(Redirected from Special Furniture)
As of Update 30.3 Thin, Small, Large and Special Furniture Hooks are now just "Furniture Hooks".
Furniture Items
Furniture Gallery
'Durin's Bane' Obsidian Statue
'Small' Woodmen Totem
'The Thoroval' Model
A Library in Shambles
A Light from Gundabad
Academic's Table
Academic's Table
Adventurous Visitor
Agate Trophy on Pedestal
Alabaster Garden Chair
Alabaster Garden Table
Alabaster Planter with Sunflowers
Alchemist's Workbench
Alchemy Kit
Amaranth Arrangement
Amethyst Trophy on Pedestal
Angmarim Landing
Angmarim Ramp
Angmarim Stairs
Angmarim Steps
Anniversary Keg
Annúminas Landing
Annúminas Stairs
Armour Pile
Arnorian Arch
Arnorian Arch-wall Pillar
Arnorian Debris
Arnorian Entryway
Arnorian Bench
Arnorian Stool
Arnorian Tomb
Auction House Banner
Badger House
Bag of Coins
Baker's Crate
Bank Banner
Banner of Azog (T.A. 2799)
Banner of Sutwarden
Banner of the Abnúzhu (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Haban'akkâ of Thráin (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Kambráda (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Landorrim (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Narfanghoth (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Temámir (T.A. 2799)
Banner of the Zhélruka (T.A. 2799)
Banner of Thráin of the Longbeards (T.A. 2799)
Bar Counter
Barghest Trophy
Barrel of Cockscomb
Barrel of Gladdens
Barrel of Purple Clover
Barrel of Rohirric Horseshoes
Barrel of White Clover
Barrel of Wild Clover
Barricade Parts
Basalt Brazier - Basin
Basalt Brazier - Fancy Basin
Basalt Brazier - Fancy Post
Basalt Brazier - Large Basin
Basalt Brazier - Post
Basalt Brazier - Very Fancy Post
Bed of the Weaving Wood
Bench - Vales of Anduin
Beorn's Table
Big Pile of Elvish Books
Bilbo's Recommended Reading
Bilbo's Treasure Chest
Bile-smothered Egg Sac
Bingo's Empty Hatrack
Bingo's Full Hatrack, Bree-land
Bingo's Hatrack, Bree-land
Bingo's Hatrack, East Rohan
Bingo's Hatrack, Lothlórien
Bingo's Hatrack, Mirkwood
Bingo's Hatrack, Misty Mountains
Bingo's Hatrack, Moria
Bingo's Hatrack, The Great River
Bingo's Hatrack, The Shire
Bingo's Hatrack, West Rohan
Bingo's Hatrack, Wildermore
Bingo's Hatrack, the Lone-Lands
Bingo's Party Hatrack
Black Bear Trophy
Black Bear with League Hat
Black Book of Mordor
Black Dwarf-made Finial
Black Mushroom Pot
Black Robed Statue - Interior - Left
Black Robed Statue - Interior - Right
Black Truffle
Black-winged Butterfly
Blank Canvas
Bloodwort Arrangement
Blue Dwarf-made Foyer Steps
Blue Floating Lantern - Closed
Blue Floating Lantern - Half-open
Blue Floating Lantern - Open
Blue Gift Box
Blue Winter Celebration Banner
Bluebottle Arrangement
Book Stand - Chronicle of the Third Age
Bowl of Mixed Nuts
Bowl of Raspberries
Bratha Tasakh's Acid Totem
Bratha Tasakh's Fire Totem
Bratha Tasakh's Lightning Totem
Bratha Tasakh's Shadow Totem
Brazier of the Weaving Wood
Bread Baskets
Bread Oven
Breakfast Table
Bree-land Snow-globe
Brightly-coloured Butterfly
Broken Curved Arnorian Bench
Broken Long Arnorian Bench
Broken Throne of Night
Brown Bear Trophy
Brown Bear with Pie and Mug
Bucket Planter of Wisteria
Butcher's Crate
Caras Gelebren Mural Alcove
Cardolan Map Table
Cardolan Wall Map
Cartographer's Table - Minas Morgul
