Item:Fall Festival Token

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Fall Festival Token
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Barter Item
  • "A token given to you for your participation in festival games."

Festival Information

This item is available during the Harvest Festival since 2007 as the main barter item for various rewards such as cosmetics, housing decorations and mounts.

This item can be obtained from a  Box of Festival Tokens.

You may also get lucky on gold Hobbit presents and get a  Large Box of Festival Tokens.

Quest Information

This item is a reward from all Harvest Festival quests.

Barter Information

Barterer: Bess Forester (Festival Grounds in Bree-land)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Fall Festival Token  Small Pumpkin
2 Fall Festival Tokens  Medium Pumpkin
3 Fall Festival Tokens  Large Pumpkin
 Beaver Festival Mask  Man Mask Token 12 Fall Festival Tokens

Barterer: Sawlo Puddifoot (The Party Tree in the Shire)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Fall Festival Token  Small Apple
2 Fall Festival Tokens  Medium Apple
3 Fall Festival Tokens  Large Apple
 Pumpkin Festival Mask  Hobbit Mask Token 12 Fall Festival Tokens

Barterer: Dýri (Thorin's Hall Inn in Ered Luin)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Fall Festival Token  Cracked Geode
2 Fall Festival Tokens  Pristine Geode
3 Fall Festival Tokens  Faultless Geode
 Bucket Festival Mask  Dwarf Mask Token 12 Fall Festival Tokens

Barterer: Malenfas (Duillond in Ered Luin)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Fall Festival Token  Unimpressive Scroll
2 Fall Festival Tokens  Well-written Scroll
3 Fall Festival Tokens  Elegant Scroll
 Rabbit Festival Mask  Elf Mask Token 12 Fall Festival Tokens

Barterer: Will Peartree (Horse trader at Hengstacer Farm in Bree-land)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Steed of the Anórien Autumn 60 Fall Festival Tokens
 Caparison of the Anórien Autumn 60 Fall Festival Tokens
 Steed of the Autumn Sun 30 Fall Festival Tokens
 Caparison of the Autumn Sun 30 Fall Festival Tokens
 Spooky Caparison of the Bat 30 Fall Festival Tokens

Barterer: Fall Festival Trader NPCs

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Cosmetic Clothing
 Harvest-brew Hat 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Circlet 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Cloak 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Hooded Cloak 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Long-sleeved Tunic & Trousers 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Short-sleeved Tunic & Trousers 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest-brew Dress 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Pipe Festival Mask 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Goblin Festival Mask 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Wrap of the Turning Leaves 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Cloak of the Falling Leaves 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Boar-head Festival Mask 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Raven Festival Mask 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Cloak of the Boar 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Cloak of the Raven 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Gown of Autumn Nights 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Tunic & Trousers of Autumn Nights 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Cloak of Autumn Nights 12 Fall Festival Tokens
Hand Held Cosmetics
 Beer Stein 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Basket of Apples 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Fall Gourd 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Pretzel 18 Fall Festival Tokens
Housing Items
 Láthbear with Stein 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Craban Perched on Stein 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Craban Drinking from Stein 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Table with Sausage and Pretzels 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Autumnal Apple Tree 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Haunted Tree 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Wooden Beaver Statue 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Giant Pumpkin 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Harvest Statue 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Goblin Statue 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Free Peoples' Flag 8 Fall Festival Tokens
 Scarecrow 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Sundial 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Autumn Welcome Mat 8 Fall Festival Tokens
 Painting of a Watchful Warg 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Painting of a Watchful Goblin 18 Fall Festival Tokens
 Map of Rivendell 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Map of Eregion 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Map of Enedwaith 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Map of Mirkwood 12 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Specimen Jars: Gross Bugs 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Applications of 'Coveritol' 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Buckets of Fear 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Potent Bird Seed 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Candles and Mirrors 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Black Silk Gloves 3 Fall Festival Tokens
5 Spider Legs 3 Fall Festival Tokens
 BOO! 12 Fall Festival Tokens
 Guide to the Cowbell 4 Fall Festival Tokens
Fall Festival Steeds
Essences and Legendary Items
 Essence Reclamation Scroll 140 Fall Festival Tokens
6 Imladris Fallen Leaf Dyes 10 Mithril Coins
6 Ashenslades Green Dyes 10 Mithril Coins
6 Autumn Leaf Dyes 20 Fall Festival Tokens
6 Twilight Purple Dyes 20 Fall Festival Tokens
Cosmetic Pets
 Tome of the Brown Bat 40 Fall Festival Tokens
 Tome of the Leaf-fall Kite 40 Fall Festival Tokens
 Tome of the Oaken Kite 40 Fall Festival Tokens
 Tome of the Gourd-lurker 40 Fall Festival Tokens