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Image of Celegdes
Title Wardens of Annúminas
Gender Female
Race Man
Region Evendim
Area Parth Aduial
Settlement Tinnudir (Keep)
Map Ref [12.0S, 68.0W]


Celegdes is a reputation vendor for the Wardens of Annúminas who is found at Tinnudir (Keep), in Evendim. Her name is Sindarin for "Lady of Swiftness".

She sells various items to characters who have attained sufficient reputation with the faction.


Item Standing Level Cost
 Evendim 14 Silver
 Evendim - Annúminas 14 Silver
 Evendim - Barandalf 14 Silver
 Evendim - Emyn Uial 14 Silver
 Forochel 14 Silver
 Traveller's Turnover Acquaintance Silver76 Copper
 Beef Turnover Recipe Friend 10 Silver
 Leaf-blade Candlestand Decoration Recipe Friend 16 Silver52 Copper
 Leaf-blade Chandelier Decoration Recipe Friend 16 Silver52 Copper
 Bracelet of the Trained Eye Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Dull Jewelled Earring Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Dúnedain Warrior's Bracer Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Elegant Silver Earring Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Etched Turquoise Earring Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Bracelet of Forgotten Tales Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Bracelet of Gentle Harmonies Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Bracelet of Harsh Truths Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Bracelet of Kings Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Bracelet of the Free Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Dúnedain Brawler's Bracer Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Dúnedain Stalker's Bracelet Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Dúnedain Watcher's Bracer Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Iron Hoop Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Polished Silver Warrior's Bracelet Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Sapphire Earring of Annúminas Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Shiny Copper Earring Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Simple Platinum Loop Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Solid Iron Hoop Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Solid Jade Hoop Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Stolen Tomb Robber's Earring Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Tiny Diamond Stud Friend 33 Silver64 Copper
 Warden's Earring Friend 46 137 Silver60 Copper
 Warden's Necklace Friend 40 128 Silver
 Arnorian Captain's Sword Ally 36 26 Silver16 Copper
 Arnorian Greataxe Ally 36 42 Silver56 Copper
 Dúnedain Singer's Sword Ally 36 26 Silver16 Copper
 Polished Arnorian Battle-gauntlets Ally 36 42 Silver56 Copper
 Reforged Dúnedain Hammer Ally 36 26 SilverCopper
 Reforged Dúnedain Knife Ally 35 26 Silver16 Copper
 Restored Arnorian Hunter's Blade Ally 36 26 Silver16 Copper
 Shield of Broken Sieges Ally 36 22 Silver24 Copper
 Shield of Númenórean Will Ally 36 20 Silver24 Copper
 Shield of the Fading West Ally 36 20 Silver24 Copper
 Shining Longsword of Annúminas Ally 36 22 Silver24 Copper
 Smooth Elven Runestone Ally 36 24 Silver16 Copper
 The Wall of Annúminas Ally 36 42 Silver56 Copper
 Warden's Signet Ally 47 139 Silver20 Copper
 Ancient Annúminas Statuette Kindred 40 55 Silver44 Copper
 Arnorian Commander's Halberd Kindred 40 67 Silver20 Copper
 Expertly Forged Arnorian Longsword Kindred 40 42 Silver60 Copper
 Healer's Buckler Kindred 50 144 Silver
 Misremembered Wizard's Staff Kindred 40 39 Silver60 Copper
 Pristine Arnorian Bow Kindred 40 63 Silver60 Copper
 Pristine Númenórean Cudgel Kindred 40 42 Silver48 Copper
 Reforged Dúnedain Battle-gauntlets Kindred 40 63 Silver84 Copper
 Rune-etched Arnorian Warhammer Kindred 40 42 Silver48 Copper
 Sage's Blade Kindred 50 144 Silver
 Silver Inlaid Arnorian Dagger Kindred 40 42 Silver60 Copper
 Spear of the Northern Peacemaker Kindred 40 36 Silver60 Copper
 Stone of the Blue Mountains Kindred 40 39 Silver60 Copper
 Warden's Wrap Kindred 50 144 Silver
 Prized Dark Chestnut Steed Kindred Gold64 Silver