Carved Bear Bust
Cat on a Cushion
Celebratory Outdoor Winter Tree
Celebratory Scroll Pile
Celebratory Winter Tree
Chair of the Weaving Wood
Cheesemonger's Crate
Chest of Durin the Deathless
Chest of Durin's Bane
Chest of the Anvil
Chest of the Spider-queen
Chest of the Threshold
Clover Stool
Clover Table
Cluster of Black-winged Butterflies
Coffer and Coins
Colourful Braided Carpet
Colourful Songbird
Column of Smoke
Condenser Flask
Corked Bottle
Corrupt Spear
Corrupted Crystals
Craban Drinking from Stein
Craban Perched on Stein
Cracked Fell Beast Egg
Crate of More Vegetables
Crate of Vegetables
Crates of Food
Crates of Vegetables
Crock Pot
Curved Arnorian Bench
Curved Elven Stairs (Left)
Curved Elven Stairs (Right)
Cushioned Bench
Dapper Snow Dummy
Dark Green Fungal Bush
Decorated Yule-tree
Decorative Abandoned Smial Floor
Decorative Angmarim Cobblestone Floor
Decorative Arnorian Rubble Floor
Decorative Autumnal Carpet Floor
Decorative Blue Carpet Floor
Decorative Boulder
Decorative Dark Grass Floor
Decorative Dense Gravel Floor
Decorative Dry Grass Floor
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Flooded Deeps)
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Gundabad)
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul)
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Moria)
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Redhorn)
Decorative Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Thorin's Hall)
Decorative Fancy Blue Carpet Floor, First Style
Decorative Fancy Blue Carpet Floor, Second Style
Decorative Fancy Purple Carpet Floor, First Style
Decorative Fancy Purple Carpet Floor, Second Style
Decorative Flagstone Floor
Decorative Floral Tile Floor
Decorative Frosted Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Gundabad)
Decorative Frosted Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul)
Decorative Glittering Stone Floor
Decorative Gondorian Marble Floor
Decorative Gondorian Stone Floor
Decorative Gourds
Decorative Green Carpet Floor
Decorative Grass Floor
Decorative Gravel Floor
Decorative Grey Diamond Stone Floor
Decorative Grey Flagstone Floor
Decorative Hardwood Floor
Decorative Interlocking Wood Floor
Decorative Intricate Flagstone Floor
Decorative Intricate Tile Floor
Decorative Intricate Wood Floor
Decorative Lava Floor
Decorative Light Grass Floor
Decorative Mordor Stone Floor
Decorative Muddy Floor
Decorative Multi-coloured Stone Floor
Decorative Orange Carpet Floor
Decorative Oven
Decorative Pink Carpet Floor
Decorative Pristine Dwarf-styled Stone Floor (Mazarbul)
Decorative Purple Carpet Floor
Decorative Red Carpet Floor
Decorative Rivendell Bench
Decorative Rohirric Bench
Decorative Rohirric Tiled Floor
Decorative Small Cut Stone Floor
Decorative Square Tile Floor
Decorative Tiled Smial Floor
Decorative Wall (Abandoned Plastered Smial)
Decorative Wall (Abandoned Stone Smial)
Decorative Wall (Angmarim)
Decorative Wall (Arnorian Brick)
Decorative Wall (Brick Smial)
Decorative Wall (Decorated Winter)
Decorative Wall (Detailed Plaster)
Decorative Wall (Dwarf Summerfest)
Decorative Wall (Dwarf Yule-fest)
Decorative Wall (Erebor)
Decorative Wall (Ered Mithrin)
Decorative Wall (Festival of Enedhin)
Decorative Wall (Fieldstone)
