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Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Healer/Damage
Available to races: Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit, Stout-axe
Gameplay: Minstrels channel the power of music to either heal their allies or Damage their foes. Ballad skills allow the Minstrel to use their Codas and Anthems, which grant the Fellowship powerful bonuses. They have powerful skills like Call to Greatness that empower all of their allies. As a damage dealer, Minstrels deal light damage to their foes and use Piercing Cry to harm their target. As a Healer, Minstrels use powerful heals like Bolster Courage and Inspire Fellows to quickly restore their allies' morale.
Lore: Middle-earth is a land deeply infused with music, and true Minstrels are skilled at tapping into that power. They weave songs and tales so stirring that their companions' morale will not fail, and they will be driven to perform greater feats of prowess. They can even utter words of true power, and ward against the forces of darkness with their Anthems.
This class was inspired by Lúthien Tinúviel, whose Elven voice beguiled friend and foe alike.

A female Human Minstrel


In Tolkien's writings music has great power. The universe is created by spiritual beings called the Ainur. The Ainur compose a Great Musical Theme: "The Music of the Ainur" and this music is what brings the universe into being. The music of Minstrels goes beyond mere sound to tap into this great power.


Minstrels of valuable members of the Fellowship, buffing their allies through their Codas and Anthems. Tale of Tales provides bonus stats, and Call to Greatness instantly readies all major abilities of the Fellowship.

Minstrel healers excel at quickly healing up targeted Fellowship members. They can also heal the entire Fellowship through the usage of several AoE heals.

Minstrels can deal significant damage through the use of their Ballads, Cries and Calls, and Piercing Cry. They deal light damage to their enemies from afar, and are highly mobile, albeit more fragile.


A Minstrel has three stances:  Dissonance - Stance,  Melody - Stance, and  Resonance - Stance. These are toggle skills that remain active indefinitely until you switch to another stance (and you may freely do so at any time).

Each Minstrel stance emphasizes a different role (Dissonance for damage, Resonance for Healing, and Melody for a compromise between both). They provide a healing and/or damage buff and change some of the Minstrel's skills. For instance, in Resonance  Major Ballad (Resonance) heals the group, while in Dissonance,  Major Ballad damages enemies.

Ballads, Anthems, and Codas

There are 3 types of skills that interact with each other to form a core part of the Minstrel's playstyle: Ballads, Anthems, and Codas.


A Ballad buff is applied by using any of the Minstrel's three Ballad skills:  Minor Ballad, Major Ballad and  Perfect Ballad. Each Ballad applies a different buff to the Minstrel and up to three buffs can be active on the Minstrel. If you already have 3 Ballad buffs active, then the oldest buff will be replaced by the new one when you use your next Ballad ability.


Anthems are powerful buffs that cannot be used until a Minstrel has a certain number of Ballad buffs active.  Anthem of the Free Peoples is the most powerful Anthem, and can only be used with 3 Ballad buffs. All other Anthems are separated into three groups, each with a Lesser and Greater ability. Lesser Anthems require 1 Ballad buffs, while Greater Anthems require 2 Ballad buffs. All Minstrels can gain  Greater Anthem III - Prowess and  Lesser Anthem III - Composure. Damage Minstrels have access to  Greater Anthem II - War and  Lesser Anthem II - Dissonance. Healing Minstrels have access to  Greater Anthem I - Compassion and  Lesser Anthem I - Resonance. All Anthems share the same skill cooldown, and the effects of Lesser and Greater Anthems of the same group stack into a singular buff that can be refreshed by using either Anthem. While Anthems' primary bonus is to the group, they also grant the Minstrel a small buff.


The Coda is the Minstrel's "finisher" ability — it consumes 3 Ballad buffs for a powerful final effect (then you can re-apply your Ballads and begin the process again). The effects of the Coda will change depending on the Minstrel's current Stance:  Coda of Fury (Dissonance),  Coda of Resonance (Resonance), or  Coda of Melody (Melody).


Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Stance Skills

Based on your current Stance, these skills change into one of three different versions.

