two trait trees of this class are The Duellist and The Rover.

The Shanty-caller
Sings shanties to coordinate and motivate allies.
Shanty-callers use ribald song and catchy melodies to motivate themselves and their allies, coordinating movements and keeping spirits high while completing difficult tasks..
Skills Earned:
 Dramatic Flourish


These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Shanty-caller (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category Attunes CD Source
 Dramatic Flourish Melee + Buff + Heal + Finisher 4 20s Set: Initial skill
 Motivating Song Heal + Motivated 3 1m Trait:  Motivating Melody
 The West Wind Buff 2 1m 30s Set:  The West Wind
 The South Wind Buff 2 1m 15s Trait:  The South Wind
 Marked Foes Melee + AoE + Debuff 3 15s Trait:  Bloodied Foes
 Call the Banners of War Buff 4 2m Set:  Banners of War
 Guided by the Stars Buff 5 4m Trait:  Guided by the Stars
 The Breaking of Thangorodrim Tactical + Debuff 5 3m Set:  The Breaking of Thangorodrim

Set Bonuses

Set Bonus Description Source
 Inspiring Presence Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Resonant Song Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 The West Wind Gain skill The West Wind Set: 15+ total ranks
 Defensive Posture Buff Set: 20+ total ranks
 Buoying Winds Improves skills The South Wind, The West Wind Set: 25+ total ranks
 Banners of War Gain skill Call the Banners of War Set: 30+ total ranks
 The Breaking of Thangorodrim Gain skill The Breaking of Thangorodrim Set: 35+ total ranks


Tree Traits Description Source
 Firm Footing Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 One With the Sea Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Motivating Melody Gain skill Motivating Song Trait: 0+ ranks
 Stormy Seas Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Enheartening Songs Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Cleansing Salts Improves skill Salt Cure Trait: 10+ ranks
 Shrug Aside Blows Improves skill Step Back Trait: 10+ ranks
 Light of Spirit Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 The South Wind Gain skill The South Wind Trait: 15+ ranks
 The Frigid North Wind Improves skill The North Wind Trait: 15+ ranks
 Keen Sight Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Relaxing Wind Improves skills The North Wind, The South Wind, The West Wind Trait: 20+ ranks
 Steady Winds Improves skills The North Wind, The South Wind, The West Wind Trait: 20+ ranks
 Bloodied Foes Gain skill Marked Foes Trait: 25+ ranks
 Known by Heart Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Guided by the Stars Gain skill Guided by the Stars Trait: 30+ ranks
 Booming Voice Improves skill The North Wind Trait: 30+ ranks