Decorative Wall (Flooded Deeps)
Decorative Wall (Floral)
Decorative Wall (Frosted Ered Mithrin)
Decorative Wall (Frosted Gundabad)
Decorative Wall (Frosted Mazarbul)
Decorative Wall (Gem Bordered)
Decorative Wall (Gold-flecked Second Hall)
Decorative Wall (Gondorian)
Decorative Wall (Gundabad)
Decorative Wall (Ice)
Decorative Wall (Ironfold)
Decorative Wall (Leaf Plaster)
Decorative Wall (Leafless Second Hall)
Decorative Wall (Lined Stone)
Decorative Wall (Lithe Days)
Decorative Wall (Marbled Stone)
Decorative Wall (Mazarbul)
Decorative Wall (Mordor Stone)
Decorative Wall (Moria)
Decorative Wall (Ornate Stone Wall)
Decorative Wall (Plastered Smial)
Decorative Wall (Pristine Mazarbul)
Decorative Wall (Redhorn)
Decorative Wall (Rohirrim Panel)
Decorative Wall (Summerdays)
Decorative Wall (Textured Plaster)
Decorative Wall (Thorin's Hall)
Decorative Wall (Walls of Memory, First Style)
Decorative Wall (Walls of Memory, Second Style)
Decorative Wall (Wood-plank Stone)
Decorative Wall (Wooden Smial)
Decorative Wall (Woodpanel Plaster)
Decorative Wood Catwalk (Rohan)
Decorative Wood Floor (Rohan)
Decorative Wood Smial Floor
Decorative Yellow Carpet Floor
Decorative Yellow Grass Floor
Defiled Inn League Keg
Definitely Not An Explosive Barrel
Destroyed Model of Minas Tirith
Determined Visitor
Diligent Visitor
Dinner for Two
Distillation Set
Dol Guldur Landing
Dol Guldur Stairs
Dol Guldur Steps
Dresser of the Weaving Wood
Durin's Forge Replica - Small
Dwarf Drawbridge Diorama
Dwarf in a Barrel
Dwarf Snow-globe
Dwarf-made Garden Finial
Dwarf-made Landing (Flooded Deeps)
Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Dwarf-made Landing (Moria)
Dwarf-made Landing (Redhorn)
Dwarf-made Landing (Thorin's Hall)
Dwarf-made Stairs (Flooded Deeps)
Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Dwarf-made Stairs (Moria)
Dwarf-made Stairs (Redhorn)
Dwarf-made Stairs (Thorin's Hall)
Dwarf-made Steps (Flooded Deeps)
Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Dwarf-made Steps (Moria)
Dwarf-made Steps (Redhorn)
Dwarf-made Steps (Thorin's Hall)
Dwarf-made Tower Shield
Dwarf-made Weapon Barrel
Dwarf-made Weapon Shelf
Dwarf-make Bed
Dwarf-make Bench (Gabil'akkâ)
Dwarf-make Bench
Dwarf-make Chair
Dwarf-make Library Bust
Dwarf-make Table (Gabil'akkâ)
Dwarf-make Table
East Gate of Moria Arch (T.A. 2799)
Egg of the Mistress
Elaborate Replica Arnorian Tomb
Elder Arrangement
Elegant Wooden Bench
Elegant Wooden Chair
Elven Arch
Elven Screen
Elven Snow-globe
Elven Stairs
Elven Steps
Elven Swan Harp
Empty Apple Barrel
Empty Brazier
Empty Bucket Planter
Empty Cart
Empty Low Planter
Empty Trough
Endless Stair Coat Rack
Entwash Vale Shield Rack
Esteldín Stairs
Esteldín Steps
Explosive Fireworks Crate
Eye-catching Outdoor Yule-tree
Fancy Honey Cake Display
Fancy Rohirric Bench
Fancy Rohan Chair
Fancy Rohan Chair with Moose Antlers
Farming Garden
Feed Trough
Felegoth Crystal Planter
Felegoth Flower Planter
Felegoth Standing Flower Lamp with Crystal
Felegoth Standing Flower Lamp
Fell Beast Nest
Ferndur's Skull
Festive Candle
Festive Table
Fine Elven Anvil
Fireflies - Red
Firepit of the Dragon's Hoard
Fish Pond
Fishmonger's Crate
Floating Lantern - Closed
Floating Lantern - Half-open
Floating Lantern - Open
Flooded Deeps Champion