Stance Active Skills Category CD Source
 Dissonance - Stance Stance 5s Level: 1
 Melody - Stance Stance 5s Level: 1
 Resonance - Stance Stance 5s Level: 1
Minor Ballad
 Minor Ballad - Dissonance Damage + Buff 1s Level: 1
 Minor Ballad Damage + Buff 1s Level: 1
Major Ballad
 Major Ballad Damage + Buff 1s Level: 1
 Major Ballad (Resonance) AoE Heal + Power + Buff 1s Level: 1
 Coda of Fury Damage + AoE Buff 1s Level: 1
 Coda of Melody AoE Damage + AoE Heal + Buff 1s Level: 1
 Coda of Resonance Heal + AoE Buff 1s Level: 1
 Dissonant Strike Melee + Buff + Corruption 5s Level: 1
 Hero's Strike Melee + Heal + Buff + Corruption 5s Level: 1
 Healer's Strike Melee + AoE Heal + Buff + Corruption 5s Level: 1
 Dissonant Piercing Cry Damage + Interrupt 10s Level: 4
 Piercing Cry Damage + Interrupt + Corruption + Stun 10s Level: 4
 Resonant Piercing Cry Damage + Interrupt 10s Level: 4
Perfect Ballad
 Perfect Ballad Damage + Buff 1s Level: 6
 Perfect Ballad - Melody Damage + Heal + Buff 1s Level: 6
Theme of Battle
 Timeless Echoes of Battle DoT + Debuff 2s Level: 8
 Echoes of Battle DoT + Debuff 2s Level: 8
 The Melody of Battle Buff 2s Level: 8
 Cry of the Chorus (Dissonance) Buff 1m15s Level: 26
 Cry of the Chorus (Melody) Buff 1m15s Level: 26
 Cry of the Chorus (Resonance) Buff 1m15s Level: 26
 Improved Cry of the Chorus (Dissonance) Buff 1m 15s Level: 54
 Improved Cry of the Chorus (Melody) Buff 1m 15s Level: 54
 Improved Cry of the Chorus (Resonance) Buff 1m 15s Level: 54

Normal Skills

These skills are usable in all Stances (unless the Stance column denotes otherwise), and have the same effect in all Stances. Remember, though, that all Healing skills are self-only while in Dissonance stance.

Stance Active Skills Category CD Source
 Raise the Spirit Heal 1s Level: 1
 Invocation of Elbereth Fear 30s Level: 12
 Enlivening Grace Revive - Level: 14
 Bolster Courage Heal 3s Level: 16
 Story of Courage AoE Cure + Buff 10s Level: 16
 Inspire Fellows AoE Heal 6s Level: 20
 Spirit of Freedom Buff 1m Level: 20
 Fellowship's Heart AoE HoT + Cure + Buff 2m Level: 30
 Call of the Second Age AoE Damage + Buff 30s Level: 34
 Song of Distraction CC 3m Level: 34
 Chord of Salvation Heal 12s Level: 38
 Still As Death Threat 2m 30s Level: 38
 Story of the Hammerhand Bubble 1m Level: 42
 Rally! Combat Revive 12m30s Level: 45
 Gift of the Hammerhand Bubble 2m Level: 48
 Irresistible Melody Force Emote 2m 30s Level: 50
 Song of the Hammerhand Bubble 1m Level: 64
 Improved Enlivening Grace AoE Revive - Level: 68
 Improved Song of Distraction CC 3m Level: 70

The Watcher of Resolve

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Watcher of Resolve (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lesser Anthem I - Resonance Anthem 25s Set: Initial Skill
 Soliloquy of Spirit HoT 1.5s Set: Initial Skill
 Perfect Ending Heal 5s Set:  Snowball
 Triumphant Spirit AoE Heal 2m 45s Set:  Triumphant Spirit
 Greater Anthem I - Compassion Anthem 25s Trait:  Anthem of Compassion
 Call to Ioreth Buff 1m Set:  Call to Ioreth
 Legend of Helm Hammerhand AoE Bubble 2m Trait:  Legend of Helm Hammerhand

The Warrior-Skald

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Warrior-Skald (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Stance Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lesser Anthem II - Dissonance Anthem 25s Set: Initial Skill
 Call to Fate Damage 10s Set: Initial Skill
 Call of Oromë AoE Damage + Debuff 10s Trait:  Call of Oromë
 Call of Oromë - Melody AoE Damage + Debuff 10s Trait:  Call of Oromë
 Call of Eärendil AoE Damage + Debuff 10s Trait:  Call of Oromë
 Greater Anthem II - War Anthem 25s Trait:  Anthem of War
 Cry of the Valar AoE Damage + Corruption 30s Set:  Cry of the Valar
 Cry of the Wizards AoE Damage + Debuff 30s Trait:  Cry of the Wizards

The Protector of Song

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Protector of Song (yellow) trait tree. Minstrels cannot specialize in the yellow trait tree.

