Minstrel Items Index

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Minstrel Instruments

Minstrel Instruments are crafted by Woodworkers or sold by various Faction and PvMP Vendors. There are several outputs available for each crafted instrument, each having a different bonus. In general, the following bonuses apply (often with an equal Morale and Power bonus for each instrument):

  • [Instrument]: changes Echoes of Battle damage type and increases critical chance for Ballads and Codas
  • [Instrument] of the Battle-singer: increased Ballad and Coda damage and lowered Ballad and Cry Power cost
  • [Instrument] of the Wary Watcher: increased healing, increased critical healing magnitude and lowered Anthem Power cost
  • [Instrument] of Resolve: increased healing, increased critical healing magnitude and lowered healing Power cost
  • [Instrument] of Harmony: increased healing, increased Ballad and Coda damage and lowered Ballad Power cost
  • [Instrument] of Conservation: lowered Ballad, healing and Anthem Power cost

See also:

Bagpipes (25+)

Clarinets (1+)

Cowbells (1+)

Drums (10+)

Flutes (1+)

Harps (1+)

Horns (1+)

Lutes (1+)

Pibgorns (1+)

Theorbos (15+)

Minstrel Lute Strings

  • Minstrel Lute Strings have a 5m cooldown.
  • Minstrel Lute Strings are crafted by Cooks.

Name Effect Duration Min Level
 Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety -5% Threat from Healing 5m 5
 Improved Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety -7% Threat from Healing 10m 5
 Lute Strings of Subtlety -7% Threat from Healing 5m 10
 Improved Lute Strings of Subtlety -10% Threat from Healing 10m 10
 Lute Strings of Greater Subtlety -10% Threat from Healing 5m 15
 Improved Lute Strings of Greater Subtlety -12% Threat from Healing 10m 15

Minstrel Sheet Music

  • Sheet Music is crafted by Scholars and makes the next induction immune to interruption + power cost reduction
  • Duration: 10s, Cooldown: 3m
Name Effect Min Level
 Journeyman Sheet Music 20
 Expert Sheet Music -10% Induction Power Cost 30
 Artisan Sheet Music -20% Induction Power Cost 40
 Master Sheet Music -30% Induction Power Cost 50
 Supreme Sheet Music -50% Induction Power Cost 65
 Sheet of Westfold Music -60% Induction Power Cost 75
 Sheet of Eastemnet Music -70% Induction Power Cost 85
 Sheet of Westemnet Music -75% Induction Power Cost 95
 Sheet of Dwarf-holds Music -75% Induction Power Cost 116
 Sheet of Minas Ithil Music -75% Induction Power Cost 121
 Sheet of Gundabad Music -75% Induction Power Cost 131
 Sheet of Umbari Music -75% Induction Power Cost 141