Flooded Deeps Champion (Destroyed)
Flooded Deeps Guardian
Flooded Deeps Guardian (Destroyed)
Flower-filled Planter
Forest Lantern
Fox and Fiddle Inn Signpost
Free-standing Door to Mazarbul Replica
Free-standing Moria Crown Column
Frosted Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Frosted Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Frosted Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Fruit Pie
Fungal Mushroom
Gammer's Best Arm Chair
Gammer's Best Couch
Gammer's Best Hall Bench
Gammer's Best Large Footstool
Gammer's Best Small Footstool
Gammer's Coffee Table
Gammer's Couch for Tall Visitors
Gammer's Cozy Hobbit Bed
Gammer's Hall Table
Gammer's Tall Trinket Stand
Gammer's Tea Table
Gammer's Trinket Stand
General Talug's Armour Display
Giant Roast Chicken
Ginger Cat on a Cushion
Glorious Beer-mug Trophy
Goblin-town Stairs
Goblin-town Stairs with Landing (Left)
Goblin-town Stairs with Landing (Right)
Golden Celebratory Outdoor Winter Tree
Golden Celebratory Winter Tree
Golden Chicken Statue
Golden Decorated Outdoor Yule-tree
Golden Decorated Yule-tree
Golden Egg
Golden-winged Column
Gondorian Bookshelf Couch
Gondorian Candelabra
Gondorian Candelabrum
Gondorian Chair
Gondorian Forge
Gondorian Landing
Gondorian Oven
Gondorian Serving Platter
Gondorian Stairs
Gondorian Steps
Gondorian Study
Gondorian Supplier Horn
Gondorian Trunk Table
Gondorian Workbench
Goose House
Grand Annúminas Stairs
Grand Curved Elven Stairs (Left)
Grand Curved Elven Stairs (Right)
Grand Elven Stairs
Grand Isengard Stairs
Grass-filled planter
Green Floating Lantern - Closed
Green Floating Lantern - Half-open
Green Floating Lantern - Open
Green Gift Box
Green Spring Flower Banner
Grey Dwarf-made Finial
Grey Dwarf-made Foyer Steps
Grocer's Pile of Crates
Gundabad Light Mirror
Gypsum Trophy on Pedestal
Haphazard Pile of Timber
Head of Azog Trophy
Heads of the Globsnaga Elders
Heavy Armour of the Vales
Hedgehog Burrow
Heraldry of the Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs
Herbalist Table
High Elf Visitor - Property Guard
High-back Gondorian Chair
High-back Gondorian Couch
High-back Lórien Chair
Hobbit Landing
Hobbit Snow-globe
Holbytla Landing
Hollin Gate Stairs
Homestead Barrel
Homestead Basket of Beets
Homestead Basket of Broccoli
Homestead Basket of Carrots
Homestead Basket of Cauliflower
Homestead Basket of Greens
Homestead Bucket
Homestead Chisel
Homestead Crate.
Homestead Growing Bean Pole
Homestead Growing Beet
Homestead Growing Broccoli
Homestead Growing Carrot
Homestead Growing Cauliflower
Homestead Growing Celery
Homestead Growing Cucumber
Homestead Growing Eggplant
Homestead Growing Gourd
Homestead Growing Head of Cabbage
Homestead Growing Lettuce
Homestead Growing Onion
Homestead Growing Pumpkin
Homestead Growing Pumpkins
Homestead Growing Red Lettuce
Homestead Growing Spinach
Homestead Growing Watermelon
Homestead Growing Watermelons
Homestead Harvested Beets
Homestead Harvested Pumpkin
Homestead Harvested Watermelon
Homestead Hay Bale
Homestead Hay Stack
Homestead Horseshoe
Homestead Large Growing Pumpkins
Homestead Large Growing Watermelons
Homestead Large Harvested Watermelon
Homestead Row of Broccoli Greens
Homestead Row of Growing Bean Poles
Homestead Row of Growing Beets.
