"Oh, I do not know about this. I do not know about this at all!" —Bingo Boffin Accuracy This article is marked for checking accuracy. Please check other sources to verify if the information provided is correct. |
Emotes are commands that are entered on the chat line. All commands are prefaced by '/'. Emotes can also be activated by clicking on the chat bubble and making a selection from the emote menu.
You can perform a custom emote by using the /me or /em command on the chat line. This has no animation, but allows you to supply your own emote text. You can also override the default message for any of the other emotes by specifying additional text after the emote on the command line.
Emotes can be further customised by creating an alias.
- Example: -- Creating an alias called ";hi":
- /alias ;hi /shakefist shakes his fist at ;target and yells, 'Get off my lawn!'
- By selecting another player and typing ";hi" -- your character performs the /shakefist emote animation and outputs the text:
- <your name> shakes his fist at <your selection> and yells, 'Get off my lawn!'
See: Aliases and Quickslot Shortcuts for more information.
The first line of text in the list below is the output of the emote when nothing is selected. The second line of text is the output when anything (such as another character or an object) is selected.
Unless otherwise noted, the emotes have a corresponding character animation.
- Update 17.2 added Emotes to the Collections panel. This panel displays ALL of the emotes in the game.
- The Collections panel is accessed via the arrow menu
on the left of your UI Tool Bar or Control + C (Note: this is Control-Shift-C) Emotes are selected by clicking on the "quotation marks bubble" on the left.
- The green bar across the top of the panel shows how many total emotes there are, and how many your character has obtained.
- Emotes are listed in alphabetical order left-to right, top to bottom.
- Emotes which the particular character has obtained, either by completing some in-game deed or quest, or purchased from the in-game store are highlighted.
- You can select a number of different displays by selecting the tic-boxes on the left.
- When you click on an emote, the small character portrait in the upper left will show you the animation which is executed by that emote.
- Beneath the portrait will be an explanation of the source of the emote - be it a hidden deed or purchaseable from the in-game store.
Targeting Emotes
- Many quests and deeds in LOTRO require that you "Target" a player or NPC to perform an emote.
- Targeting for an emote is done in the same manner as for any other action...
- select the target by clicking on it
- use one of the Function keys to select the target. See commands#Selection for details.
Standard Emotes
This table is in the form:
Seen by the player when no target is selected | Seen by others when no target is selected |
Seen by the player when a target is selected | Seen by others when a target is selected |
<name>: Name of the player doing the emote
<target>: Target selected
Special Emotes
There are also special emotes that are not part of the default emote set, but can be learned, or acquired, via quests or social activity such as receiving emotes.
Social Emotes
These emotes are earned by receiving a number of emotes from other players.
heropose - This causes you to stand in the Hero Pose.
- You pose heroically.
- You pose heroically for <name>.
- Obtained by receiving the /bow emote 100 times (hidden deed: Hero). Only increments 5 times per day.
swordsalute - You draw your sword in salute.
- You draw your sword in salute.
- You draw your sword in salute to <name>.
- Obtained by receiving the /salute emote 100 times (hidden deed: Sword Salute). Only increments 5 times per day.
juggle -- You perform a juggling emote.
- Obtained by receiving the /laugh emote 200 times (hidden deed: Juggler). Only increments 5 times per day.
firebreath - You light a torch and spit (harmless) fire in front of you.
- You perform a fire-breathing act!
- You perform a fire-breathing performance for <name>!
- Obtained by receiving the /cheer emote 100 times (hidden deed: Fire-breather). Only increments 5 times per day.
Festival Dance Quests
dance_hobbit - This causes you to dance the Hobbit dance.
- You dance around like a Hobbit.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_hobbit2 - This causes you to dance the second Hobbit dance.
- You dance around like a Hobbit.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_elf - This causes you to dance the Elf dance.
- You dance around like an elf.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_elf2 - This causes you to dance the second Elf dance.
- You dance around like an elf.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_dwarf - This causes you to dance the Dwarf dance.
- You dance around like a dwarf.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_dwarf2 - This causes you to dance the Dwarf dance.
- You dance around like a dwarf.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_man - This causes you to dance the Men dance.
- You dance around like a man/woman.
- You dance with <name>.
dance_man2 - This causes you to dance the second Men dance.
- You dance around like a man/woman.
- You dance with <name>.
Reputation Factions
succumb_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You succumb to despair.
- You gaze upon <name> and succumb to despair.
- Earned by having Daring status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Succumb Emote
shiver_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You shiver for a moment.
- You look at <name> and shiver.
- Earned by having Daring status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Shiver Emote
resist_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You draw upon hidden reserves of strength to resist falling into despair.
- You draw upon hidden reserves of strength to resist giving in to despair.
- Earned by having Intrepid status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Resist Emote
salute_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You salute smartly.
- You give <name> a quick salute.
- Earned by having Intrepid status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Salute Emote
lecture_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You deliver a lecture.
- You deliver a lecture.
- Earned by having Indomitable status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Lecture Emote
roar_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- You let out a mighty ROAR!
- You ROAR at <name>!
- Earned by having Indomitable status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Roar Emote
heropose_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- ...