Stance Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lesser Anthem III - Composure Anthem 25s Trait:  Anthem of Composure
 Greater Anthem III - Prowess Anthem 25s Trait:  Anthem of Prowess
 Song of Aid AoE Heal + Buff 3m 30s Trait:  Song of Aid
 Anthem of the Free Peoples Anthem 25s Trait:  Anthem of the Free Peoples
 Call to Greatness Unique 7m Set:  Call to Greatness


Ability Level Range Description Acquired from
 Scribe Stance 30 25m Used with a mentor skill, creates a manual to teach instrument use
 Mentor : Clarinet 30 25m Instruct someone how to play the clarinet.
 Mentor : Horn 30 25m Instruct someone how to play the horn.
 Mentor : Pibgorn 30 25m Instruct someone how to play the pibgorn.
 Mentor : Cowbell 36 25m Instruct someone how to play the cowbell.
 Mentor : Bagpipes 48 25m Instruct someone how to play the bagpipes. Item
 Mentor : Drums 42 25m Instruct someone how to play the drum. Item
 Mentor : Flute 46 25m Instruct someone how to play the flute. Item
 Mentor : Harp 25m Instruct someone how to play the harp. Item
 Mentor : Moor Cowbell 50 25m Instruct someone how to play Moor cowbell. Item
 Mentor : Theorbo 44 25m Instruct someone how to play theorbo. Item
  • In  Scribe Stance these skills allow the Minstrel to create Instruction manuals for other players.
These manuals do not require the Minstrel and the trainee to be in proximity of each other, as Mentoring does.
For example,  Mentor : Horn becomes  Scribe Manual : Horn, which allows you to create a Manual of the Horn.

The cooldown also extends to 10 days.

Mounted Combat Skills

These skills can be used only while riding a war-steed, and only while in the regions of East Rohan, Wildermore, and West Rohan. Passive skills which improve the war-steed's defensive capabilities remain effective even in other regions, but serve only to prevent forced dismount due to enemy attacks.

Stance Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
Discipline: Rohirrim
 Discipline: Rohirrim Buff Toggle (1s) Self Level: 75
 Anthems of the Rohirrim Buff 10s 40M Level: 75
 Ballad - Chant Heal + Buff 1s Self Level: 75
 Call of the Eorlingas Heal + Buff 4s Self Level: 75
 Coda of the Eorlingas Heal - 40.2m Level: 75
 Cry of the Eorlingas Damage + Buff 16s 40m Level: 75
 Hammer of Rohan Damage + Buff + Heal 4s 4.2m/40m Level: 75
Discipline: Red Dawn
 Discipline: Red Dawn Buff Toggle (1s) Self Level: 75
 Anthem of the Red Dawn Buff 10s 40M Level: 75
 Ballad - Dirge Buff 1s 40m Level: 75
 Call of the Eorlingas Damage 8s 40m Level: 75
 Coda of the Eorlingas Damage - 40m Level: 75
 Cry of the Eorlingas Damage + Buff 16s 40m Level: 75
 Hammer of Rohan Damage + Buff 4s 4.2m Level: 75
Discipline: Riddermark
 Discipline: Riddermark Buff Toggle (1s) Self Level: 75
 Anthem of the Riddermark Buff 10s 40M Level: 75
 Ballad - Saga Buff + Damage 1s 40m Level: 75
 Call of the Eorlingas Buff + Heal 10s 30.2m Level: 75
 Coda of the Eorlingas Damage - 40.2m Level: 75
 Cry of the Eorlingas Damage + Buff 16s 40m Level: 75
 Hammer of Rohan Damage + Buff + Heal 4s 4.2m Level: 75

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Dwarf, Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, River Hobbit, Man, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Shields 20

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Daggers 1
 One-handed Clubs 1
 One-handed Maces 1
 One-handed Swords 1