Homestead Row of Growing Broccoli
Homestead Row of Growing Carrots
Homestead Row of Growing Cauliflower
Homestead Row of Growing Celery
Homestead Row of Growing Cucumber
Homestead Row of Growing Eggplant
Homestead Row of Growing Lettuce
Homestead Row of Growing Onions
Homestead Row of Growing Red Lettuce
Homestead Row of Growing Spinach
Homestead Stable
Homestead Work Table
Honey-cake Comb
Iced-over Brazier
Idol of the Eye
Ingredient Crate
Inn League Decorative Keg
Inn League Keg
Inn League Lamp
Inn League Sinister Keg
Intact Model of Minas Tirith
Iris Arrangement
Iron Brazier
Iron Candlestand
Isengard Landing
Isengard Stairs
Ivar's Banner
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Falling Down
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Headless
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Hunched Over
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Pointing Left
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Pointing Right
Ivy-covered Stone Troll - Sitting
Jasper Trophy on Pedestal
Járnfast Guard - Property Guard
Laden Butcher's Table
Laden Produce Table
Laden Tasting Table
Laketown Stairs
Laketown Steps
Lamp-post With Celebratory Yellow Banners
Large Annúminas Stairs
Large Basalt Basin
Large Basalt Basin - Stylized
Large Blacksmith's Anvil
Large Box of Cockscomb
Large Box of Gladdens
Large Dwarf-made Finial
Large Fire-pit
Large Gondorian Table
Large Isengard Stairs
Large Map Table
Large Pile of Books
Large Rohirric Cask
Large Sooty Furnace Pipes
Large Stack of Books
Large Storage Urn
Large Woodmen Totem
Leaf-blade Candlestand
Light Armour of the Vales
Light Green Fungal Bush
Light Green Fungal Grass
Lily-of-the-Valley Arrangement
Long Academic's Table
Long Arnorian Bench
Long Bench
Long Dwarf-make Table
Long Goblin-town Stairs
Long Laketown Stairs
Long Laketown Steps
Long Old Wooden Stairs
Long Picnic Blanket
Long Stairs of Thorin's Hall
Long Table
Long Wide Laketown Stairs
Long-burning Candlestand
Lossarnach Great-lily
Lossarnach Lily
Lost Lore: Abyss of Mordath
Lost Lore: Agarnaith
Lost Lore: Cirith Ungol
Lost Lore: Court of Seregost
Lost Lore: Dor Amarth
Lost Lore: Dwarves of Erebor
Lost Lore: Elves of Felegoth
Lost Lore: Ered Mithrin
Lost Lore: Ironfold
Lost Lore: Karazgar
Lost Lore: Lhingris
Lost Lore: Men of Dale
Lost Lore: Minas Morgul
Lost Lore: Mordor Besieged
Lost Lore: Naerband Prison
Lost Lore: Old Mad Ubb (Female Reader)
Lost Lore: Old Mad Ubb (Male Reader)
Lost Lore: Smaug
Lost Lore: Talath Úrui
Lost Lore: Tauralindalë
Lost Lore: Thuringwath
Lost Lore: Udûn
Low Violet Planter
Low-back Gondorian Chair
Láthbear with Stein
Lórien Chair
Mail Satchel
Mail Sorter
Male Mírdan Warrior Property Guard
Malformed Miniature Snow Ent
Malformed Snow Etten
Malformed Snow-wizard
Map Table
Medium Armour of the Vales
Medium Gondorian Table
Medium Woodmen Totem
Melted Beeswax Candle
Messy Scroll Pile
Messy Writing Table
Midsummer Flower Planter - Blue Flowers
Midsummer Flower Planter - Celebratory Arrangement
Misummer Garden Arch
Midsummer Garden Sculpture
Midsummer Stable
Midsummer Vase - Celebratory Arrangement
Midsummer Vase - Pink and Purple Arrangement
Minas Morgul Alchemy Bench