- ...
- Earned by having Fearless status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Coinflip Emote
coinflip_epic - Using this emote causes you to salute.
- ...
- ...
- Earned by having Fearless status with The Paths of Valour and bartering for Grant the Epic Hero Pose Emote
dance_jig - This causes you to dance a happy jig.
- You dance with <name>.
- Earned by having Friend Reputation with The Inn League and purchasing an Ancient Tome
- You sneeze. Achoo!
- You sneeze at <name>.
- Earned by having Friend Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith and bartering for Sneeze Emote
- Also available as a Lottery Prize: Sneeze Emote. (Lotteries no longer available).
tickle - This causes you to tickle your target.
- Earned by having Ally Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith and bartering for Tickle Emote
drunk - This causes you to stumble about as if inebriated.
- Earned by having Kindred Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith and bartering for Drunk Emote
- You dance around like a man/woman.
- You dance with <name>.
- Earned by having Kindred Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith and bartering for Man Dance Emote
- You spin around. Wheee!
- You spin around into <name>.
- Earned by having Friend Reputation with the Grey Company and bartering for Spin Emote
jump - This causes you to leap into the air!
- You jump around.
- You jump around for <name>.
- Earned by having Ally Reputation with the Grey Company and bartering for Jump Emote
drive - This causes you to swing a club as if driving a golf ball into the distance.
- You perform a nice drive.
- You drive the ball at <name>.
- Earned by having Kindred Reputation with the Grey Company and bartering for Golf Drive Emote
putt - This causes you to swing a club as if sinking a winning putt.
- Earned by having Kindred Reputation with the Grey Company and bartering for Golf Putt Emote
Festival Emotes
- You jump out and shout BOO!.
- You startle <name>.
- Obtained by bartering for BOO! during the Fall festival
- You blow bubbles out of your fish-shaped pipe.
- You begin blowing bubbles from your pipe at <Target>
- Obtained by bartering 80 Farmers Fair Token for Grant the Bubbling Fish Pipe Emote during the Farmers Faire from Dill Goodchild
- Obtained by bartering 300 Hobnanigans Tokens for Grant Chicken Chip Emote from the Hobnanigans Emotes Quartermaster.
- Obtained by bartering 300 Hobnanigans Tokens for Grant Chicken Drive Emote from the Hobnanigans Emotes Quartermaster.
- Obtained by bartering 150 Hobnanigans Tokens for Grant Throw Feathers Emote from the Hobnanigans Emotes Quartermaster.
- Obtained by bartering 300 Hobnanigans Tokens for Grant Chicken Putt Emote from the Hobnanigans Emotes Quartermaster.
- Obtained by digging up Coin Flip during a Treasure Hunt
coin_toss - This emote causes you to toss a coin.
- You toss a coin.
- Obtained by bartering for Coin Toss Emote during Midsummer Festival 2020 from Feredis.
- Obtained by digging up Counterfeit during a Treasure Hunt
- You dance around like a hobbit.
- You begin dancing with <Target>
- Obtained by bartering 80 Farmers Faire Tokens for Grant Hobbit Dance 4 Emote during the Farmers Faire from Dill Goodchild
- Obtained by bartering 150 Hobnanigans Tokens for Grant Drink from the Boot Emote from the Hobnanigans Emotes Quartermaster.
- Obtained by digging up or bartering for Dowse during a Treasure Hunt
- You sound your Ent horn.
- You blow your horn at <Target>.
- Obtained by doing the quest The Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eleven during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration
fishslap - This slaps the target with a fish - oddly trout-like in appearance.
- Obtained by bartering for a Cold Fish during the Spring Festival
- You create a cooling fountain.
- You create a fountain for <Target>
- Obtained by bartering 80 Farmers Faire Token for Grant the Fountain Emote during the Farmers Faire from Dill Goodchild
- Obtained by bartering for 75 Yule Festival Token during the Yule Festival
- You heave and it is not a pretty sight. Disgusting.
- Obtained by completing two Farmers Faire deeds (Deed: Too Much of Everything)
- Obtained by digging up or bartering for Gem Inspection during a Treasure Hunt
- Obtained by digging up or bartering for Gold Panning during a Treasure Hunt
- Obtained by digging up or bartering for Rich! during a Treasure Hunt
snowwizard - This emote causes you to create a snow wizard.
- You create a snow wizard.
- You create a snow wizard.
- Obtained by bartering for Snow Wizard Emote during the Yule Festival
- You raise a mug and toast to years past.
- You raise a mug to <name>.
- Obtained by finding a Toast Emote in an envelope during the LOTRO Anniversary Celebration
warmhands - This emote causes you to warm your hands.
- You warm your hands.
- You warm your hands.
- Obtained by bartering for Warm Hands Emote during the Yule Festival
wine-tasting - This emote causes you to swirl a glass of wine the drink it.
- You thoughtfully taste some wine.
- Obtained by bartering for Wine Tasting Emote during Midsummer Festival 2020 from Feredis.
From Epic Quests
bannergondor - This emote causes you to display a banner of Gondor which lasts for 30 seconds.