Musical Instruments

Ability Requires Category Description
 Bassoon Use Level 5 Instrument
 Basic Cowbell Use Level 1 Instrument
 Clarinet Use Level 1 Instrument
 Flute Use Level 1 Instrument
 Harp Use Level 1 Instrument
 Horn Use Level 1 Instrument
 Lute Use Level 1 Instrument
 Pibgorn Use Level 25 Instrument
 Specialized Equipment Level 1 Instrument
 Fiddle Use Level 5 Instrument
 Drum Use Level 10 Instrument
 Theorbo Use Level 15 Instrument
 Bagpipe Use Level 15
 Manual of the Bagpipes
 Moor Cowbell Use Level 20
 Manual of the Moor Cowbell

See also:

Trait Trees

The Watcher of Resolve

The Watcher of Resolve
Shields and heals your allies with Song.
Powerful healers, offering buffs to healing potency and frequency. These Minstrels heal the Morale of the Fellowship and themselves.
Skills Earned:
 Lesser Anthem I - Resonance
 Soliloquy of Spirit
Watcher of Resolve:
Scoring a Critical Hit increases Outgoing Healing by 10% for 10s. You cannot gain this effect more than once every 25s.
+10% Outgoing Healing Modifier
Duration: 10s

Specializing in this trait tree provides the following inherent buff: Scoring a critical hit applies the Watcher of Resolve effect to the Minstrel. This effect can not be applied again until after 25s.

Trait Description Source
 Resonant Ballads Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Snowball Gain skill Perfect Ending Set: 10+ total ranks
 Bolster Our Courage Improves skill Bolster Courage Set: 15+ total ranks
 Triumphant Spirit Gain skill Triumphant Spirit Set: 20+ total ranks
 Call to Ioreth Gain skill Call to Ioreth Set: 25+ total ranks
 Rally! Improves skill Rally! Set: 30+ total ranks
 Chord of Legend Improves skill Chord of Salvation Set: 35+ total ranks

Trait Description Source
 Poignant Phrases Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Soothing Voice Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Strong Appeal Buff Trait: 5+ ranks, Poignant Phrases (3)
 Raise Our Spirits Improves skill Raise the Spirit Trait: 5+ ranks
 Pause for Breath Improves skill Major Ballad (Resonance) Trait: 5+ ranks
 Improved Bolster Courage Improves skill Bolster Courage Trait: 10+ ranks
 Resonant Piercing Cry Improves skill Resonant Piercing Cry Trait: 15+ ranks
 Improved Chord of Salvation Improves skill Chord of Salvation Trait: 15+ ranks
 Improved Song of the Hammerhand Improves skill Song of the Hammerhand Trait: 15+ ranks
 Follow Up Buff Trait: 20+ ranks, Strong Appeal (3)
 Quick Melody Buff Trait: 20+ ranks
 Anthem of Compassion Gain skill Greater Anthem I - Compassion Trait: 20+ ranks
 Improved Coda of Resonance Improves skill Coda of Resonance Trait: 25+ ranks
 Inspiring Finish Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Inner Strength Buff Trait: 30+ ranks
 Legend of Helm Hammerhand Gain skill Legend of Helm Hammerhand Trait: 30+ ranks

The Warrior-Skald

The Warrior-Skald
Uses harsh words to damage foes.
The damage line for Minstrels, inflicting heavy damage and moving quickly through battles.
Skills Earned:
 Lesser Anthem II - Dissonance
 Call to Fate
+20% Light-type Damage
+5m Range to Ballads and Cries
Trait Description Source
 Discordant Ballads Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Piercing Calls Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 Concentration Buff Set: 15+ total ranks
 Haste Buff Set: 20+ total ranks
 Freedom Buff Set: 25+ total ranks
 Cry of the Valar Gain skill Cry of the Valar. Set: 30+ total ranks
 Encore Improves skills: Coda of Fury, Coda of Melody, Coda of Resonance Set: 35+ total ranks