Minas Morgul Bone Casket - Closed
Minas Morgul Bone Casket - Open
Minas Morgul Table - Long
Minas Morgul Table - Small
Minas Morgul Tincture Supplies
Minas Tirith Landing
Minas Tirith Stairs
Minas Tirith Standing Lantern with Stained Glass
Minas Tirith Steps
Miniature Warg-rider
Mirkwood Soldier - Property Guard
Model Corsair Ship
Model Gondor Ship
Model Helcessar
Model Trader's Wharf Ship
Model of Mount Doom
Modest L-shaped Planter
Modest Tiered L-shaped Planter
Mordor Landing
Mordor Plinth
Mordor Stairs
Mordor Steps
Morgul Coffin
Morgul Vale Lost Lore Bookcase
Moria Geode
Moria Keg
Moria Ornamental Urn
Moria Sunrise Crystal Brazier
Narrow Angmarim Landing
Narrow Angmarim Ramp
Narrow Annúminas Landing
Narrow Annúminas Stairs
Narrow Dol Guldur Landing
Narrow Dol Guldur Stairs
Narrow Dol Guldur Steps
Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Flooded Deeps)
Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Moria)
Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Redhorn)
Narrow Dwarf-made Landing (Thorin's Hall)
Narrow Frosted Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Narrow Gondorian Landing
Narrow Gondorian Stairs
Narrow Gondorian Steps
Narrow Hobbit Landing
Narrow Isengard Landing
Narrow Isengard Stairs
Narrow Minas Tirith Landing
Narrow Minas Tirith Stairs
Narrow Minas Tirith Steps
Narrow Mordor Landing
Narrow Mordor Stairs
Narrow Mordor Steps
Narrow Osgiliath Landing
Narrow Osgiliath Stairs
Narrow Osgiliath Steps
Narrow Pristine Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Narrow Short Angmarim Ramp
Norcrofts Shield Rack
Obsidian Dwarf-make Bed
Obsidian Dwarf-make Chair
Obsidian Dwarf-make Desk
Old Wooden Stairs
Old Wooden Stairs with Landing (Left)
Old Wooden Stairs with Landing (Right)
Orc Skulls
Ornate Book Stand - Chronicle of the Third Age
Ornate Box Planter
Ornate Dwarf-made Chest
Ornate Dwarf-made Dais
Ornate Dwarf-made Finial
Ornate Elven Anvil
Ornate L-shaped Planter
Ornate Lórien Table
Ornate Planter
Osgiliath Landing
Osgiliath Stairs
Osgiliath Steps
Pastry Tower
Pedestal Plate of Lembas
Pig Pen
Pig in a Blanket
Pile of Gold Coins
Pile of Parcels
Pink Fungal Bush
Pink Fungal Grass
Plain Rohirric Chair
Plate of Lembas
Platter of Bread
Platter of Meats, Cheese, and Spreads
Platter of Roast Pheasant
Platter of Roast Pike
Platter of Roast Venison
Platter of Sliced Roast
Pointed Bed
Post With Celebratory Teal Streamers
Pot and Skillet
Potions Table
Potted Blue Hawfingers
Potted Golden Mallos
Potted Lilies
Potted Red Hawfingers
Precarious Stack of Books
Premium Ingredient Crate
Pristine Dwarf-made Landing (Mazarbul)
Pristine Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Pristine Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Public Outhouse
Purple Anniversary Firework Banner
Purple Firefly Lantern
Purple Floating Lantern - Closed
Purple Floating Lantern - Half-open
Purple Floating Lantern - Open
Purple Fungal Bush
Purple Spring Flower Banner
Purple Winter Celebration Banner
Quartz Trophy on Pedestal
Raised Goblin-town Stairs
Raised Old Wooden Stairs
Raised Planter of Cockscomb
Raised Planter of Purple Clover
Raised Planter of Rockroses
Raised Planter of White Clover
