Item:Bingo's Hatrack, Wildermore

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Bingo's Hatrack, Wildermore
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Barter Item
  • Decoration Category: Furniture, Yard, Mobile Yard
  • "This hatrack is home to Bingo's sun-hat, Tom Bombadil's hat, the hat of the Treasure-seeker Theodore Gorse, the hood of Spalvi, the hat of Ketill Mapmaker, the bow of Haldir, a bag with Adolinda's cookbook, Langhar's club, Egwylf's Spear, and Humfrey Rumming's basket of eggs."

Item Information

This is the eleventh stage of the Bingo's Hatrack progression.

Barter Information

Barterer: Bert Bartleby (Bingo Badge Barterer, near the east gate of Woodhurst in Stonedeans in West Rohan)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Bingo's Hatrack, Wildermore 5 Bingo Badges  Bingo's Hatrack, East Rohan

Barterer: Bert Bartleby (Bingo Badge Barterer, in Avardin in Dunland)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Bingo's Hatrack, West Rohan 5 Bingo Badges  Bingo's Hatrack, Wildermore