Trait Description Source
 The Fundamentals Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Concussive Shout Improves skills: Dissonant Piercing Cry, Piercing Cry, Resonant Piercing Cry Trait: 0+ ranks
 Critical Strikes Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Piercing Ballads Buff Trait: 5+ ranks, The Fundamentals (3)
 Discordant Cries Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Call of Oromë Gains skills: Call of Oromë, Call of Oromë - Melody, Call of Eärendil Trait: 5+ ranks
 Emboldening Finish Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Improved Call of Oromë Improves skills: Call of Oromë, Call of Oromë - Melody, Call of Eärendil Trait: 10+ ranks, Call of Oromë (1)
 Enduring Morale Buff; Improves skill Call of the Second Age Trait: 10+ ranks
 Anthem of War Gain skill Greater Anthem II - War. Trait: 15+ ranks
 Song of Arda Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Cacophonous Echoes Buff Trait: 20+ ranks
 Herald's Strength Improves skill Dissonant Strike Trait: 20+ ranks
 Fierce Cries Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 Improved Coda of Fury Improves skill Coda of Fury Trait: 25+ ranks
 Echoes Buff Trait: 30+ ranks
 Cry of the Wizards Gain skill Cry of the Wizards. Trait: 30+ ranks

The Protector of Song

The Protector of Song
Spins tales to motivate allies to great feats.
Though the Minstrel can not specialize in The Protector of Song, it supports allies with powerful buffs, using Anthem skills with great effectiveness

Note: Some traits in this tree have an increased cost in Trait Points in order to acquire and/or rank up, regardless of specialization.

Trait Description Source Cost per Rank
 Improved Strikes Improves skills: Dissonant Strike, Hero's Strike, Healer's Strike Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Memories of Battle Improves skills: Timeless Echoes of Battle, Echoes of Battle, The Melody of Battle Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Improved Inspire Fellows Improves skill Inspire Fellows Trait: 0+ ranks 1 Point
 Anthem of Composure Gain skill Lesser Anthem III - Composure Trait: 0+ ranks 2 Points
 Change of Pace! Buff Trait: 5+ ranks, Of All Trades (1) 1 Point
 Of All Trades Buff Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Gripped by Fear Improves skill Invocation of Elbereth Trait: 5+ ranks 1 Point
 Thunderous Codas Improves skills: Coda of Fury, Coda of Melody, Coda of Resonance Trait: 5+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Tactical Mastery Buff Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Anthem of Prowess Gain skill Greater Anthem III - Prowess Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points
 Song of Restoration Improves skill Story of Courage Trait: 10+ ranks 2 Points
 Word Spreads Improves skills: Song of the Hammerhand, Gift of the Hammerhand, Legend of Helm Hammerhand Trait: 10+ ranks 1 Point
 Invigourating Anthems Buff; Improves skill Cry of the Chorus Trait: 15+ ranks, Extended Anthems (3) 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-5)
 Extended Anthems Buff Trait: 15+ ranks 1 Point
 Songs of Woe Buff Trait: 15+ ranks 1 Point
 Perfect Performance Buff Trait: 15+ ranks 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-3)
 Song of Aid Gain skill Song of Aid. Trait: 20+ ranks 2 Points
 Anthem of the Free Peoples Gain skill Anthem of the Free Peoples. Trait: 20+ ranks, Extended Anthems (1) 2 Points (1)
1 Point (2-3)
 Sharing a Story Buff Trait: 20+ ranks, Songs of Woe (3) 2 Points
 Strike a Chord Buff Trait: 20+ ranks, Perfect Performance (1) 2 Points
 Tale of Tales Buff Trait: 25+ ranks, Anthem of the Free Peoples (3) 3 Points
 Call to Greatness Gain skill Call to Greatness. Trait: 30+ ranks 3 Points

Trait Tree

The Watcher of Resolve
Shields and heals your allies with Song.
Powerful healers, offering buffs to healing potency and frequency. These Minstrels heal the Morale of the Fellowship and themselves.
Skills Earned:
 Lesser Anthem I - Resonance
 Soliloquy of Spirit
Watcher of Resolve:
Scoring a Critical Hit increases Outgoing Healing by 10% for 10s. You cannot gain this effect more than once every 25s.
+10% Outgoing Healing Modifier
Duration: 10s
The Warrior-Skald
Uses harsh words to damage foes.
The damage line for Minstrels, inflicting heavy damage and moving quickly through battles.
Skills Earned:
 Lesser Anthem II - Dissonance
 Call to Fate
+20% Light-type Damage
+5m Range to Ballads and Cries
The Protector of Song
Spins tales to motivate allies to great feats.
Though the Minstrel can not specialize in The Protector of Song, it supports allies with powerful buffs, using Anthem skills with great effectiveness


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Class Quests

See Also