Raised Planter of Wild Clover
Red Canopy Bed
Red Chair
Red Chest
Red Floating Lantern - Closed
Red Floating Lantern - Half-open
Red Floating Lantern - Open
Red Gift Box
Red Long Chair
Red Poinsettia Yule Tree
Red Potted Huorn
Red Round Table
Red Stool
Red Table
Reed Vase
Reflection Pool
Relic Display Table
Remmenaeg's Armour
Replica Black Dwarf-made Sarcophagus
Replica Black Sarcophagus
Replica Detailed Black Sarcophagus
Replica Detailed Sarcophagus
Replica Dwarf-made Sarcophagus
Replica Hobgoblin Throne
Replica of a Simple Blood Orb
Replica of an Ornate Blood Orb
Replica of the Black Block
Replica of the Throne of Rohan
Replica of the Vandassar Undone
Replica Ornate Black Sarcophagus
Replica Ornate Sarcophagus
Resonant Mirror - Angled
Resonant Mirror - Rotated
Resonant Mirror - Vertical
Rich Gondorian Sleigh Bed
Rich Rohirric Bed
Rich Rohirric Sleigh Bed
Rivendell Candlestick
Rivendell Courtyard Statue
Rivendell Gazebo
Roast Bird Leg
Roast Chickens
Roast Dinner Plate
Roast Pig
Rohirric Bench
Rohirric Chair and Large Shield
Rohirric Chair and Shield
Rohirric Chair and Three Shields
Rohirric Chair and Two Shields
Rohirric Chair with Intricate Antlers
Rohirric Forge
Rohirric Oven
Rohirric Spike Barricade
Rohirric Study
Rohirric Wooden Cradle
Rohirric Workbench
Rohirrim Horse and Rider
Rohirrim Map Table
Rough Gondorian Bed
Rough Gondorian Sleigh Bed
Rough Rohirric Bed
Rough Rohirric Chair
Rough Rohirric Sleigh Bed
Round Table
Rounded Bed
Ruined Steps of Nûrz Ghâshu
Rustic Bench
Rustic Dining Chair
Rustic Table
Rusty Armour Pieces
Sabre-tooth Trophy
Saffron Arrangement
Sanguine Egg Sac
Saruman's Rings
Scattered Books
Scholar's Round Table
Scribe's Bookstand
Second Hall Column Before the Fall of Khazad-dûm
Seer's Dais
Seer's Orb
Servant of the First Crafter Statue
Set of Rohirric Casks
Shelob Statue
Shire Fireplace
Short Academic's Table
Short Angmarim Ramp
Short Stairs of Thorin's Hall
Short Table
Shrewmouse House
Silver Candelabra
Silver Candlestand
Silver Celebratory Outdoor Winter Tree
Silver Celebratory Winter Tree
Silver Decorated Outdoor Yule-tree
Silver Decorated Yule-tree
Silver Pedestal
Silver Wedding Urn
Silver Wedding Urn - Small
Simple Dwarf-made Finial
Simple Replica Arnorian Tomb
Simple Rohirric Chair
Singing Bowl of Tauralindalë
Sleeping Brown Cat
Sleeping Cat
Sleeping Grey Cat
Sliced Fruit Pie
Slimy Larvae
Small Alchemy Table
Small Bed
Small Beehive
Small Box of Cockscomb
Small Box of Gladdens
Small Curved Arnorian Bench
Small Dome Cage
Small Fire-pit
Small Gondor Table
Small Map Table
Small Mushroom Garden
Small Rich Rohirric Sideboard
Small Rohirric Ballista
Small Simple Rohirric Sideboard
Small Table of the Weaving Wood
Small Table
Snow-strider's Woven Deer
Spectral Visitor
Spider Egg Sacs
Spooky Chair
Spore Cloud
Stack of Books
Stangard Banner
Stately Malformed Snowman
Statue of Candaith
Statue of Luilloth
Statue of Mótsog
Steaming Bowl of Porridge with Berries
Steel Brazier
Steps of Nûrz Ghâshu
Steps of Thorin's Hall
Stone Troll - Falling Down
Stone Troll - Headless
Stone Troll - Hunched Over
Stone Troll - Pointing Left
Stone Troll - Pointing Right
Stone Troll - Sitting