- Obtained by completing the quest Vol. IV: Book 3: Chapter 2: Grey Host, Black Sails
sos - This emote causes a burning ring symbol - identical to when ready to hand in at quest givers - to appear above your character's head.
- Obtained by completing the deed The Strength of Sauron by finishing all the quests in Volume IV.
cocoon - Using this emote causes you to be trapped in a web cocoon..
- Obtained from the Remmorchant dungeon.
Legendary Items Reward Track
dance_hobbit3 - This causes you to dance the third Hobbit dance.
- You dance around like a Hobbit.
- You dance with <name>.
read - This causes you to open a book and start reading.
- You open a book and start reading.
- You read a book.
From Deeds
- <name> is ready to rumble.
- You show <name> you are ready to rumble.
- Obtained by completing the meta-deed Skirmisher of Middle-earth
- You perform a nice chip.
- You chip the ball at <name>.
- Obtained by completing the deed The Long Road of the Hobbits
- Obtained by completing the deed Champion of the Halls of Night
LOTRO Store: Emotes
/banneranorien - This emote allows you to plant a red banner with the sun-and-tree symbol of Anórien into the ground in front of you, where it will wave in the breeze.
/chip - This emote causes your avatar to swing a club as if driving a golf ball over a short distance.
/dramatic_defeat - You fall as if grievously wounded, putting on quite the performance for those around you.
/feather - This emote causes your avatar to toss feathers into the air - this is great for weddings.
- You toss feathers into the air.
- You toss feathers at <name>.
/gandalf - Inspired by Gandalf's stand against Durin's Bane in Moria, declare your intentions to let none pass as you prepare to face your own Balrog.
/jazzhands - This emote causes your avatar's hands to extend out with palms forward and fingers splayed.
- You vigourously shake your hands.
- You vigourously shake your hands at <name>. Look at me!
/jjacks - This emote causes your avatar to perform some jumping jacks.
- You do some jumping jacks.
- You do some jumping jacks.
/mountbow - This emote makes your steed to do a regal bow.
- Your mount bows at your command.
- Your mount bows to <name> at your command.
/mountrearup - This emote makes your steed rear up and charge into battle.
- Your mount rears up in a flourish.
- Your mount rears up toward <name> in a flourish.
/paper - This emote causes your avatar to throw the paper emote with one hand, in a round of stone, paper, scissors.
- You throw paper in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
- You throw paper against <name> in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
/scissor - This emote causes your avatar to throw the scissor emote with one hand, in a round of stone, paper, scissors.
- You throw scissor in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
- You throw scissor against <name> in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
/snowwizard - This emote causes your avatar to lay on the ground and flap their arms and legs to create a snow wizard.
/stoicpose - This emote allows you to strike a stoic, dramatic pose.
- You pose stoically.
- You pose stoically before <name>.
/stone - This emote causes your avatar to throw the stone emote with one hand, in a round of stone, paper, scissors.
- You throw stone in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
- You throw stone against <name> in a test of stone-paper-scissor.
/swordsalute - This emote causes your avatar to issue a salute while displaying a sword before his or her face.
/wipesweat - This emote causes your avatar to wipe sweat from their brow.
- You wipe sweat from your brow.
- You wipe sweat from your brow.
Mob drop Emotes
/raise_light - This emote cause you to raise your hand and it will emit a strong light
- Obtained as drop from Shelob inside Remmorchant
Milestone Emotes
Style Emote | Command | Obtained |
Mirkwood Milestone Style Emote | /milestone_mirk | Mirkwood Patron's Luxuriant Coffer |
Journey's Start Milestone Style Emote | /milestone_pack | Legacy of Morgoth Collector's Edition |
Milestone Style of the Rohirrim Emote | /milestone_rohan | Patron's Luxuriant Coffer of the Rohirrim |
Whimsical Milestone Style Emote | /milestone_whimsy | Whimsical Patron's Luxuriant Coffer |
/milestone_default - Using this emote will restore the default milestone travel skill style.
- You return to the default milestone travel style.
- You choose the default milestone travel style do display for <name>.
/milestone_whimsy - Using this emote will toggle on the whimsical milestone travel skill style.
- You decide to use a whimsical travel style for your milestone skills.
- You choose a whimsical milestone travel style do display for <name>.
Movement Emotes
/move_default - Using this emote will restore the default locomotion style.
- You return to the default locomotion style.
- You begin moving in the default style for <name>.
/move_whimsy - Using this emote will toggle on the whimsical locomotion style.
- You decide to walk and run whimsically.
- You begin moving in a whimsical style for <name>.
Unknown Emotes
As of January 2016, the command /help revealed these new emotes not included in the previous lists; however there's no further information about how to obtain them (reputation, festivals, etc.) or the action descriptions. Help by including them in the proper previous sections and adding the action descriptions, please!
- airlute
- bark
- blowglass
- chase
- chest
- chicken
- chitter
- dance_dwarf3
- dance_elf3
- dancing
- dangle
- die
- dig
- fart
- golf
- shake
- sniff
- spit
- squish
- stomp
- taunt
- victory
- wag
- weave