Stonejaws Crystals - Irregular
Stonejaws Crystals - Short
Stonejaws Crystals - Small
Stonejaws Flowstone - Cascade
Stonejaws Flowstone - Cone
Stonejaws Flowstone - Pillar
Stonejaws Stalagmite - Large
Stonejaws Stalagmite - Large Crystals
Stonejaws Stalagmite - Small
Stonejaws Stalagmite - Small Crystals
Stonework Plinth
Stool - Vales of Anduin
Stoor Boots
Summerfest Bed
Sutcrofts Shield Rack
Swanfleet Map Table
Swanfleet Wall Map
Table of the Weaving Wood
Table with Sausage and Pretzels
Tabletop Mine Cart Display
Tall Dwarf-made Finial
Tall Gondorian Candelabra
Tall Iron Candlestand
Tall Replica Arnorian Tomb
Tall Stack of Books
Tapped Gondorian Keg
Tapped Gondorian Mini-keg
Tapped Rohirric Keg
Tapped Rohirric Mini-keg
Teal Anniversary Fireworks Banner
Tear and Share Pastry Platter
Tentacle of Helchgam
Thaguzg's Armour
The Blind One's Head
The Mirror of Mordirith
Thin Candelabra
Thin Woodmen Hitching Post
Thorin's Bust
Throne of Gondor - Replica
Throne of Night
Tiered Planter of Lively Ivy
Tiered Planter of Verdant Ivy
Tipped Bag of Coins
Tomb Marker
Tomb Marker - Trio
Toy Windmill
Training Dummy Stand
Training Snow-brawler
Travelled Treasure
Treasure Chest
Truffle Cluster
Tundra Bear Trophy
Tureen of Ranger's Secret Soup
Unhappy Snowman
Uruk Helmet with Stuffed Craban
Vase and Valuables
Vase of Cockscomb
Vase of Gladdens
Vase of Purple Clover
Vase of White Clover
Vase of Wild Clover
Visiting Banker
Visiting Barber
War of Three Peaks Map Table
Warg Trophy
Warrior's Wealth
Watcher - Cirith Ungol
Watcher - Stand
Watchful Seat of Meduseld
Water Trough
Well-loved Easel
Well-stocked Cellar Shelves
Well-stocked Pantry Shelves
Wheeled Chair
White Floating Lantern - Closed
White Floating Lantern - Half-open
White Floating Lantern - Open
White Hand Shield
White Poinsettia Yule Tree
White Potted Huorn
White Wicker Chair
White Wolf Trophy
White Wolf with Mug
Whiteshirt Cat on a Cushion
Wide Angmarim Stairs
Wide Angmarim Steps
Wide Annúminas Stairs
Wide Annúminas Steps
Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Flooded Deeps)
Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Moria)
Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Redhorn)
Wide Dwarf-made Stairs (Thorin's Hall)
Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Flooded Deeps)
Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Moria)
Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Redhorn)
Wide Dwarf-made Steps (Thorin's Hall)
Wide Frosted Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Wide Frosted Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Wide Isengard Stairs
Wide Isengard Steps
Wide Laketown Stairs
Wide Long Stairs of Thorin's Hall
Wide Pristine Dwarf-made Stairs (Mazarbul)
Wide Pristine Dwarf-made Steps (Mazarbul)
Wide Short Stairs of Thorin's Hall
Wide Steps of Thorin's Hall
Wild Pheasant Exhibit
Wildwood Banner
Windowsill Planter
Wine Rack
Wine Table
Winter Birdhouse
Winter-worm Trophy
Wold Shield Rack
Wolverine Trophy
Woodcutter's Stone Outbuilding
Wooden Armchair
Wooden Chair
Wooden Keg
Workman's Shed
Workman's Wheelbarrow
Wose-woven Basket
Woven Reed Rowboat
Yule Log
Zhélruka Warrior - Property Guard
Zidir-nesad Throne Replica